Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Outcomes and correlates of major depression in 11 disaster studies using consistent methods,2021,11,1,e4,North A nosological exploration of PTSD and trauma in disaster mental health and implications for the COVID-19 pandemic,2021,11,1,e7,North Measuring the changes in aggregate cycling patterns between 2003 and 2012 from a space syntax perspective,2014,4,3,278-300,Law Psychological distress and post-traumatic symptoms following occupational accidents,2013,3,4,587-600,Kimble Functional perspectives on emotion behavior and cognition,2013,3,4,536-540,Lench Definition of impulsivity and related terms following traumatic brain injury: a review of the different concepts and measures used to assess impulsivity disinhibition and other related concepts,2014,4,4,352-370,Kocka Objective Neuropsychological Deficits in Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and Mild Traumatic Brain Injury: What Remains Beyond Symptom Similarity?,2014,4,4,471-486,Guay Specificity of cognitive and behavioral complaints in post-traumatic stress disorder and mild traumatic brain injury,2015,5,1,43-58,Guay The impact of childhood emotional abuse and experiential avoidance on maladaptive problem solving and intimate partner violence,2015,5,2,154-175,Bell Resilience in physically abused children: protective factors for aggression,2015,5,2,176-189,Holmes Rumble: prevalence and correlates of group fighting among adolescents in the United States,2015,5,2,214-229,Vaughn Childhood sexual violence and consistent effective contraception use among young sexually active urban women,2015,5,2,230-246,Nelson Teachers' perceptions of bullying of lesbian gay bisexual transgender and questioning (LGBTQ) students in a southwestern Pennsylvania sample,2015,5,2,247-263,Kolbert "Bad romance": links between psychological and physical aggression and relationship functioning in adolescent couples,2015,5,2,305-323,Burk Is black always the opposite of white? An investigation on the comprehension of antonyms in people with schizophrenia and in healthy participants,2015,5,1,93-112,Ferlazzo An experimental examination of the interaction between mood induction task and personality psychopathology on state emotion dysregulation,2015,5,1,70-92,Naugle Alcohol abuse mediates the association between baseline T/C ratio and anger expression in intimate partner violence perpetrators,2015,5,1,113-120,Moya-Albiol Developing the PTSD Checklist-I/F for the DSM-IV (PCL-I/F): assessing PTSD symptom frequency and intensity in a pilot study of male veterans with combat-related PTSD,2015,5,1,59-69,Surís Measuring physical neighborhood quality related to health,2015,5,2,190-202,Evans Latino veterans with PTSD: a systematic review,2014,4,3,320-340,Pittman Prescribing clinicians' perspectives on evidence-based psychotherapy for posttraumatic stress disorder,2014,4,4,410-422,Friedman Ethnic differences in personality disorder patterns among women veterans diagnosed with PTSD,2014,4,1,72-86,C'de Baca The impact of precaution and practice on the performance of a risky motor task,2013,3,3,316-329,Boyer The search for cognitive terminology: an analysis of comparative psychology journal titles,2013,3,1,133-142,Abramson Mill and mental phenomena: critical contributions to a science of cognition,2013,3,2,217-231,Bistricky Psychiatric disorders and substance use in homeless youth: a preliminary comparison of san francisco and chicago,2012,2,3,186-194,Karnik Types of relational aggression in girls are differentiated by callous-unemotional traits peers and parental overcontrol,2015,5,4,518-536,Fanti Impulsivity and stillness: NADA pharmaceuticals and psychotherapy in substance use and other DSM 5 disorders,2015,5,4,537-546,Carter Attitudes and perceptions of suicide and suicide prevention messages for Asian Americans,2015,5,4,547-564,Klimes-Dougan Adolescent pornography use and dating violence among a sample of primarily Black and Hispanic urban-residing underage youth,2015,6,1,e6010001,Rothman Traumatic brain injury in United States Operation Enduring Freedom/Operation Iraqi Freedom (OEF/OIF) Hispanic veterans-a review using the PRISMA method,2016,6,1,e6010003,Arriola Dating violence among high-risk young women: a systematic review using quantitative and qualitative methods,2016,6,1,bs6010007,Connolly Advances in environmental psychology,2015,5,3,384-387,Nasar Young love: romantic concerns and associated mental health issues among adolescent help-seekers,2016,6,2,e6020009,Hides Sex-specific effects of childhood poverty on neurocircuitry of processing of emotional cues: a neuroimaging study,2016,6,4,e6040028,Evans Examining the relationship between economic hardship and child