Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Early emotional trauma in alcohol-dependent men: prevalence associations and predictive value,2016,43,3,41-46,Donadon Pain-related quality of life related to mental health and sociodemographic indicators in adolescents,2017,44,3,67-72,Lee Epidemiological approach of alcohol intoxication in children and youth at the Centro de Controle de Intoxicacoes de Sao Paulo (Sao Paulo Intoxication Control Center) in the period from January 1993 through December 1997,2000,27,2,71-75,Scivoletto Suicide: Studies,2004,31,6,e306,Ramadam Psychiatric care for indigenous patients in the Amazonas State [2],2003,30,1,38-39,Ponte de Souza The hysterical blindness of Adolf Hitler: Record of a medical chart,2006,33,4,218-224,Köpf Thirty days at the shooting house. The strange case of Dr. Edmund Forster and Adolf Hitler,2006,33,5,276-285,Lewis Brazilian studies on religion and mental health: History and current perspectives,2007,34,Suppl 1,25-33,Dalgalarrondo Burnout syndrome and psychiatric disorders,2007,34,5,223-233,Hallak Near-death experience: Clinical implications,2007,34,Suppl 1,116-125,Greyson Alcohol in suicide victims in Sao Paulo,2008,35,Suppl 1,13-16,Leyton Quality of life in obsessive-compulsive disorder: A review,2008,35,1,13-19,Torres Lessons from an early account of convulsive therapy,2008,35,4,165-169,Bitter Depression and cancer,2009,36,Suppl 3,109-115,Bottino Long-term mortality after gastric bypass surgery,2009,36,2,83-84,Floresi Mental disorders quality of life and identity in middle-age and older homosexual adults,2010,37,3,118-123,Dalgalarrondo Aspects of psychiatric care for obese patients under bariatric treatment: A review,2011,38,4,148-154,Gordon Prevalence of depression in users of primary care settings,2012,39,6,194-197,Tomasi A (con)version of a stroke: A case report,2014,41,6,e161,Ribeiro Awareness of illness and suicidal behavior in delusional disorder patients,2014,41,6,156-158,González-Rodríguez Burden on relatives of people with psychic disorder: Levels and associated factors,2014,41,3,63-66,Tomasi Socio-demographic and clinical characteristics of pregnant and puerperal crackcocaine using women: Preliminary data,2014,41,5,121-123,Kapczinski A psychiatric perspective view of bariatric surgery patients,2015,42,5,122-128,Coelho Ten years after the FDA black box warning for antidepressant drugs: A critical narrative review,2016,43,3,60-66,Concha The choice of psychiatry as a specialty: Why do we need to pay attention?,2016,43,1,18-19,Chagas Changes in thyroid function status of suicidal patients,2018,45,1,12-14,Akhtar Mean platelet volume and neutrophil to lymphocyte ratio decrease in patients with depression with antidepressant treatment,2019,46,1,9-13,Oztürk Depressive disorder following withdrawal pregabalin: A case report,2020,47,6,218-219,Özmenler Prefrontal gray matter volume in adults bipolar I outpatients is associated with history of suicide attempts?,2020,47,6,187-191,De Oliveira Online challenges that emerge as a public health issue for adolescents: Assessment of psychiatric comorbidity and the importance of parenting,2021,48,6,245-249,Turan Suicide during COVID-19 infection - Case report and literature review,2021,48,6,231-234,Neagu An analysis of mental health crisis in university students,2022,49,1,89-97,Madina A eficácia do milnaciprano em pacientes ambulatoriais com transtorno depressivo maior não respondedores ao tratamento com ISRSs: um estudo aberto de 12 semanas,2010,37,6,241-245,Fleck A cegueira histérica de Adolf Hitler: histórico de um boletim médico,2006,33,4,218-224,Kõpf Adversidade na infância características psicológicas e problemas de saúde física: comparação entre obesos e não obesos,2011,38,5,194-200,Maia Álcool em vítimas de suicídio em São Paulo,2008,35,supl.1,13-16,Andreuccetti Abordagem epidemiologica das intoxicacoes alcoolicas em criancas e jovens em diversas circunstancias notificadas ao Centro de Controle de Intoxicacoes de Sao Paulo no periodo de janeiro de 1993 a dezembro de 1997,2000,27,2,71-5,Scivoletto Antipsicóticos atípicos e comportamento suicida em pacientes esquizofrênicos ou esquizoafetivos: [revisão],2010,37,5,228-232,Rocha Comportamento suicida no transtorno afetivo bipolar e características sociodemográficas clínicas e neuroanatômicas associadas,2013,40,6,220-224,Nery-Fernandes Cirurgia bariátrica e risco de suicídio,2009,36,2,77-78,Floresi Escalas psicométricas como instrumentos de rastreamento para depressão em estudantes do ensino médio,2012,39,1,24-27,Salle Estudos sobre religião e saúde mental realizados no Brasil: histórico e perspectivas atuais,2007,34,supl.1,25-33,Dalgalarrondo Estudos sobre a memória na depressão: achados e implicações para a terapia cognitiva,2004,31,2,82-90,Stein Lithium safety and tolerability in mood disorders: a critical review,2014,41,1,9-14,Machado-Vieira Relevância clínica de pesadelos em pacientes com transtorno depressivo,2006,33,4,183-187,Chellappa Suicídio: estudos fundamentais,2004,31,6,306,Ramadam Suicidio entre povos indigenas: um panorama estatistico brasileiro,2003,30,1,4-10,Lotufo Neto Transtornos mentais qualidade de vida e identidade em homossexuais na maturidade e velhice,2010,37,3,118-123,Dalgalarrondo Transtornos psiquiátricos no pós-parto,2010,37,6,288-294,Zambaldi Transtorno afetivo bipolar: carga da doença e custos relacionados,2008,35,3,104-110,Costa Transtorno bipolar do humor e gênero,2006,33,2,80-91,Kerr-Corrêa Trinta dias na casa de tiros: o estranho caso do Dr. Edmund Forster e Adolf Hitler,2006,33,5,276-285,Lewis Is there a relationship between thyroid hormone levels and suicide attempt in adolescents?,2020,47,5,130-134,Gokalp Evoluçäo no transtorno afetivo bipolar,1996,23,3,104-14,Tamada Alucinose alcoolica depressao e tentativa de suicidio,1995,22,2,61-6,Junge