Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Fluid biomarkers of traumatic brain injury and intended context of use,2016,6,4,ePub,Diaz-Arrastia Feature extraction in motor activity signal: towards a depression episodes detection in unipolar and bipolar patients,2019,9,1,e9010008,Celaya-Padilla Fatal immunohaemolysis after the consumption of the poison pax mushroom: a focus on the diagnosis of the paxillus syndrome with the aid of two case reports,2019,9,4,e9040130,Musshoff Prefrontal asymmetry during cognitive tasks and its relationship with suicide ideation in major depressive disorder: an fNRIS study,2019,9,4,e9040193,Lee Animal models of post-traumatic epilepsy,2020,10,1,e10010004,Huang Evaluation of BDNF as a biomarker for impulsivity in a psychiatric population,2020,10,6,e419,Kapczinski Diagnostic balance tests for assessing risk of falls and distinguishing older adult fallers and non-fallers: a systematic review with meta-analysis,2020,10,9,,Hofer Accurate diagnosis of suicide ideation/behavior using robust ensemble machine learning: a university student population in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) Region,2020,10,11,e956,Teismann Neurocognitive functioning and suicidal behavior in violent offenders with schizophrenia spectrum disorders,2020,10,12,e1091,Ruiz-Robledillo A comprehensive review of computer-aided diagnosis of major mental and neurological disorders and suicide: a biostatistical perspective on data mining,2021,11,3,e393,Mansourian Volumetric MRI analysis of brain structures in patients with history of first and repeated suicide attempts: a cross sectional study,2021,11,3,,Adomaitiene ICU-admission hyperphosphataemia is related to shock and tissue damage indicating injury severity and mortality in polytrauma patients,2021,11,9,e1518,Schmid Open globe injuries: classifications and prognostic factors for functional outcome,2021,11,10,e1851,Mayer Forensic value of genetic variants associated with anti-social behavior,2021,11,12,e22386,Oliva Parenchymal insults in abuse-a potential key to diagnosis,2022,12,4,955,Caré Detection of chronic blast-related mild traumatic brain injury with diffusion tensor imaging and support vector machines,2022,12,4,e987,Drake Can we use the Oculus Quest VR headset and controllers to reliably assess balance stability?,2022,12,6,e1409,Craig The role of forensic investigation in an unusual case of patricide by a schizophrenic woman involving dismemberment of a decomposed body,2022,12,7,e1577,Ricci Rapid prediction of retina stress and strain patterns in soccer-related ocular injury: integrating finite element analysis with machine learning approach,2022,12,7,e1530,Kaya Role of diffusion tensor imaging in the diagnosis of traumatic axonal injury in individual patients with a concussion or mild traumatic brain injury: a mini-review,2022,12,7,e1580,Jang Evaluation of post-hospital care of traumatic brain injury in children adolescents and young adults-a survey among general practitioners and pediatricians in Germany,2022,12,9,e2265,Käckenmester When the helmet is not enough: forensic multidisciplinary reconstruction of a deadly motorcycle accident,2022,12,10,e2465,D'Ovidio Association of in-hospital mortality and trauma team activation: a 10-year study,2022,12,10,e2334,Chen Model building in forensic psychiatry: a machine learning approach to screening offender patients with SSD,2022,12,10,,Kirchebner Risk factors for post-traumatic stress disorder after childbirth: a systematic review,2022,12,11,e2598,Amezcua-Prieto Human fall detection using 3D multi-stream convolutional neural networks with fusion,2022,12,12,e3060,Alanazi The role of autopsy and post-mortem investigations in falling traumas in the hospital environment,2022,12,12,e3168,Ricci Diagnostic methods in forensic pathology: a new sign in death from hanging,2023,13,3,e510,Oliva Incidence of intoxications in the emergency department of Galati Hospital with examples of cardiovascular effects of MDMA intoxication,2023,13,5,e940,Dragomir Diagnostics using the Change-of-Direction and Acceleration Test (CODAT) of the biomechanical patterns associated with knee injury in female futsal players: a cross-sectional analytical study,2023,13,5,e928,Ferrández-Laliena Detection of fatal potassium overdose: a case report and review of the literature,2023,13,7,,Simon Ai-based decision support system for traumatic brain injury: a survey,2023,13,9,,Najarian Review on the role of salivary biomarkers in the diagnosis of mild traumatic brain injury and post-concussion syndrome,2023,13,8,,Mavroudis Real-world driver stress recognition and diagnosis based on multimodal deep learning and fuzzy EDAS approaches,2023,13,11,,Khan An easy-to-use prehospital indicator to determine the severity of suspected heat-related illness: an observational study in the Tokyo metropolitan area,2023,13,16,,Kinoshita A virtual 3D multimodal approach to victim and crime scene reconstruction,2023,13,17,e2764,Jacobsen Machine learning algorithm predicts mortality risk in intensive care unit for patients with traumatic brain injury,2023,13,18,,Wang Complications arising from dental trauma incurred from falls involving geriatric patients: a case report,2023,13,19,,Arroyo Bote Progress in the diagnostic and predictive evaluation of crush syndrome,2023,13,19,,Luo Clinical and forensic investigation protocols for diagnosing abusive head trauma: a literature review,2023,13,19,,Ricci Advances in technologies in crime scene investigation,2023,13,20,,Sessa Maximizing the clinical value of blood-based biomarkers for mild traumatic brain injury,2023,13,21,e3330,Pinkhasov Blunt trauma in children: efficacy and safety of transarterial embolization 10-year experiences in a single trauma center,2023,13,21,e3392,Lee Correlation between time to hyperbaric oxygen therapy and delayed neurological sequelae in acute carbon monoxide poisoning patients,2024,14,2,e186,Han Pathological findings in hanging: is the traditional knowledge correct?,2024,14,3,e318,Cattaneo Self-inflicted laser-induced retinopathy,2024,14,4,,Gregori The role of large language models (LLMs) in providing triage for maxillofacial trauma cases: a preliminary study,2024,14,8,,Gabriele Sports-related pure orbital blowout fractures in Japan: differences in demographic and clinical characteristics between sports,2024,14,9,e913,Takahashi Abnormal static sagittal cervical curvatures following motor vehicle collisions: a retrospective case series of 41 patients before and after a crash exposure,2024,14,9,e957,Harrison Captive bolt gun-related vascular injury: a single center experience,2024,14,10,e977,Pešak Hypo-expression of flice-inhibitory protein and activation of the caspase-8 apoptotic pathways in the death-inducing signaling complex due to ischemia induced by the compression of the asphyxiogenic tool on the skin in hanging cases,2020,10,11,,Turillazzi Which Clinical and Biochemical Parameters Are Associated with Lifetime Suicide Attempts in Bipolar Disorder?,2022,12,9,,Di Paolo A comprehensive review on alcohol abuse disorder fatality from alcohol binges to alcoholic cardiomyopathy,2024,14,11,,Argo The stress index as a predictor of mortality in patients with isolated moderate to severe traumatic brain injury,2024,14,12,e1244,Hsieh Anxiety and mood disruption in collegiate athletes acutely following mild traumatic brain injury,2024,14,12,e1276,Ghajar Patients with severe trauma having an Injury Severity Score of 24 and above develop nutritional disorders,2024,14,12,e1307,Kinoshita Sociodemographic and Clinical Correlates Associated with the Frequent Service Users in an Italian Psychiatric Emergency Department,2023,13,3,,Berti