Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Management of Cross-border Migration: Thailand as a Case of Net Immigration,2012,40,4,447-463,Chalamwong Labour Migration and Human Trafficking in Southeast Asia: Critical Perspectives,2013,41,2,226-227,Grillot Negotiating (in)dependency: social journeys of Vietnamese women to Cambodia,2010,38,6,933-947,Nguyen The Islamic divorce contract and a flawed axiom of masculine protectionism,2011,39,6,821-844,Mohamad Divorce in Asia,2011,39,6,721-723,Jones Resilience in post disaster societies: from crisis to development,2011,39,4,417-424,Brassard Vulnerability adaptation and resilience to floods and climate change-related risks among marginal riverine communities in metro Manila,2011,39,4,425-445,Porio Organizational collaborative capacities in disaster management: evidence from the Taiwan Red Cross Organization,2011,39,4,446-468,Allen Built back better? Housing reconstruction after the Tsunami disaster of 2004 in Aceh,2011,39,4,534-552,Kitzbichler Understanding parenting influence on Chinese university students' well-being,2017,45,4-5,465-482,Cui Spaces of violence in South Asian democracies: citizenship nationalist exclusion and the (il)legitimate use of force,2017,45,6,613-638,Gerharz Understanding violence strategising protection: perspectives from Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh,2017,45,6,639-665,Guhathakurta "We are the true citizens of this country": vernacularisation of democracy and exclusion of minorities in the Chittagong Hills of Bangladesh,2017,45,6,666-692,Bal Protection rackets and party machines: comparative ethnographies of "Mafia Raj" in North India,2017,45,6,693-723,Michelutti Between fear and hope at the Bangladesh-Assam border,2017,45,6,749-778,Hölzle The paradox of civil society: the case of Maluku Eastern Indonesia,2018,46,1-2,5-34,Qurtuby The Khmer Rouge ritual and control,2018,46,1-2,79-110,Delano Overcoming geographic penalties of inequality: the effects of distance-demolishing technologies on household well-being in Vietnam,2018,46,3,260-280,Brown Peasant sex workers in metropolitan China and the pivotal concept of money: a sociological investigation,2018,46,3,359-380,Lowe Learning from the South: a comparative study of judicial reforms in Argentina and the Philippines,2018,46,4-5,445-466,Ciocchini Vulnerability and response to cyclones in coastal Bangladesh: a political ecology perspective,2018,46,6,601-637,Afroz Security paradigms and social movements: the changing nature of Japanese peace activism,2018,46,6,725-747,Ogawa Pitilessly blocked futures and violently choked passions: a case for fatalistic suicide in understanding student suicide in South Korea,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Anderson Subsistence risk-taking and reciprocity among the Tanchangya in the Chittagong Hill Tracts Bangladesh,2022,50,1,27-34,Chakma Enforced reconciliation without justice: the absence of procedural retributive and restorative justice in the "Comfort Women" Agreement of 2015,2021,49,2,84-92,Chun Calculated passionate pious extremism: Beyond a rational choice theory of suicide terrorism,2010,38,3,394-415,Tosini How are suicide bombers analysed in mental health discourse? A critical anthropological reading,2010,38,3,379-393,Aggarwal Suicide bombers of Sri Lanka,2010,38,3,416-441,Somasundaram The alchemy of martyrdom: Jihadi salafism and debates over suicide bombings in the muslim world,2010,38,3,364-378,Hafez