Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Spiritual well-being and depressive symptoms in female African American suicide attempters: mediating effects of optimism and pessimism,2014,6,4,276-283,Kaslow The relationships between religious coping and mental and physical health among female survivors of intimate partner violence in Israel,2017,9,Suppl 1,S70-S78,Abu-Raiya Decreased drinking and Alcoholics Anonymous are associated with different dimensions of spirituality,2017,9,Suppl 1,S40-S48,Jester Longitudinal differences in spirituality and religiousness between men and women in treatment for alcohol use disorders,2017,9,Suppl 1,S11-S21,Krentzman Religious sexual minorities belongingness and suicide risk: does it matter where belongingness comes from?,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Larsen Religiosity religious fundamentalism and perceived threat as predictors of Muslim support for extremist violence,2018,10,4,345-355,Beller PTSD religious coping and interpersonal antecedents of suicidal desire among military veterans: An initial examination of moderation models,2020,12,3,304-310,Currier Spirituality and Suicidal Behavior: The Mediating Role of Self-Forgiveness and Psychache,2020,12,1,36-44,Hirsch Adolescent Suicide Ideation in Utah: The Role of Religion and Family,2022,14,1,86-96,Dyer Refining Research on the Intersection Between Sexual Orientation Suicide and Religiosity,2022,14,2,179-188,Dyer Religious/Spiritual Struggles and Suicidal Ideation in the COVID-19 Era: Does the Belief in Divine Control and Religious Attendance Matter?,2022,14,3,338-350,Upenieks Spiritual Struggles and Suicidal Ideation in Veterans Seeking Outpatient Treatment: The Mediating Role of Perceived Burdensomeness,2022,14,2,229-236,Raines