Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author The association between training load and injury risk in elite youth soccer players: a systematic review and best evidence synthesis,2021,7,1,e6,Stubbe Effect of low-intensity exercise on physical and cognitive health in older adults: a systematic review,2015,1,1,e37,Lee Injuries in netball-a systematic review,2021,7,1,e3,Callister Prohibiting headgear for safety in amateur boxing? Opinion of the Canadian boxing community: an online poll,2016,2,,19,Dickinson Implication of socio-demographics on cognitive-related symptoms in sports concussion among children,2016,2,1,e38,Holmes Musculoskeletal lower limb injury risk in army populations,2016,2,1,e22,Andersen Does relative age affect career length in North American professional sports?,2016,2,1,18,Baker The efficacy of exercise in preventing injury in adult male football: a systematic review of randomised controlled trials,2015,1,1,4,Porter Falls and injuries to Polo players: risk perception mitigation and risk factors,2015,1,1,2,Morgan Understanding action and adventure sports participation-an ecological dynamics perspective,2017,3,1,e18,Davids Observational review and analysis of concussion: a method for conducting a standardized video analysis of concussion in rugby league,2017,3,1,26,Iverson Physical characteristics of players within the Australian Football League participation pathways: a systematic review,2017,3,1,e46,Pyne Frequency of self-reported concussion amongst professional and semi-professional footballers in Ireland during the 2014 season: a cross-sectional study,2018,4,1,e4,Coffey A video review of multiple concussion signs in National Rugby League match play,2018,4,1,e5,Iverson Initial symptom presentation after high school football-related concussion varies by time point in a season: an initial investigation,2018,4,1,e8,Kerr Are youth sport talent identification and development systems necessary and healthy?,2018,4,1,e18,McKenna The use of sideline video review to facilitate management decisions following head trauma in super rugby,2018,4,1,e20,Makdissi Screening tools as a predictor of injury in dance: systematic literature review and meta-analysis,2018,4,1,e33,Armstrong Occurrence risk factors prognosis and prevention of swimming-induced pulmonary oedema: a systematic review,2018,4,1,e43,Spencer Follow-up efficacy of physical exercise interventions on fall incidence and fall risk in healthy older adults: a systematic review and meta-analysis,2018,4,1,e56,Arampatzis Is it really the result of a concussion? Lessons from a case study,2019,5,1,e8,Hume Verifying head impacts recorded by a wearable sensor using video footage in rugby league: a preliminary study,2019,5,1,e9,Caswell Objective classification of mTBI using machine learning on a combination of frontopolar electroencephalography measurements and self-reported symptoms,2019,5,1,e14,McNerney Winning at all costs: a review of risk-taking behaviour and sporting injury from an occupational safety and health perspective,2019,5,1,e15,Kelly Do equestrian helmets prevent concussion? A retrospective analysis of head injuries and helmet damage from real-world equestrian accidents,2019,5,1,e19,Gilchrist Current approaches to the use of artificial intelligence for injury risk assessment and performance prediction in team sports: a systematic review,2019,5,1,e28,Nassis The effect of resistance training interventions on 'the self' in youth: a systematic review and meta-analysis,2019,5,1,e29,Collins Inter-rater reliability in assessing exercise fidelity for the injury prevention exercise programme knee control in youth football players,2019,5,1,e35,Hägglund Assessment of physical activity indicators for children and youth in Ethiopia: evidence from the Global Matrix 3.0 Study (2017-2018),2019,5,1,e55,Okely The performance of the World Rugby Head Injury Assessment Screening Tool: a diagnostic accuracy study,2020,6,1,e2,Tucker Nordic walking training in elderly a randomized clinical trial. Part II: Biomechanical and metabolic adaptations,2020,6,1,e3,Pellegrini Quantifying the collision dose in rugby league: a systematic review meta-analysis and critical analysis,2020,6,1,e6,Hendricks The value of preseason screening for injury prediction: the development and internal validation of a multivariable prognostic model to predict indirect muscle injury risk in elite football (soccer) players,2020,6,1,e22,Riley The impact of health consciousness on the association between walking durations and mental health conditions after a disaster: a cross-sectional study,2020,6,1,e30,Nakaya The relationship between physical fitness attributes and sports injury in female team ball sport players: a systematic review,2020,6,1,e45,Milne Correction to: quantifying the collision dose in rugby league: a systematic review meta-analysis and critical analysis,2020,6,1,e50,Hendricks The effects of anticipation and visual and sensory performance on concussion risk in sport: a review,2020,6,1,e54,Perry Performance effects with injury prevention exercise programmes in male youth football players: a randomised trial comparing two interventions,2020,6,1,e56,Hägglund Recurrent and subsequent injuries in professional and elite sport: a systematic review,2020,6,1,e58,Mathema Physical conditioning strategies for the prevention of concussion in sport: a scoping review,2021,7,1,31,Patricios High school basketball coach and player perspectives on warm-up routines and lower extremity injuries,2021,7,1,34,Davis Injury patterns in collegiate club quidditch,2021,7,1,e44,Fox A cross-sectional study of retired great British Olympians (Berlin 1936-Sochi 2014): Olympic career injuries joint health in later life and reasons for retirement from Olympic