Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author A program to improve reach estimation and reduce fall risk in the elderly,2016,1,2,e14,Gabbard Correspondence between simulator and on-road drive performance: implications for assessment of driving safety,2016,1,1,e1010008,Dawson General cognitive impairment as a risk factor for motor vehicle collision involvement: a prospective population-based study,2018,3,1,e3010011,McGwin Detection of risky driving behaviors in the naturalistic environment in healthy older adults and mild Alzheimer's disease,2018,3,2,e3020013,Davis Planning for a nondriving future: behaviors and beliefs among middle-aged and older drivers,2018,3,2,e3020019,Vivoda Falls in geriatric populations and hydrotherapy as an intervention: a brief review,2018,3,4,e3030071,Knight Age-related changes to eating and swallowing impact frailty: aspiration choking risk modified food texture and autonomy of choice,2018,3,4,e3040069,Cichero Driving decisions: distinguishing evaluations providers and outcomes,2018,3,2,e3030025,Carr Naturalistic driving: a framework and advances in using big data,2018,3,2,e3030016,Marshall Challenges for older drivers in urban suburban and rural settings,2018,3,2,e3030014,Lee Balance and gait of frail pre-frail and robust older Hispanics,2018,3,3,e3030042,Vieira Assessment of smart watches for management of non-communicable diseases in the ageing population: a systematic review,2018,3,3,e3030056,Gordon Characterisation of benzodiazepine use in an older population registered in family health units in the Region of Minho Portugal,2019,4,1,e4010027,Vilaça How well do seniors estimate distance to food? The accuracy of older adults' reported proximity to local grocery stores,2019,4,1,e4010011,Saelens The relationship of balance disorders with falling the effect of health problems and social life on postural balance in the elderly living in a district in Turkey,2019,4,2,e4020037,Değer Rapid cognitive decline and recurrent falls in a 71 year-old man due to cerebral amyloidangiopathy-related inflammation (CAA-RI),2019,4,4,e4040056,Dörr Associations of frailty status with low-mileage driving and driving cessation in a cohort of older drivers,2020,5,1,e19,Eby Feasibility and validity of a low-cost racing simulator in driving assessment after stroke,2020,5,2,e35,Carr The role of eye tracking technology in assessing older driver safety,2020,5,2,e36,Carr Age-related diseases and driving safety,2020,5,4,e80,Falkenstein Looking for the "little things": a multi-disciplinary approach to medicines monitoring for older people using the ADRe resource,2020,5,4,e79,Hughes The medical referral process and motor-vehicle crash risk for drivers with dementia,2020,5,4,e91,Peek-Asa Functional predictors for home discharge after hip fracture in patients living in sloped neighborhoods or islands: an 8-year retrospective cohort study,2020,5,4,e93,Urabe Virtual reality gait training to promote balance and gait among older people: a randomized clinical trial,2021,6,1,e1,Lee Knee extension strength measures indicating probable sarcopenia is associated with health-related outcomes and a strong predictor of 1-year mortality in patients following hip fracture surgery,2021,6,1,e8,Kristensen Investigating on-road lane maintenance and speed regulation in post-stroke driving: a pilot case-control study,2021,6,1,e16,Falkmer The Seniors' Community Hub: an integrated model of care for the identification and management of frailty in primary care,2021,6,1,e18,Dabravolskaj Assessing the determinants of the wish to die among the elderly population in Ghana,2021,6,1,,Schack Older adult willingness to use fully autonomous vehicle (FAV) ride sharing,2021,6,2,e47,Beck Proof of concept of novel visuo-spatial-motor fall prevention training for old people,2021,6,3,e6030066,Koppelaar The relationship between Modified Short Physical Performance Battery and falls: a cross-sectional study of older outpatients,2021,6,4,e106,Urabe Vietnamese version of the geriatric depression scale (30 items): translation cross-cultural adaptation and validation,2021,6,4,ee116,Nguyen The impact of pain on functionality postural control and fall risk in woman aged 45 to 64 years old,2022,7,1,,da Silva Comparative outcomes and surgical timing for operative fragility hip fracture patients during the COVID-19 pandemic: a retrospective cohort study,2022,7,4,e84,Rodriguez Frailty and associated factors among the elderly in Vietnam: a cross-sectional study,2022,7,4,e85,Huynh The lived experience of healthcare workers in preventing falls in community dwelling individuals with dementia,2022,7,5,e113,Deave Driving cessation: what are family members' experiences and what do they think about driving simulators?,2022,7,6,e126,Knoefel A study about a new standardized method of home-based exercise in elderly people aged 65 and older to improve motor abilities and well-being: feasibility functional abilities and strength improvements,2022,7,6,,Tancredi Autonomous shuttle operating on highways and gravel roads in rural America: a demonstration study,2022,7,6,,Carney Cross-sectional analysis of fall-related factors with a focus on fall prevention self-efficacy and self-cognition of physical performance among community-dwelling older adults,2023,8,1,e13,Hayashi Fall-related hospitalizations in elderly people: temporal trend and spatial distribution in Brazil,2023,8,2,e30,Ferreira Comprehensive geriatric care in older hospitalized patients with depressive symptoms,2023,8,2,,Kostev Health consequences of falls among older adults in India: a systematic review and meta-analysis,2023,8,2,,Biswas Colombian stakeholder perceptions and recommendations regarding fall detection systems for older adults,2023,8,3,,Avella-Rodríguez Prediction of in-hospital falls using NRS PACD Score and FallRS: a retrospective cohort study,2023,8,3,,Koch Prevalence and trends of slow gait speed in the United States,2023,8,5,e95,McGrath Oral frailty as a risk factor for fall incidents among community-dwelling people,2024,9,2,,Yokoyama The indirect costs of late-life depression in the United States: A literature review and perspective,2016,1,4,,Snow Factors associated with falls in community-dwelling older adults: a subgroup analysis from a telemergency service,2024,9,3,,Di Giulio