Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Roads and cities of 18th century France,2015,2,,e150048,Barthélemy A protocol to convert spatial polyline data to network formats and applications to world urban road networks,2016,3,,160046,Karduni An improved database of coastal flooding in the United Kingdom from 1915 to 2016,2017,4,,170100,Brown The impact of new transportation modes on population distribution in Jing-Jin-Ji region of China,2018,5,,170204,Wang The downed and dead wood inventory of forests in the United States,2019,6,,e180303,Woodall Whole-exome sequencing data of suicide victims who had suffered from major depressive disorder,2019,6,,e190010,Palkovits Urban link travel speed dataset from a megacity road network,2019,6,1,e61,Guo CFTI5Med the new release of the catalogue of strong earthquakes in Italy and in the Mediterranean area,2019,6,1,e80,Valensise A multimodal dataset of human gait at different walking speeds established on injury-free adult participants,2019,6,1,e111,Moissenet Dataset of three-dimensional traces of roads,2019,6,1,e142,Ariza-López Temporary dense seismic network during the 2016 Central Italy seismic emergency for microzonation studies,2019,6,1,e182,Mascandola A dataset on human perception of and response to wildfire smoke,2019,6,1,e229,Pierce An updated and unified earthquake catalog from 1787 to 2018 for seismic hazard assessment studies in Mexico,2019,6,1,e241,Sawires A global wildfire dataset for the analysis of fire regimes and fire behaviour,2019,6,1,e296,San-Miguel-Ayanz All-hazards dataset mined from the US National Incident Management System 1999-2014,2020,7,1,e64,Balch ERA5-based global meteorological wildfire danger maps,2020,7,1,e216,San-Miguel-Ayanz A database of human gait performance on irregular and uneven surfaces collected by wearable sensors,2020,7,1,e219,Dennerlein A fine resolution dataset of accessibility under different traffic conditions in European cities,2020,7,1,e279,Dijkstra Database of Italian present-day stress indicators IPSI 1.4,2020,7,1,e298,Mariucci Estimation of global tropical cyclone wind speed probabilities using the STORM dataset,2020,7,1,e377,Aerts GDIS a global dataset of geocoded disaster locations,2021,8,1,e61,Buhaug Gutenberg Gait Database a ground reaction force database of level overground walking in healthy individuals,2021,8,1,e232,Horst A data citation roadmap for scholarly data repositories,2019,6,1,e28,Kennedy Crash and disengagement data of autonomous vehicles on public roads in California,2021,8,1,e298,Dixit An expert-curated global database of online newspaper articles on spiders and spider bites,2022,9,1,e109,Cardoso Surrounding road density of child care centers in Australia,2022,9,1,140,Wang CYCLANDS: Cycling geo-located accidents their details and severities,2022,9,1,e237,Roqué A high-speed railway network dataset from train operation records and weather data,2022,9,1,244,Wang California wildfire spread derived using VIIRS satellite observations and an object-based tracking system,2022,9,1,e249,Chen The Toronto older adults gait archive: video and 3D inertial motion capture data of older adults' walking,2022,9,1,e398,Taati Country-level fire perimeter datasets (2001-2021),2022,9,1,e458,Balch Simplifying complex fault data for systems-level analysis: earthquake geology inputs for U.S. NSHM 2023,2022,9,1,e506,Field Human and economic impacts of natural disasters: can we trust the global data?,2022,9,1,e572,Guha-Sapir Large-scale audio dataset for emergency vehicle sirens and road noises,2022,9,1,e599,Asif Laboratory modelling of urban flooding,2022,9,1,e159,Archambeau A highway vehicle routing dataset during the 2019 Kincade Fire evacuation,2022,9,1,e608,Nilsson So2Sat POP - a curated benchmark data set for population estimation from space on a continental scale,2022,9,1,e715,Wang The Altered States Database: psychometric data from a systematic literature review,2022,9,1,e720,Prugger An open database on global coal and metal mine production,2023,10,1,e52,Jasansky All-hazards dataset mined from the US National Incident