maltreatment using data from the Ontario Incidence Study of Reported Child Abuse and Neglect-2013 (OIS-2013),2017,7,1,bs7010006,Fallon Social support religious involvement and alcohol use among students at a conservative religious university,2017,7,2,e7020034,Thompson Does growing up in urban compared to rural areas shape primary emotional traits?,2017,7,3,ePub,Montag Map sensitivity vs. Map dependency: a case study of subway maps' impact on passenger route choices in Washington DC,2017,7,4,e7040072,Xu Psychological predictors of sexual intimate partner violence against Black and Hispanic women,2017,8,1,e8010003,Assari Bystander programs: accommodating or derailing sexism?,2017,7,4,e65,Dundes Dancing with gravity-why the sense of balance is (the) fundamental,2018,8,1,e8010007,Fuchs The relationship between self-reported executive functioning and risk-taking behavior in urban homeless youth,2018,8,1,e8010006,Hunter Extreme overvalued beliefs: how violent extremist beliefs become "normalized",2018,8,1,e8010010,Rahman Violence exposure and mental health of college students in the United States,2018,8,6,e8060053,Assari "Good Guys Don't Rape": Greek and non-Greek college student perpetrator rape myths,2018,8,7,e8070060,Jozkowski What does it mean to be a young African woman on a university campus in times of sexual violence? A new moment a new conversation,2018,8,8,e8080067,de Lange Exploring definitions and prevalence of verbal sexual coercion and its relationship to consent to unwanted sex: implications for affirmative consent standards on college campuses,2018,8,8,e8080069,Pugh Mining for posttraumatic growth (PTG) in sexual minority women who survive intimate partner violence: a conceptual perspective,2018,8,9,e8090077,Counselman-Carpenter Measurement of mood states following light alcohol consumption: evidence from the implicit association test,2018,8,9,bs8090079,Ito Ethical concerns in sport: when the will to win exceed the spirit of sport,2018,8,9,e8090078,Vargas-Mendoza Moral judgment: an overlooked deficient domain in multiple sclerosis?,2018,8,11,e8110105,Ayache A critical exploration of child-parent attachment as a contextual construct,2018,8,12,e8120112,Lai The brain resting-state functional connectivity underlying violence proneness: is it a reliable marker for neurocriminology? A systematic review,2019,9,1,e9010011,Gracia Education attainment and alcohol binge drinking: diminished returns of Hispanics in Los Angeles,2019,9,1,e9010009,Assari A brief report of sexual violence among universities with NCAA Division I athletic programs,2019,9,2,e9020017,Jozkowski "Like death is near": expressions of suicidal and homicidal ideation in the blog posts of family caregivers of people with dementia,2019,9,3,e9030022,O'Dwyer Associations between feminine gender norms and cyber dating abuse in female adults,2019,9,4,e9040035,Navarro Suicidal ideation in bereavement: a systematic review,2019,9,5,e9050053,Prigerson Is sertraline a good pharmacological strategy to control anger? Results of a systematic review,2019,9,5,e9050057,Moya-Albiol The Bulgarian Version of the Multidimensional Driving Style Inventory: psychometric properties,2019,9,12,e9120145,Totkova The role of parental communication and emotional intelligence in child-to-parent violence,2019,9,12,e9120148,Martínez-Ferrer High school dropout rates of Japanese youth in residential care: an examination of major risk factors,2020,10,1,e10010019,Ozawa Involvement in physical fights among school attending adolescents: a nationally representative sample from Kuwait,2020,10,1,e29,Shaikh Reliability and validity of a method for assessment of executive functions in drivers,2020,10,1,e37,Totkova Assessing mothers' postpartum depression from their infants' cry vocalizations,2020,10,2,e55,Manian Interconnection between driving style traffic locus of control and impulsivity in Bulgarian drivers,2020,10,2,e58,Totkova Empathy mediates the relations between working memory and perpetration of intimate partner violence and aggression,2020,10,3,e63,Babcock Brief exposure to infants activates social and intergroup vigilance,2020,10,4,e72,Cheon Comparing psychopathological symptoms in Portuguese football fans and non-fans,2020,10,5,e85,Costa Sociodemography geography and personality as determinants of car driving and use of public transportation,2020,10,6,e93,Sprei Is all dating violence equal? Gender and severity differences in predictors of perpetration,2020,10,7,e118,O'Leary Impulsivity and empathy in dating violence among a sample of college females,2020,10,7,e117,Sesar Details of the contents of paranoid thoughts in help-seeking adolescents with psychotic-like experiences and continuity with bullying and victimization: