Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Consequence analysis of high pressure hydrogen tank of a fuel cell vehicle in a fire,2017,56,2,123-126,Kim Safety-I and safety-II: theory and methodologies for human factors in safety ;; Safety-ⅠとSafety-Ⅱ:安全におけるヒューマンファクターズの 理論構造と方法論,2017,56,4,230-237,Komatsubara Characteristics of inhabitants' acceptance of weather and disaster information,2017,56,6,424-429,Honma Bayesian estimation of leak frequency for organic hydride hydrogen refueling stations,2017,56,4,245-254,木原 武弘 Movements of safety management in chemical plants -How to deal with the decline in on-site capabilities-;; 岐路にきた化学プラントの安全管理 ―現場力の低下にどう対応するか―,2017,56,1,8-17,Nakamura Estimations of flame propagation behaviours and blast wave in accidental gas explosions ;; ガス爆発事故における火炎伝播挙動と爆風圧の予測,2018,57,6,458-464,Kim Safety ship evacuation and preservation of maritime traffic at supernatural disaster occurrence -case of ship evacuation analysis of Osaka Bay when Typhoon Jebi attack- ;; 船舶避難行動解析による海上交通の保全・減災法の提案-平成30年台風21 号通過時における大阪湾の事例-,2018,57,6,477-484,Makino Labor accidents associated with flexible intermediate bulk containers due to static electricity and latest countermeasures ;; フレキシブルコンテナに関係した静電気災害と対策,2017,56,1,36-43,Yamaguma A knowledge extraction method for the prediction of incidents with low frequency of occurrence,2020,59,6,368-372,Kurahashi Mining for extraction of knowledge on safety engineering from incident reports,2020,59,6,373-378,Nakata Collection and measurements of flashback arrestor from industrial sites,2020,59,6,424-432,Yashima Dynamic relation between company policy and human error occurrence and its influence,2020,59,5,286-295,Takano Managerial accounting of measures for industrial safety ;; 安全対策に関する会計学的検討,2017,56,2,76-83,Makino On the risk education and the risk acceptance in Japan ;; 日本のリスク教育とリスク受容,2017,56,3,150,Katatani Towards safe automated driving systems ;; 安全な自動運転に向けて,2019,58,2,110-116,Itoh Traffic accidents and risk of elderly drivers 高齢ドライバーの交通事故とリスク,2017,56,3,151-158,Oshima Abstract contracts to ensure safe traffic environments surrounding automated vehicles,2018,57,3,216-227,Nishimura Fires in semi-underground tanks in Korea,2020,59,1,48-53,Koseki The espoused values of plant sites having good safety culture based on hierarchy interviews of safety competency third person assessment ;; 階層別インタビューに基づく安全文化優良事業所の価値観,2017,56,5,374-382,Takano How to use accident informations for your safety management -safety management learning from the Fukushima nuclear accident,2020,59,5,327-335,Nakamura Plant safety management learned from past natural disaster cases,2020,59,5,336-341,Kikuchi Science of explosion safety - risk assessments of gas explosion and dust explosion,2020,59,4,211-216,Dobashi "Fire at outdoortank storage" and "fire at equipment for lubricant manufacturing plant" 「屋外タンク貯蔵所火災」及び「潤滑油製造装置群火災」,2018,57,4,286-292,Higashiyama Challenge to the implementation of oxygen deficiency and utilization of wearable real-time oxygen deficiency indicator,2018,57,4,280-285,Hori Lesson on the management risk which exists in a background of an accident 6 ;; 事故の背景に存在する管理面の教訓 ― その 6 変更管理 ―(最終回),2018,57,4,293-300,Handa The feature of the landslides by the Hiroshima heavy rain on august 20 2014 ;; 平成26 年8 月20 日広島豪雨における土砂災害現象について,2018,57,1,22-27,Doshida Slope failure mechanism and prediction method by rainfall ;; 降雨に伴う土砂災害発生メカニズムとその予測手法,2017,56,6,463-469,Danjo State-of-the-art radar technology for weather disaster prediction ;; 気象災害予測のための最新のレーダー技術,2017,56,6,475-481,Adachi Mathematics models for accessing human health risks of chemical substances ;; 化学物質によるヒト健康リスク評価と数理モデル,2018,57,6,415-423,Yoshida Comprehensive concept of safety and security in automatic driving,2018,57,1,35-41,Sugihara Application of urban fire spreading simulation to the large fire in Itoigawa City,2018,57,1,48-55,Takanashi Factors analysis of marine accidents and