Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Professionalism in the Juvenile Justice System Conceptual determinations and empirical indications,2012,95,1,1-17,Dollinger Corruptive behaviour as situational action: an integrated theoretical explanation of corruption from situational action theory's point of view,2012,95,5,331-347,Kammigan Testing propositions derived from the power-control theory,2012,95,5,307-330,Hirtenlehner Risk criminology,2012,95,4,252-268,Hoeffler Ladendiebstahlskriminalität von Jungen und Mädchen. (German) :: Juvenile Shoplifting and Gender. (English) ::,2012,95,5,307-330,Hirtenlehner An assessment of existing disadvantages faced by young criminal offenders in light of calls to strengthen German juvenile criminal law,2012,95,1,32-51,Kemme Professionalism in the juvenile justice system (English) :: Professionelles Handein im Kontext des Jugendstrafrechts. (German),2012,95,1,1-17,Dollinger Zur Rechtstatsäichlichkeit des Straftatbestandes Menschenhandel. (German),2007,90,5,374-387,Minthe Human trafficking human misery. the global trade in human beings,2010,93,5,405,Scheerer Menschen Handel. Wie der Sexmarkt strafrechtlich reguliert wird. (German),2010,93,2,172-175,Herz Terrorismus und politische Gewalt: Nutzen Präferenz und Zweckerwartung,2013,96,1,1-13,Armborst How reliable are official data for decision-making in prison?: Results from a comparison of official misconduct data with self-reported violence byinmates inside young offender institutions,2014,97,4,280-293,Wolter Disciplinary measures in the German juvenile penal system: Results of an inquiry among the federal states as well as a longitudinal study about the juvenile penal system in North Rhine-Westphalia and Thuringia,2015,98,1,1-15,Ernst