a pilot study,2020,10,8,e122,Pisano Prevalence of worry-induced sleep disturbance and associated factors among a national sample of in-school adolescents in Lebanon,2020,10,10,e148,Peltzer Relationship between psychological factors and social support after lifting of evacuation order in Fukushima Prefecture Japan,2020,10,10,e149,Kuroda Drivers' braking behavior affected by cognitive distractions: an experimental investigation with a virtual car simulator,2020,10,10,e150,Marini Cyber and offline dating abuse in a Portuguese sample: prevalence and context of abuse,2020,10,10,e152,Caridade Delta event-related oscillations are related to a history of extreme binge drinking in adolescence and lifetime suicide risk,2020,10,10,e154,Bernert Self-rated depressive symptoms in children and youth with and without cerebral palsy: a pilot study,2020,10,11,e167,Asano The prevalence and correlates of suicidal ideation plans and suicide attempts among 15- to 69-year-old persons in Eswatini,2020,10,11,e172,Peltzer The impacts of the presence of an unfamiliar dog on emerging adults' physiological and behavioral responses following social exclusion,2020,10,12,e191,Weiss Predictors of anxiety-induced sleep disturbance among in-school adolescents in Ghana: evidence from the 2012 Global School-Based Health Survey,2021,11,2,e20,Ahinkorah Problems and needs persist for Oklahoma City bombing survivors many years later,2021,11,2,e19,Pfefferbaum A critical review of effective child mass trauma interventions: what we know and do not know from the evidence,2021,11,2,e25,Pfefferbaum Substance use among street-connected children and adolescents in Ghana and South Africa: a cross-country comparison study,2021,11,3,e28,Asante Associations between news media coverage of the 11 September attacks and depression in employees of New York City area businesses,2021,11,3,e29,North School climate and responsibility as predictors of antisocial and prosocial behaviors and violence: a study towards self-determination theory,2021,11,3,,Valero-Valenzuela Journalistic denial of death during the very first traumatic period of the Italian CoViD-19 pandemic,2021,11,3,,Solomon The association between child and parent psychiatric disorders in families exposed to flood and/or dioxin,2021,11,4,,North Differential experiences of mental health among transgender and gender-diverse youth in Colorado,2021,11,4,e48,Kattari Pandemic and typhoon: positive impacts of a double disaster on mental health of female students in the Philippines,2021,11,5,e64,Cueto Motor vehicle collisions during adolescence: the role of alexithymic traits and defense strategies,2021,11,6,,Cerniglia Eating disorders and suicidal behaviors in adolescents with major depression: insights from the US hospitals,2021,11,5,,Patel Effects of a mindfulness and acceptance-based program on intimate relationships in a youth sample: a randomized controlled trial,2021,11,6,e11060084,Rosales-Villacrés Autonomous vehicles and vulnerable road-users-important considerations and requirements based on crash data from two countries,2021,11,7,e101,Haworth Social and mental health impact of nuclear disaster in survivors: a narrative review,2021,11,8,e113,Agyapong The impact of wildfires on mental health: a scoping review,2021,11,9,e126,Agyapong Bullying prevalence among secondary school children in Khamis Mushait City Southwestern Saudi Arabia,2021,11,10,e134,Alsaleem Anxiety depression and posttraumatic stress disorder after terrorist attacks: a general review of the literature,2021,11,10,e140,Agyapong Prevalence of major depressive disorder and correlates of thoughts of death suicidal behaviour and death by suicide in the geriatric population-a general review of literature,2021,11,11,e142,Agyapong Women and violence: alexithymia relational competence and styles and satisfaction with life: a comparative profile analysis,2021,11,11,e147,Mannarini Understanding somatic symptoms associated with South Korean adolescent suicidal ideation depression and social anxiety,2021,11,11,e151,Kim Chloroquine/hydroxychloroquine use and suicide risk: hypotheses for confluent etiopathogenetic mechanisms?,2021,11,11,e154,Amore Discrimination increases suicidal ideation in Black adolescents regardless of ethnicity and gender,2017,7,4,e75,Caldwell Communication styles and attention performance in primary school children,2021,11,12,e172,de la Torre A systematic review on the role of substance consumption in work-related road traffic crashes reveals the importance of biopsychosocial factors in prevention,2022,12,2,23,Persechino The relationship between androgen receptor gene polymorphism aggression and social status in young men and women,2022,12,2,e42,Muñoz-Reyes Spotlight on maternal