Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Predictors of suicide in adolescents and adults with mood and common comorbid disorders,2014,4,1,81-93,Apter Antisocial personality and bipolar disorder: Interactions in impulsivity and course of illness,2011,1,6,599-610,Swann Connection re-established: Neurotransmission between the medial prefrontal cortex and serotonergic neurons offers perspectives for fast antidepressant action,2011,1,2,165-177,Lucas Educating non-mental healthcare providers about suicide-risk assessment in adolescents,2012,2,4,267-270,Sher Importance of increasing the awareness of psychiatric consequences among caregivers in a cardiology setting,2012,2,6,463-465,Fosbol Suicide risk assessment tools predictive validity findings and utility today: Time for a revamp?,2013,3,5,483-495,Sareen Paternal and maternal bonding disparity in suicide,2016,6,6,351-361,Lee