its preventive measures based on TEM Model ;; TEM モデルを活用した海難事故の要因分析と防止策,2018,57,1,65-75,Takano Industry's voluntary activity in improving security capability ;; 保安力向上における産業界の自主的活動について,2019,58,4,229,Wakakura Development of risk assessment procedures for small and medium size enterprises,2019,58,4,236-243,Fukuda Safety culture in the manufacturing industry ;; 製造業における安全文化について ―その1 ―,2019,58,3,190-196,Arai Occupational safety and health issues of foreign workers in the construction industry - general contractor survey concerning foreign technical interns - ;; 建設業における外国人労働者の活用と労働安全衛生上の課題 ―元請業者対象の実態調査―,2018,57,3,228-236,Jian Risks and safety measures in snow removal work,2020,59,3,170-174,Kamimura Characteristics of manipulations by railway drivers who had made train stop position error at station - consideration based on driving performance data,2020,59,2,83-91,Suzuki Lessons learned from the buncefield oil storage depot fire -from the viewpoint of comparison with the recent major incidents in Japan- ;; 英国バンスフィールド火災事故の教訓 ―近年国内で発生した重大事故との比較の視点から―,2018,57,5,380-386,Shiraishi Strengthening risk communication and offering a sense of safety to consumers ;; リスクコミュニケーション強化と消費者への安心提供,2018,57,5,391-395,Makishima An experimental consideration on electrostatic discharges from abnormally charged bumpers having conductive primer layer ;; 導電性プライマー層をもつバンパーの異常帯電時における着火性放電の発生条件に関する実験的考察,2018,57,4,272-279,Yamaguma Public perceptions of the physical risks associated with fires and toxic-gas releases: a questionnaire survey ;; 化学プラント周辺住民のフィジカルハザードに係るリスク認知,2018,57,2,145-154,Ohtani Lesson on the management risk which exists in a background of an accident 4 ;; 事故の背景に存在する管理面の教訓 ―その4 設備管理・工事管理―,2018,57,2,167-174,Handa Construction of safe manufacturing system based on ISO 11161,2018,57,1,76-85,Fukuda A new energy security indicator including choke point risk ;; チョークポイントリスクを考慮したエネルギーセキュリティ指標,2018,57,3,237-245,Shimizu Accident prediction and risk assessment for petroleum refining process,2020,59,6,353-361,Kitamura Kerosene heater fire accident prevention by fool-proof design: consideration of safety design effective for reduction of kerosene leakage fire accident due to misuse by elderly people,2020,59,5,308-321,Fukuda Numerical and experimental evaluation of tsunami hydrodynamic force on structures of oil storage tanks ;; 石油タンク等の構造物に及ぼす津波流体力の評価,2019,58,1,16-22,Takagi Traffic accident risk of older pedestrians and necessity of safety education ;; 高齢歩行者の交通事故リスクと安全教育の必要性,2017,56,3,173-179,Kitamura Initial response of stakeholders in disaster areas of 2015 Kinu River Area ;; 2015 年鬼怒川水害の外力に対する被災地関係主体の初動応答,2017,56,6,470-474,Sakamoto Aspects and problems in recent meteorological disasters,2017,56,6,409-415,Misumi Evacuation intention of nearby residents in case of toxic gas release at a chemical plant,2020,59,2,92-102,Ohtani Introduction of a textbook for self studies "Railway technologies based on lessons learned from incidents and accidents" ;; 「事故に学ぶ鉄道技術」教材の紹介,2017,56,4,255-259,Ozawa A study on electrostatic hazards during handling volatile organic solvents - measurements of Electric Charge of pouring Liquid Through Ball-Valve and Mitigation Electric Charge;; 有機溶剤の取扱いにおける静電気危険性に関する研究 ―ボールバルブからの液体小分け時の電荷量測定および電荷軽減策の検討―,2017,56,5,362-373,Endo Environmental safety education applied to complicated and multiple research situation ;; 複雑多様化する研究現場に対応した環境安全教育,2017,56,4,238-244,Tsuji Evacuation of residents in refinery fire,2020,59,2,103-107,Shimada Explosion and fire occurred at printing ink raw material manufacturing factory,2020,59,2,123-126,Dept Intentional rule violation at the manufacturing site and a method to be reflected it in risk assessment,2020,59,1,2-7,Mukaidono Risk on the ground for laying high power electric cable between urban area of electric power transformer substation ;; 変電所間の都市部埋設大電力ケーブルの安全性を問う,2017,56,2,127-133,Gotoh S-A process chart and its application for identification