Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author "How many times did I not want to live a life because of him": the complex connections between child sexual abuse disclosure and self-injurious thoughts and behaviors,2021,8,1,e1,Alaggia An eye-tracking study of interpersonal threat sensitivity and adverse childhood experiences in borderline personality disorder,2021,8,1,e2,Bertsch Gender differences in aggression of borderline personality disorder,2015,2,1,1-12,Bertsch Personality disorders and violence: what is the link?,2015,2,,12,Howard Rejection sensitivity and symptom severity in patients with borderline personality disorder: effects of childhood maltreatment and self-esteem,2015,2,,4,Bohus The impact of posttraumatic stress disorder on the symptomatology of borderline personality disorder,2016,3,,7,Kleindienst Women with exposure to childhood interpersonal violence without psychiatric diagnoses show no signs of impairment in general functioning quality of life and sexuality,2016,3,,E13,Ludäscher A systematic review on the relationship between antisocial borderline and narcissistic personality disorder diagnostic traits and risk of violence to others in a clinical and forensic sample,2016,3,,14,Lowenstein Affective instability and impulsivity predict nonsuicidal self-injury in the general population: a longitudinal analysis,2016,3,,17,Marwaha Mental illness and violent behavior: the role of dissociation,2017,4,,2,Brand Anger and aggression in borderline personality disorder and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder - does stress matter?,2017,4,,6,Ende Health related quality of life and psychopathological distress in risk taking and self-harming adolescents with full-syndrome subthreshold and without borderline personality disorder: rethinking the clinical cut-off?,2017,4,,e7,Resch Aetiological pathways to borderline personality disorder symptoms in early adolescence: childhood dysregulated behaviour maladaptive parenting and bully victimisation,2017,4,,e10,Wolke The role of DSM-5 borderline personality symptomatology and traits in the link between childhood trauma and suicidal risk in psychiatric patients,2017,4,,e12,Fjeldsted Trauma-related emotions and radical acceptance in dialectical behavior therapy for posttraumatic stress disorder after childhood sexual abuse,2017,4,,e15,Kleindienst The impact of borderline personality disorder and sub-threshold borderline personality disorder on the course of self-reported and clinician-rated depression in self-harming adolescents,2017,4,,e22,Mehlum A prospective longitudinal study of men with borderline personality disorder with and without comorbid antisocial personality disorder,2017,4,,25,Tremblay Effectiveness of step-down versus outpatient dialectical behaviour therapy for patients with severe levels of borderline personality disorder: a pragmatic randomized controlled trial,2018,5,,e12,Vansteelandt A whole of school intervention for personality disorder and self-harm in youth: a pilot study of changes in teachers' attitudes knowledge and skills,2018,5,,17,Grenyer Differentiating BPD in adolescents with NSSI disorder: the role of adverse childhood experiences and current social relationships,2018,5,,e20,Resch Longitudinal associations between non-suicidal self-injury and borderline personality disorder in adolescents: a literature review,2019,6,,e3,Schmidt A research programme to evaluate DBT-PTSD a modular treatment approach for Complex PTSD after childhood abuse,2019,6,,e7,Bohus Self-reported impulsivity in women with borderline personality disorder: the role of childhood maltreatment severity and emotion regulation difficulties,2019,6,,e6,Ende It's the thought that counts: belief in suicide as an escape moderates the relationship between emotion dysregulation and suicidal ideation cross-sectionally and longitudinally,2019,6,,e16,Hamdullahpur Narcissistic traits in young people: understanding the role of parenting and maltreatment,2020,7,,e10,Grenyer Does treatment method matter? A meta-analysis of the past 20 years of research on therapeutic interventions for self-harm and suicidal ideation in adolescents,2020,7,,e9,Ougrin Childhood maltreatment is associated with distrust and negatively biased emotion processing,2021,8,1,e5,Niedtfeld Stimulating research on childhood adversities borderline personality disorder and complex post-traumatic stress disorder (editorial),2021,8,1,e11,Krause-Utz Linking experiences of child sexual abuse to adult sexual intimate partner violence: the role of borderline personality features maladaptive cognitive emotion regulation and dissociation,2021,8,1,e10,Krause-Utz Maladaptive behaviours in adolescence and their associations with personality traits emotion dysregulation and other clinical features in a sample of Italian students: a cross-sectional study,2021,8,1,e14,Lanfredi Psychosocial functioning in adolescents with non-suicidal self-injury: the roles of childhood maltreatment borderline personality disorder and depression,2021,8,1,21,Resch Psychometric properties of the Persian version of the inventory of statements about self-injury (ISAS),2021,8,1,e27,Storch Suicidal ideation self-injury aggressive behavior and substance use during intensive trauma-focused treatment with exposure-based components in adolescent and young adult PTSD patients,2022,9,1,e1,Renneberg To thine own self be true: interoceptive accuracy and interpersonal problems,2022,9,1,e6,D'Andrea The mediating role of complex posttraumatic stress and borderline pattern symptoms on the association between sexual abuse and suicide risk,2022,9,1,e13,Bisson Anger instability and aggression in borderline personality disorder - an ecological momentary assessment study,2022,9,1,e29,Schmahl Differential associations between childhood maltreatment types and borderline personality disorder from the perspective of emotion dysregulation,2023,10,1,e4,Newhill Body modifications in borderline personality disorder patients: prevalence rates link with non-suicidal self-injury and related psychopathology,2023,10,1,e7,Perroud Frequency and correlates of lifetime suicidal ideation and suicide attempts among consecutively hospitalized youth with anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa: results from a retrospective chart review,2023,10,1,e10,Correll Individuals with and without child maltreatment experiences are evaluated similarly and do not differ in facial affect display at zero- and first-acquaintance,2023,10,1,e17,Niedtfeld Borderline personality disorder features and their relationship with trauma and dissociation in a sample of community health service users,2023,10,1,e22,Ross Sub-threshold or full-syndrome borderline personality disorder in adolescents with recurrent self-harm - distinctly or dimensionally different?,2023,10,1,e26,Mehlum The relationship between mood disorders personality disorder and suicidality in adolescence: does general personality disturbance play a significant role in predicting suicidal behavior?,2023,10,1,e32,Fonagy Psychometric properties of the Hungarian childhood trauma questionnaire short form and its validity in patients with adult attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder or borderline personality disorder,2023,10,1,e33,Lakatos Psychotropic medication use among adolescents participating in three randomized trials of DBT,2024,11,1,e5,Mehlum Psychotherapy for suicidal patients with borderline personality disorder: an expert consensus review of common factors across five therapies,2014,1,1,,Brodsky Euthanasia and assisted suicide in patients with personality disorders: A review of current practice and challenges,2020,7,1,,Kramer Understanding chronic feelings of emptiness in borderline personality disorder: a qualitative study,2021,8,1,,Grenyer Effect of comorbid ADHD on mortality in women with borderline personality disorder,2022,9,1,,Gerdin On the interplay of borderline personality features childhood trauma severity attachment types and social support,2022,9,1,35,Lis Dialectical behaviour therapy skills reconsidered: applying skills training to emotionally dysregulated individuals who do not engage in suicidal and self-harming behaviours,2020,7,,e3,Spillane Borderline personality disorder and attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder in adolescence: overlap and differences in a clinical setting,2020,7,,e7,Sharp Transdiagnostic skills training group of dialectical behavior therapy: a long-term naturalistic study,2023,10,1,,Weibel