Management System 1999-2020,2023,10,1,e112,Balch Policy relevant health related liveability indicator datasets for addresses in Australia's 21 largest cities,2023,10,1,e113,Giles-Corti A new kinematic dataset of lower limbs action for balance testing,2023,10,1,e209,Wang European multi regional input output data for 2008-2018,2023,10,1,e218,Huang Developing a large-scale dataset of flood fatalities for territories in the Euro-Mediterranean region FFEM-DB,2022,9,1,e166,Kreibich A revised landslide inventory of the Campania region (Italy),2023,10,1,e355,Calcaterra A physiological signal database of children with different special needs for stress recognition,2023,10,1,e382,Tarakcı Inventory of landslides triggered by an extreme rainfall event in Marche-Umbria Italy on 15 September 2022,2023,10,1,e427,Esposito Home-to-school pedestrian mobility GPS data from a citizen science experiment in the Barcelona area,2023,10,1,e428,Moro A decade of urban fires: Portuguese events between 2013 and 2022,2023,10,1,e569,Bispo KINECAL: a dataset for falls-risk assessment and balance impairment analysis,2023,10,1,e633,Maudsley-Barton Author Correction: Single-nucleus profiling of adult mice sub-ventricular zone after blast-related traumatic brain injury,2023,10,1,e670,Zhang City-scale vehicle trajectory data from traffic camera videos,2023,10,1,e711,Chen FollowNet: a comprehensive benchmark for car-following behavior modeling,2023,10,1,e828,Wang RescueNet: a high resolution UAV semantic segmentation dataset for natural disaster damage assessment,2023,10,1,e913,Rahnemoonfar Dataset of United States Incident Management Situation Reports from 2007 to 2021,2024,11,1,e23,Calkin An open dataset on individual perceptions of transport policies,2024,11,1,e104,Malleson Global seasonal prediction of fire danger,2024,11,1,e128,San-Miguel-Ayanz County-scale dataset indicating the effects of disasters on crops in Taiwan from 2003 to 2022,2024,11,1,e205,Shen HEvOD: a database of hurricane evacuation orders in the United States,2024,11,1,e270,Alemazkoor An integrated multi-source dataset for measuring settlement evolution in the United States from 1810 to 2020,2024,11,1,e275,Leyk A georeferenced dataset for mapping and assessing subgrade defects in China's high-speed railways,2024,11,1,e293,Li Dataset on the effects of psychological care on depression and suicide ideation in underrepresented children,2024,11,1,e304,Li A multimodal driver monitoring benchmark dataset for driver modeling in assisted driving automation,2024,11,1,e327,Dargahi Nobari Mapping road surface type of Kenya using OpenStreetMap and high-resolution google satellite imagery,2024,11,1,e331,Zhou A monthly gridded burned area database of national wildland fire data,2024,11,1,e352,Pausas A multimodal physiological dataset for driving behaviour analysis,2024,11,1,e378,Du The Imperial College Storm Model (IRIS) Dataset,2024,11,1,e424,Toumi A road surface reconstruction dataset for autonomous driving,2024,11,1,e459,Yang A global time series of traffic volumes on extra-urban roads,2024,11,1,e470,van Strien Experimental data on filling and emptying of a large-scale pipeline,2024,11,1,e603,Chen A Global Multi-Source Tropical Cyclone Precipitation (MSTCP) dataset,2024,11,1,e609,Morin A biomechanics and energetics dataset of neurotypical adults walking with and without kinematic constraints,2024,11,1,e646,Burdet EmoWear: wearable physiological and motion dataset for emotion recognition and context awareness,2024,11,1,e648,Rahmani CN+: vehicular dataset at traffic light regulated intersection in Bremen Germany,2024,11,1,e665,Forster The Canadian Fire Spread Dataset,2024,11,1,e764,Parisien Dataset of post-event survey of the 2024 Noto Peninsula Earthquake Tsunami in Japan,2024,11,1,e786,Suppasri A travel time matrix data set for the Helsinki region 2023 that is sensitive to time mode and interpersonal differences and uses open data and novel open-source software,2024,11,1,e858,Toivonen A MultiModal Vigilance (MMV) dataset during RSVP and SSVEP brain-computer interface tasks,2024,11,1,e867,Wei