Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Delivering integrative restoration-yoga nidra meditation (iRest®) to women with sexual trauma at a veteran's medical center: a pilot study,2014,24,,53-62,Pence Bridging body and mind: considerations for trauma-informed yoga,2018,28,1,39-50,Brems The influence of trauma-informed yoga (TIY) on emotion regulation and skilled awareness in sexual assault survivors,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Nicotera Yoga and mindfulness intervention for concussion recovery,2023,33,2023,Article 1,Devore Peer support groups integrated with trauma-sensitive yoga for women survivors of sexual violence: a feasibility study and qualitative examination,2024,34,2024,Article 1,Nguyen-Feng Tailoring Trauma-Sensitive Yoga for High-Risk Populations in Public-Sector Settings,2021,31,1,Article_15,Kaslow