Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Assessing counselors' self-efficacy in suicide assessment and intervention,2015,6,1,58-69,Morris Evaluating the impact of creative journal arts therapy for survivors of intimate partner violence,2016,7,2,86-98,Vela Predicting treatment attrition for child sexual abuse victims: the role of child trauma and co-occurring caregiver intimate partner violence,2016,7,1,40-52,Daire Factors linked with increases in nonsuicidal self-injury,2016,7,1,3-20,Wester Meta-analysis of solution-focused brief therapy for treating symptoms of internalizing disorders,2016,7,1,21-39,Schmit Effects of the Girl Squad curriculum on grade 5 females' transition to middle school,2017,8,1,2-14,Schietz Assessing the factor structure of models for posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms in a war-related civilian sample,2018,9,2,90-101,Acquaye Exploring the Efficacy of Online Suicide Assessment Training in Counselor Education,2019,10,1,34-48,Goodrich