Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Escalated aggression in animal models: shedding new light on mesocorticolimbic circuits,2015,3,,90-95,Miczek The dual-hormone hypothesis: a brief review and future research agenda,2015,3,,163-168,Mehta The interpersonal nature of power and status,2015,3,,152-156,Smith Social norms and social influence,2015,3,,147-151,Crandall Cooperation in the brain: neuroscientific contributions to theory and policy,2015,3,,117-121,Sanfey Mimicry: causes and consequences,2015,3,,112-116,Chartrand Understanding ordinary unethical behavior: why people who value morality act immorally,2015,3,,107-111,Gino The three R's of trust,2015,3,,102-106,Dayan Promoting cooperation in the field,2015,3,,96-101,Kraft-Todd Culture and social behavior,2015,3,,84-89,Henrich Compassion and altruism: how our minds determine who is worthy of help,2015,3,,80-83,DeSteno The neuroeconomics of strategic interaction,2015,3,,73-79,Coricelli Understanding cultural differences in human behavior: a cultural neuroscience approach,2015,3,,68-72,Han From moral concern to moral constraint,2015,3,,58-62,Cushman Social influence and the brain: persuasion susceptibility to influence and retransmission,2015,3,,51-57,Falk Intergroup biases: a focus on stereotype content,2015,3,,45-50,Fiske Neurobiological mechanisms of social attachment and pair bonding,2015,3,,38-44,Young The nonverbal communication of emotions,2015,3,,25-30,Tracy Social mindfulness and social hostility,2015,3,,18-24,van Lange Intergroup schadenfreude: motivating participation in collective violence,2015,3,,12-17,Cikara Attachment and pairbonding,2015,3,,7-11,Finkel The neural pathways development and functions of empathy,2015,3,,1-6,Decety Systems genetics of behavior: a prelude,2015,2,,108-115,Mulligan Key issues in contemporary behavioral genetics,2015,2,,89-95,Crusio Recent quantitative genetic research on psychotic experiences: new approaches to old questions,2015,2,,81-88,Ronald Using DREADDs to investigate addiction behaviors,2015,2,,69-72,Neumaier Biological pathways and networks implicated in psychiatric disorders,2015,2,,58-68,Posthuma The genetics of social hierarchies,2015,2,,52-57,Sandi Genetic factors underlying attention and impulsivity: mouse models of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder,2015,2,,46-51,Kobayashi The utility of zebrafish as a model for behavioural genetics,2015,2,,34-38,Bonan Memory integration: neural mechanisms and implications for behavior,2015,1,,1-8,Schlichting From model-based perceptual decision-making to spatial interference control,2015,1,,72-77,Forstmann Prioritising the relevant information for learning and decision making within orbital and ventromedial prefrontal cortex,2015,1,,78-85,Walton Uncorking the bottleneck of crowding: a fresh look at object recognition,2015,1,,86-93,Herzog The structure of reinforcement-learning mechanisms in the human brain,2015,1,,94-100,O'Doherty Executive control and decision-making in the prefrontal cortex,2015,1,,101-106,Domenech Evidence for direct cognitive control of fixation durations during reading,2015,1,,107-112,Reingold Cognitive control in depression and anxiety: out of control?,2015,1,,113-120,Paulus Neural mechanisms of response inhibition,2015,1,,64-71,Stuphorn Limitations on visual information processing in the sleep-deprived brain and their underlying mechanisms,2015,1,,56-63,Chee Neural systems supporting navigation,2015,1,,47-55,Spiers The cognitive neuroscience of visual short-term memory,2015,1,,40-46,Postle Functions of the human frontoparietal attention network: evidence from neuroimaging,2015,1,,32-39,Scolari Multiple gates on working memory,2015,1,,23-31,Chatham Recent advances in understanding neural systems that support inhibitory control,2015,1,,17-22,Banich Primate models of interference control,2015,1,,9-16,Watanabe Cognitive motor deficits in cannabis users,2017,13,,1-7,Filbey Stress and decision making: effects on valuation learning and risk-taking,2017,14,,33-39,Delgado From attachment to independence: stress hormone control of ecologically relevant emergence of infants' responses to threat,2017,14,,78-85,Sullivan Modeling risky decision-making in nonhuman animals: shared core features,2017,16,,23-29,Heilbronner Dysregulation of brain stress systems mediates compulsive alcohol drinking,2017,13,,85-90,Koob Understanding mixed emotions: paradigms and measures,2017,15,,62-71,Gross Short-term memory for spatial sequential and duration information,2017,17,,20-26,Husain Differential effects of negative emotion on memory for items and associations and their relationship to intrusive imagery,2017,17,,124-132,Bisby It's not (only) the mean that matters: variability noise and exploration in skill learning,2018,20,,183-195,Sternad Functions of medial hypothalamic and mesolimbic dopamine circuitries in aggression,2018,24,,104-112,Yamaguchi Concepts goals and the control of survival-related behaviors,2018,24,,172-179,Barrett Circadian and epigenetic control of depression-like behaviors,2019,25,,15-22,Sato Threat-related disorders as persistent motivational states of defense,2019,26,,62-68,Schiller Epigenetic perpetuation of the impact of early life stress on behavior,2019,28,,1-7,Mathews Distributed semantic representations for modeling human judgment,2019,29,,31-36,Bhatia How to study the neural mechanisms of multiple tasks,2019,29,,134-143,Cole Colour vision helps distinguish light from material,2019,30,,15-20,Kingdom Individual differences and their implications for color perception,2019,30,,28-33,Webster Circadian rhythms in the blind,2019,30,,73-79,Allen Ideologies that justify political violence,2020,34,,107-111,Webber The political significance of fragile masculinity,2020,34,,25-28,Knowles From tripping and falling to ruminating and worrying: a meta-control account of repetitive negative thinking,2024,56,,e101356,Frank