Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Traumatic brain injury in children and adolescents: academic and intellectual outcomes following injury,2006,14,3,125-140,Paulsen Myths and misconceptions about traumatic brain injury: endorsements by school psychologists,2006,14,3,171-182,Hooper Preventing problem behaviors in young children with disabilities,2008,16,2,78-92,Lambert Treatment of multiply controlled problem behavior with procedural variations of differential reinforcement,2005,13,1,45-53,Iwata Preschool traumatic brain injury: a review for the early childhood special educator,2006,14,3,155-170,Hooper Behavior problems in school and their educational correlates among children with traumatic brain injury,2006,14,3,141-154,Taylor Knowledge of traumatic brain injury among educators,2016,24,2,123-136,Ernst New Morbidity: Implications for Prevention of Children's Disabilities,1990,1,1,1-16,Baumeister