and control of hazards ;; ハザードの同定と抑制策導出のための S-A プロセスチャートとその適用,2017,56,3,194-205,Sato Numerical method toward simulation of explosion at chemical plant ;; 化学プラント爆発事象再現へ向けた燃焼過程の解析技術,2018,57,6,465-470,Matsuo The succession of skills from the viewpoint of safety ;; 安全の観点から捉えた技能伝承の問題について,2017,56,2,99-106,Nakamura Risk communication with regard to process safety in Japan ;; プロセス安全に関するリスクコミュニケーションの実態,2018,57,5,346-353,Homma Concept of application to Japan the US-CSB: social management of accident knowledge,2019,58,1,50-59,Saigo The Japan meteorological agency's initiative to share risk awareness of meteorological disasters ;; 気象災害への危機意識を伝えるための気象庁・気象台の取り組み,2017,56,6,416-423,Kurauchi Improvement of independent safety measures in plant using AI · IoT ;; AI・IoT を活用したプラントにおける自主保安力の向上,2018,57,2,107-113,Soma Lesson on the management risk which exists in a background of an accident 3;; 事故の背景に存在する管理面の教訓 ―その3 運転管理―,2017,56,5,392-399,Handa Relationship between job position and safety culture survey results,2016,55,2,125-136,Takano Analytical study of safety education for chemical plant managers,2016,55,3,170-174,Shimizu Measures against new psychoactive substances,2016,55,3,189-194,Sasaki A study of the 2015 Tianjin hazardous materials warehouse fire: explosions firefighter heroism sacrifice,2016,55,3,195-204,Hiramatsu Preparedness and countermeasures for large-scale natural disasters,2016,55,3,163-169,Fujiwara Method of providing disaster information to foreign tourists visiting Japan,2016,55,3,182-188,Yamaguchi Reduction of traffic accidents by elderly drivers through promotion of advanced safety vehicles (ASVs) ;; 高齢運転者事故対策としての先進安全自動車の普及促進,2017,56,3,159-165,Taniguchi Safety education to teachers and schools 教育現場の安全教育,2018,57,3,186,Wada Agricultural safety and my aim,2017,56,1,27-35,Katayama Safety of unmanned aerial vehicles (drones) -the balance of the social benefit and risk,2016,55,4,237-243,拡也・加藤 晋 The causal model based on safety culture assessment results in petrochemical industry,2016,55,4,265-271,研一・東瀬 朗・高野 研一 Effects of terrors by the explosion of explosives and improvised explosive devices,2016,55,6,427-434,良男 Numerical simulation of structure destruction by blast waves,2016,55,6,435-440,Yoshida Multidisciplinary roundup of the comprehensive risk research,2019,58,6,460-463,Ono Risk communication to enable change: it's more than just telling about risks,2019,58,6,412-418,Uozaki Public acceptance survey on a hydrogen refuelling station providing its risk information,2019,58,6,426-432,Ono Introduction to safenology and its application to the safety management of chemicals,2019,58,5,299-304,Kitano "Risk based safety management": a prospect and safety activities in petro/petrochemical industries,2019,58,5,323-329,Ueda Problems of recall on consumer product and measures for resolution,2019,58,5,345-349,Hashizume Assessment of heat transfer to fire fighter uniform and skin and body,2019,58,3,149-153,Sugawa Development of on-site check points for industrial safety on the basis of accident cases,2019,58,3,154-161,Wada On corporate scandals about "hiding" of quality and safety problems,2019,58,3,168-178,Komatsubara Academic cooperation and information sharing on disaster reduction,2019,58,2,72-79,Yoda Outline of the training textbook for disaster response personnel in a petrochemical complex,2019,58,2,80-89,Yoshioka The effectiveness of safety activities including safety competency,2019,58,2,117-123,Makino Atmospheric simulation technology for safety / disaster prevention risk assessment,2019,58,1,6-11,Ohno Importance of factors other than tsunami influencing numerical simulation of debris drift,2019,58,1,23-28,Irie Estimation of overflow from oil storage tanks subjected to a seismic motion using a particle method,2019,58,1,29-35,Hashimoto Outline of the consequence assessment methods for the leakage of hazardous materials from chemical equipment,2019,58,1,36-49,Ishimaru