perceptions of child behavior: a daily diary study with child welfare-involved mothers,2022,12,2,e44,Rodriguez The role of guilt and empathy on prosocial behavior,2022,12,3,e64,Roccella One year after the flood: prevalence and correlates of post-traumatic stress disorder among residents in Fort McMurray,2022,12,3,,Agyapong Assessing mental pain as a predictive factor of suicide risk in a clinical sample of patients with psychiatric disorders,2022,12,4,e111,Callegari Workplace violence among healthcare providers during the CoViD-19 health emergency: a cross-sectional study,2022,12,4,e106,Alfuqaha The impact of life trauma on mental health and suicidal behavior: a study from Portuguese language countries,2022,12,4,e102,Pereira Understanding suicide risk in people with dementia and family caregivers in South Korea: a systematic review,2022,12,4,e97,Park Five years after the Fort McMurray wildfire: prevalence and correlates of low resilience,2022,12,4,e96,Agyapong Personality as a possible intervention target to prevent traumatic events in adolescence,2022,12,4,e90,Newton Physical activity and depression in adolescents: evidence from China family panel studies,2022,12,3,e71,Gu Americans' perspectives on online media warning labels,2022,12,3,e59,Straub Cluster B versus cluster C personality disorders: a comparison of comorbidity suicidality traumatization and global functioning,2022,12,4,e105,Thomaes Does insomnia increase the risk of suicide in hospitalized patients with major depressive disorder? A nationwide inpatient analysis from 2006 to 2015,2022,12,5,e117,Trivedi Aggression in adolescents: the role of mother-child attachment and self-esteem,2022,12,5,e147,Muarifah Disasters diagnosis and distress: multiple perspectives populations and methodologies [editorial],2022,12,5,152,North Associations between adverse childhood experiences within the family context and in-person and online dating violence in adulthood: a scoping review,2022,12,6,e162,Navarro GPS digital nudge to limit road crashes in non-expert drivers,2022,12,6,165,Palmiero Causal analysis and prevention measures for extreme heavy rainstorms in Zhengzhou to protect human health,2022,12,6,e176,Xu Creating and sustaining service industry relationships and families: theorizing how personal workplace relationships both build community and perpetuate organizational violence,2022,12,6,e184,Eger Changes in gait self-efficacy fear of falls and gait four and eight months after bariatric surgery,2022,12,8,e246,Gill Anxiety and depression: what do we know of neuropeptides?,2022,12,8,e262,Kupcova Development and validation of a measure of passive aggression traits: the Passive Aggression Scale (PAS),2022,12,8,e273,Lim Adaptation of an emotional stroop test for screening of suicidal ideation in Portugal,2022,12,8,e281,Silva The association between video game type and aggressive behaviors in Saudi youth: a pilot study,2022,12,8,e289,Aleissa The tower building task: a behavioral tool to evaluate recreational risk-taking,2022,12,9,e325,Hudson Influence of psychological perspectives and demographics on drivers' valuation of road accidents: a combination of confirmatory factor analysis and preference heterogeneity model,2022,12,9,e336,Jomnonkwao Self-report versus neuropsychological tests for examining executive functions in youth soccer athletes-a cross-sectional study,2022,12,9,e346,Heilmann Resilience and self-esteem mediated associations between childhood emotional maltreatment and aggression in Chinese college students,2022,12,10,e383,Chen Childhood maltreatment and life satisfaction in Chinese student preschool teachers: the roles of resilience and social support,2022,12,11,e438,Chen Parental socialization delinquency during adolescence and adjustment in adolescents and adult children,2022,12,11,e488,Garcia Exploring the importance of gender family affluence parenting style and loneliness in cyberbullying victimization and aggression among Romanian adolescents,2022,12,11,e457,Iorga Direct and indirect effects of child maltreatment on suicidal ideation among Chinese left-behind children: does gender make a difference?,2022,12,11,,Fan Socio-demographic self-control bullying parenting and sleep as proximal factors associated with food addiction among adolescents,2022,12,12,e488,Teesson The mediating role of time perspective in the relationship between chronotype and suicide in bipolar disorder,2022,12,12,e492,Tamam Effect of signal design of autonomous vehicle intention presentation on pedestrians' cognition,2022,12,12,e502,Xu A qualitative exploration of parents' perceptions of risk in youth contact rugby,2022,12,12,e510,Anderson Previous school bullying-associated depression in Chinese college students: