Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author The views of lesbian gay and bisexual youth regarding computerised self-help for depression: an exploratory study,2013,12,1,22-33,Merry Suicide exposure awareness and attitudes in college students,2013,12,1,46-53,Cerel Longitudinal analysis of the emotion self-confidence model of suicidal ideation in adolescents,2013,12,1,34-45,Love Editorial: On deliberate self-harm and emergency departments,2013,12,1,2-7,Martin Looking on the bright side: an assessment of factors associated with adolescents' happiness,2014,12,2,101-109,Robinson Mental health stigma update: a review of consequences,2014,12,3,202-215,Seacat Staff experiences of providing support to students who are managing mental health challenges: a qualitative study from two Australian universities,2014,12,3,192-201,McAllister There is a lot to it: being a mother and living with a mental illness,2014,12,3,167-181,Perera Characterizing suicide-related self-disclosure by peer specialists: a qualitative analysis of audio-recorded sessions,2022,20,2,170-180,Pfeiffer Gatekeeper training for caregivers and professionals: A variation on suicide prevention,2010,9,1,98-104,Swanke Preventing suicides in prison settings - The role of mental health promotion policies and programs,2010,9,3,255-262,Awofeso Transcultural mental health care issues of Ethiopian immigration to Israel,2010,9,3,277-287,Haim The effects of need for autonomy and preference for seeking help from informal sources on emerging adults' intentions to access mental health services for common mental disorders and suicidal thoughts,2011,10,1,29-38,Wilson Alive and Kicking Goals!: Preliminary fi ndings from a Kimberley suicide prevention program,2012,10,3,240-245,McKay Cross cultural education in suicide prevention: Development of a training resource for use in Central Australian Indigenous communities,2012,10,3,224-234,Taylor The girl least likely - A linguistically informed media case review,2012,10,2,190-194,Li Use of the Westerman Aboriginal Symptoms Checklist - Youth (WASC-Y) to screen for mental health problems in Indigenous youth in custody,2012,10,3,235-239,Stathis The emotion self-confi dence model of suicidal ideation,2012,10,3,246-257,Deeley Giving voice to those bereaved by suicide: The 'nothing prepared me for this' project1,2013,11,3,213-222,Flynn Living beyond Aboriginal suicide: Developing a culturally appropriate and accessible suicide postvention service for Aboriginal communities in South Australia,2013,11,3,238-245,Hawke Risk assessment and risk management: Developing a model of shared learning in clinical practice,2013,11,2,157-162,Jones Suicide bereavement and the media,2013,11,2,204-206,Beaton Suicide bereavement and stigma for young people in rural Australia: A mixed methods study,2015,13,1,84-95,McKay An aboriginal youth suicide prevention project in rural Victoria,2016,14,2,118-125,Sutton Front-line worker perspectives on indigenous youth suicide in central Australia: Initial treatment and response,2016,14,2,106-117,Kuipers The Jekkora group: An aboriginal model of early identification and support of persons with psychological distress and suicidal ideation in rural communities,2016,14,2,96-105,Sutton Suicide first aid guidelines for assisting persons from immigrant or refugee background:A Delphi study,2018,16,2,105-116,Colucci Suicide/self-harm-risk reducing effects of an Aboriginal art program for Aboriginal prisoners,2018,16,2,141-151,Rasmussen Looking for the 'active ingredients' in a men's mental health promotion intervention,2019,17,2,135-145,Pirkis Feasibility evaluation of the HOLLY program: an ACT-based suicide prevention program for Christian faith-based organisations,2020,18,2,115-130,Bazley Suicide prevention gatekeeper training for those supporting refugees and asylum seekers: perspectives of participants,2021,19,3,260-271,Ferguson A rapid review to determine the suicide risk of separated men and the effectiveness of targeted suicide prevention interventions,2022,20,3,184-199,Krysinska Effects of context on perceptions of the language of suicide,2023,21,2,165-178,Howell