A practical evaluation method for safety performance based on safety pyramid ratios ;; 「安全ピラミッド」を用いる安全実績評価の考え方,2018,57,3,251-255,Imaichi Lesson on the management risk which exists in a background of an accident 5;; 事故の背景に存在する管理面の教訓 ―その5 教育・訓練―,2018,57,3,256-263,Handa Analysis of accident information database on poisonous and deleterious substances for scenario construction of non-stationary releases of chemicals,2021,60,1,15-23,Kato Investigation of safety issues in explosion shock experiments and measures to reduce residual risks,2021,60,1,24-34,Tanaka Fires and leakage accidents due to natural disasters occurred in hazardous material facilities,2021,60,1,44-48,Nishi Approaches for deriving accident countermeasures caused by human error,2021,60,2,71-76,Komatsubara Forging a societal safety science,2021,60,2,77-84,Ozawa Experimental study on ignition test of electrostatic spraying gun for ignitable liquid coating materials,2021,60,2,85-92,Choi Dust explosion characteristics near the minimum explosible concentration,2021,60,2,101-108,Kuwana How to use accident informations for your company's safety -contribution of risk assessment for accident prevention,2021,60,2,121-130,Nakamura International standardization of verification and validation methods for testing skin injury tolerance for next generation machine safety in human interaction,2022,61,1,2-6,Fujikawa Porcine thigh finite element model for evaluation of bruise injuries,2022,61,1,15-19,Sato "International standard developing project " sponsored by Ministry of Economy Trade and Evaluation of biofidelity and study of simplification for a human-inspired safety dummy,2022,61,1,20-24,Yamada Fundamental analyses on industrial accidents in the construction industry,2022,61,1,35-44,Tamate Efficient method for evaluating risk regardless of risk criteria: development of risk evaluation method suitable for railway operator with wide business areas,2022,61,1,53-57,Yoshidome Understanding the regulations for safety -what engineers should know-,2022,61,2,81-88,Moriyama Explosion and fire characteristics of magnesium hydride powder,2022,61,2,102-112,Yashima Consideration on years of experience of workers in occupational accidents caused by power machinery -years of experience and age distribution of workers-,2022,61,2,125-132,Watanabe Effectiveness of hazard control measures by explosion door equipped on environmental test chambers -from results of thermal runaway experiment of lithium-ion secondary battery-,2022,61,2,149-155,Shibagaki Think about natural disaster risks that exceed expectations,2022,61,3,167,Nakamura Economic evaluation of safety measures [review],2022,61,3,168-176,Makino What were the differences between Japanese safety culture and international practices?,2022,61,3,177-185,Moriyama Influence of underground structures on diffusion behavior of hydrogen leaking from buried pipes,2022,61,4,234-243,Yamasaki A study on safety matter recording and analysis method,2022,61,4,256-263,Yumoto Thinking about the safety of daily life from a citizen's perspective as a user,2022,61,4,273-275,Munakata Trends in personal electronic and IoT devices in explosion proof atmospheric areas,2022,61,5,300-307,Noda Railway technology and safety legislation in Europe,2022,61,5,321-327,Mino Product safety programs in Amazon Japan,2022,61,5,348-351,Miura Operation system of machinery by using "mechanism" based on safety reporting concept,2023,62,1,57-61,Fukuda Management training to foster a good safety culture,2023,62,2,73-80,Kawano Toward the development of more effective firefighting methods: importance of fire extinguishing strategies,2023,62,2,100-106,Torikai A study on combustion behavior of liquid flammable substances from the viewpoint of fire extinguishing,2023,62,2,107-114,Yumoto Consideration of occupational accidents caused by existing non-conforming aging power machinery,2023,62,2,130-138,Watanabe