Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author The international law of human trafficking,2012,12,3,606-608,Obokata Hirsi Jamaa and Others v Italy or the Strasbourg Court versus Extraterritorial Migration Control?,2012,12,3,574-598,Moreno-Lax Rantsev v Cyprus and Russia: The European Court of Human Rights and trafficking as slavery,2010,10,3,546-557,Allain Austerity and the limits of policy-induced suffering: what role for the prohibition of torture and other ill-treatment?,2015,15,4,669-694,Oette Crime punishment and Article 3 ECHR: puzzles and prospects of applying an absolute right in a penal context,2015,15,4,721-743,Mavronicola The state obligation to prevent torture and other cruel inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment: the case of honour-related violence,2015,15,4,695-719,Grans Protecting the invisible: an intersectional approach to international human rights law,2017,17,4,633-663,de Beco Whose right to what life? Assisted suicide and the right to life as a fundamental right,2015,15,2,251-281,Tiensuu The call for the abolition of mental health law: The challenges of suicide accidental death and the equal enjoyment of the right to life,2018,18,4,651-688,Wilson The human right to suicide under international law,2021,21,3,641-670,Fellmeth The European Human Rights System and the Right to Life Seen through Suicide Prevention in Places of Detention: Between Risk Management and Punishment,2022,22,1,,Cliquennois