Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Scoring the strengths and weaknesses of underage drinking laws in the United States,2015,7,1,28-58,Romano Tough on drugs: law and order dominance and the neglect of public health in U.S. drug policy,2014,6,4,375-394,Neill Addressing the consequences of school closure due to CoViD-19 on children's physical and mental well-being,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Miller Statewide covid-19 stay-at-home orders and population mobility in the United States,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Jacobsen How do you solve a problem like Maria? The politics of disaster response in Puerto Rico Florida and Texas,2022,14,3,490-506,Willison Violence and unintentional injuries: A global epidemic,2013,5,2,93-95,Nicogossian Safer Cyberspace Through Legal Intervention: A Comparative Review of Cyberbullying Legislation,2016,8,4,458-477,Yang Elevated Rates of Violence Victimization and Suicide Attempt Among Transgender and Gender Diverse Patients in an Urban Safety Net Health System,2021,13,2,176-198,Dunn