Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author 16 PF profile of schizophrenics with and without criminal record,2010,55,4,351-357,Tripathi Globalization Threatened Identities Coping and Well-Being,2010,55,4,313-322,Sharma Content Analysis of the Fears of Elderly People,2010,55,4,308-312,Hervé Predicting Substance Abuse in a Sample of Nigerian Undergraduate Students: The Role of Core Self-evaluations and Delay of Gratification,2011,55,4,299-307,Abikoye Domesticated poly-violence against women during the 2020 Covid-19 lockdown in South Africa,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Nduna Is the risk behaviour related to the ordinary driving violations?,2021,66,1,26-35,Palmiero Gender differences in solving moral dilemmas: emotional engagement care and utilitarian orientation,2020,65,4,360-369,Ferlazzo Coping competence mindfulness and well-being of Indian adolescents,2020,65,4,531-535,Padhy Towards a peaceful society: job involvement of personnel of the Nigerian police and some human activator variables,2020,65,2,115-123,Ogunyemi Psychological distress and its associated factors among school-going adolescents in Tanzania,2020,65,2,174-181,Peltzer Predictors of somatic symptomatology in war-affected youth in northern Uganda: findings from the WAYS Study,2020,65,2,182-190,Amone-P'Olak News editors' views about suicide and suicide stories in Ghana,2020,65,1,1-8,Boakye Exploring definition of cyberbullying and its forms from the perspective of adolescents living in Pakistan,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Iqbal Mental fitness: psychological warfare from battlefield to playground,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Idaya Rani Intergenerational trauma in the context of the 1947 India-Pakistan Partition,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Kaur Moderating role of work support in stressor-burnout relationship: an empirical investigation among police personnel in India,2017,62,1,85-97,Kumar Practices and Outcomes of Promoting the Competencies of Psychological Assistance Professionals in Defeating the COVID-19 Pandemic,2021,66,3,361-368,You