Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author A Bela Adormecida: estudo com profissionais do sexo que atendem à classe média alta e alta na cidade de Goiânia ::: Sleeping Beauty: research into sex professionals who serve the upper middle class and upper class in Goiânia,2007,19,1,69-76,Lopes Prostitution clients: social representations of human trafficking,2015,27,2,280-289,Luis Fator acidentário de prevenção (fap) e nexo técnico epidemiológico previdenciário (ntep): indicadores para uma intervenção psicossocial,2016,28,1,145-150,Matos Conceptions of adolescents in situations of sexual violence,2016,28,1,74-83,Trabbold Suffering at work and the modern organizational collective imaginary: Suicidal ideation of a Brazilian bank worker,2011,23,2,359-368,Santos The invisibility of the relationship suicide and work,2012,24,3,739-740,de Oliveira Máximo Types and consequences of sexual abuse occurred in childhood and/or adolescence among students of the countryside of são paulo,2013,25,1,90-102,Teixeira-Filho Suicide and internet: Analysis of results in search tools,2014,26,1,63-73,Gomes