sport,2021,7,1,e54,Palmer Vital and clinical signs gathered within the first minutes after a motorcycle accident on a racetrack: an observational study,2021,7,1,e59,Ortenwall Profiling combat sports athletes: competitive history and outcomes according to sports type and current level of competition,2021,7,1,e63,Harms Incidence of injuries illness and related risk factors in cross-country marathon mountain biking events: a systematic search and review,2021,7,1,e68,Lambert Screening tools as a predictor of injury in gymnastics: systematic literature review,2021,7,1,e73,Armstrong Can we go online for sports injury prevention? A systematic review of English-language websites with exercise-based sports injury risk reduction programmes,2021,7,1,e80,Mehta A case-control study of tackle-based head injury assessment (HIA) risk factors in the National Rugby League,2021,7,1,e84,Iverson Return to play in long-standing adductor-related groin pain: a Delphi study among experts,2022,8,1,e11,Eirale Might gendering ski binding settings be helpful for the prevention of ACL injuries among female recreational alpine skiers?,2022,8,1,e21,Ruedl Characteristics of complex systems in sports injury rehabilitation: examples and implications for practice,2022,8,1,24,Ardern Correction: analysis of the effect of injuries on match performance variables in professional soccer players: a retrospective experimental longitudinal design,2022,8,1,60,García-Calvo Influence of the COVID-19 lockdown and restart on the injury incidence and injury burden in men's professional football leagues in 2020: the UEFA Elite Club Injury Study,2022,8,1,67,Hägglund Machine learning for understanding and predicting injuries in football,2022,8,1,e73,Rees Prevalence and correlates of mental health symptoms and well-being among elite sport coaches and high-performance support staff,2022,8,1,e89,Purcell A validated injury surveillance and monitoring tool for fast jet aircrew: translating sports medicine paradigms to a military population,2022,8,1,e92,Wallace The clinical utility of the Child SCAT5 for acute concussion assessment,2022,8,1,104,Caswell Genetic variants within NOGGIN COL1A1 COL5A1 and IGF2 are associated with musculoskeletal injuries in elite male Australian Football League players: a preliminary study,2022,8,1,e126,Rogalski Clinical outcome following concussion among college athletes with a history of prior concussion: a systematic review,2022,8,1,e134,Iverson Trunk biomechanics in individuals with knee disorders: a systematic review with evidence gap map and meta-analysis,2022,8,1,e145,Pappas Epidemiology of football injuries of the German Bundesliga: a media-based prospective analysis over 7 consecutive seasons,2023,9,1,e20,Meyer Adherence to injury prevention exercise programmes in amateur adolescent and adult football: a detailed description of programme use from a randomised study,2023,9,1,e57,Hägglund Effects of physical activity interventions on strength balance and falls in middle-aged adults: a systematic review and meta-analysis,2023,9,1,e61,Adams Players' head coaches' and medical personnels' knowledge understandings and perceptions of injuries and injury prevention in elite-level women's football in Ireland,2023,9,1,e64,Blake Validity and reliability of methods to assess movement deficiencies following concussion: a COSMIN systematic review,2023,9,1,e76,Cole Risk factors for concussion in under 18 under 22 and professional men's rugby union: a video analysis of 14809 tackles,2023,9,1,e95,Kuroki Are we jumping to the wrong conclusions? Longer jumps and more hops in female football players who went on to sustain a primary or secondary ACL injury compared to those who did not,2023,9,1,e105,Hägglund The connection between resistance training climbing performance and injury prevention,2024,10,1,e10,Baláš The use of biofluid markers to evaluate the consequences of sport-related subconcussive head impact exposure: a scoping review,2024,10,1,e12,Wilson Association between total genotype score and muscle injuries in top-level football players: a pilot study,2024,10,1,e22,Massidda Metabolic consequences of anabolic steroids insulin and growth hormone abuse in recreational bodybuilders: implications for the World Anti-Doping Agency Passport,2024,10,1,e28,Šimunič Nominal differences in acute symptom presentation and recovery duration of sport-related concussion between male and female collegiate athletes in the PAC-12,2024,10,1,e31,Harmon Tackle risk factors for head injury assessments (HIAs) in sub-elite rugby league and recommendations for prevention: head contacts from upright tackles increase the HIA risk to both ball carrier and tackler,2024,10,1,e43,Iverson Design of customized mouthguards with superior protection using digital-based technologies and impact tests,2024,10,1,e64,Nasrollahzadeh Gym and fitness injuries amongst those aged 16-64 in New Zealand: analysis of ten years of Accident Compensation Corporation Injury Claim data,2024,10,1,e53,Hume Walking on a balance beam as a new measure of dynamic balance to predict falls in older adults and patients with neurological conditions,2024,10,1,e59,Hortobagyi Concussion and the sleeping brain,2024,10,1,e68,Resch Effects of a preseason neuromuscular training program vs. an endurance-dominated program on physical fitness and injury prevention in female soccer players,2024,10,1,e76,Granacher Response to "Comment on: Machine learning for understanding and predicting injuries in football",2024,10,1,e85,Rees Associations of sex and sport contact-level with recovery timelines among collegiate athletes with sport-related concussion,2024,10,1,e86,Wiebe Comment on: Machine learning for understanding and predicting injuries in football,2024,10,1,e84,Ward