Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author A long-term study of offending in individuals diagnosed with a developmental language disorder as children,2009,11,3,171-179,Mouridsen Strengthening the quality of longitudinal research into cognitive-communication recovery after traumatic brain injury: A systematic review,2016,ePub,ePub,1-16,Power Human rights of refugee-survivors of sexual and gender-based violence with communication disability,2018,20,1,44-49,Marshall Fear of communicating fear versus fear of terrorism: a human rights violation or a sign of our time?,2018,20,1,26-33,Anyanwu Social communication following traumatic brain injury part I: state-of-the-art review of assessment tools,2019,21,2,115-127,MacDonald A systematic review of interventions for adults with social communication impairments due to an acquired brain injury: significant other reports,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Checklin Factors impacting educational outcomes for students with traumatic brain injury in BrainSTEPS,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Vaccaro The impact of climate-related disasters on children's communication and wellbeing: addressing sustainable development goals,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Curtin Interpersonal violence experienced by people with communication disabilities in Iraq: Sustainable Development Goals 16 and 5,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Jagoe Determining stability in connected speech in primary progressive aphasia and Alzheimer's disease,2018,20,3,361-370,Kane