the mediation of personality,2022,13,1,,Qian The prevalence of mild moderate and severe nomophobia symptoms: a systematic review meta-analysis and meta-regression,2022,13,1,,Pandi-Perumal Invisible erosion of human capital: the impact of emotional blackmail and emotional intelligence on nurses' job satisfaction and turnover intention,2022,13,1,,Lin Assessing patterns of anti-social and risky behaviour in the millennium cohort study-what are the roles of SES (socio-economic status) cognitive ability and personality?,2023,13,1,,O'Connell Factors influencing sexual violence situation witnessing experience: for Korean occupational soldiers,2023,13,2,e90,Kang Depression and anxiety mediate the association between sleep quality and self-rated health in healthcare students,2023,13,2,e82,Spruyt Risk factors in specialists and generalists of child-to-parent violence: gender differences and predictors of reactive and proactive reasons,2023,13,2,,Cano-Lozano Transformational change and digitalization-the case of the Swedish Road and Transport Administration,2023,13,2,,Molin Family functioning and suicide attempts in Mexican adolescents,2023,13,2,e120,Garcia Long-term impact of domestic violence on individuals-an empirical study based on education health and life satisfaction,2023,13,2,e137,Bo Impact of teachers' post-traumatic stress due to violence victimization: moderated mediation effect of living a calling,2023,13,2,e139,Li Traumatised children's perspectives on their lived experience: a review,2023,13,2,,Chien Does relationship-contingent self-esteem play a role in the stress to impaired control pathway to alcohol-related problems in a college student sample?,2023,13,2,,Patock-Peckham An attempt to conceptualize the phenomenon of stigma toward intimate partner violence survivors: a systematic review,2023,13,3,,Mannarini Do coping motives and perceived impaired control mediate the indirect links from childhood trauma facets to alcohol-related problems?,2023,13,3,e197,Patock-Peckham Columbia suicide severity rating scale: evidence of construct validity in Argentinians,2023,13,3,e198,Alvarado Reducing bullying through empathy training: the effect of teacher's passive presence,2023,13,3,,Pascal The influence of emotion induced by accidents and incidents on pilots' situation awareness,2023,13,3,e231,You Relationship dysfunction in couples when one partner is diagnosed with borderline personality disorder: findings from a pilot study,2023,13,3,,Karabatsiakis Pain perceptions suffering and pain behaviours of professional and pre-professional dancers towards pain and injury: a qualitative review,2023,13,3,e268,Soundy Suicidal attempts among secondary school-going adolescents in Kilimanjaro Region Northern Tanzania,2023,13,4,,Ngocho Male victims of sexual assault: a review of the literature,2023,13,4,,Thomas Adolescent aggressive riding behavior: an application of the theory of planned behavior and the prototype willingness model,2023,13,4,,Chen Association between exposure to domestic violence during childhood and depressive symptoms in middle and older age: a longitudinal analysis in China,2023,13,4,,Li The Risk-Taking and Self-Harm Inventory for Adolescents: validation of the Italian version (RTSHIA-I),2023,13,4,,Fonagy Self-esteem social problem solving and intimate partner violence victimization in emerging adulthood,2023,13,4,,Potard Prevalence of aggressive behavior in Greek elementary school settings from teachers' perspectives,2023,13,5,,Bourou Impulsivity and alcohol-drinking behavior: evidence from Japan,2023,13,5,,Kadoya Deriving the types and characteristics of lost children in South Korea using the Sequential Association Rule,2023,13,5,,Choi Innovations in trauma-informed care: building the nation's first system of trauma-informed recreation centers,2023,13,5,,Holmes The role of alexithymia and impulsivity in male victims and perpetrators of intimate partner violence,2023,13,5,,Mannarini Comparing older parents' and adult children's fear of falling and perceptions of age-friendly home modification: an integration of the theories of planned behavior and protection motivation,2023,13,5,,Kwon Neurocognitive suicide and homicide markers in patients with schizophrenia spectrum disorders: a systematic review,2023,13,6,,Sánchez-Sansegundo The temporal relationship between depressive symptoms and loneliness: the moderating role of self-compassion,2023,13,6,,Zhang Dual-task performance balance and aerobic capacity as predictors of falls in older adults with cardiovascular disease: a comparative study,2023,13,6,,Laks Exposure to terrorism post-traumatic stress disorder and university teachers' performance: underpinning the role of social support,2023,13,6,,Saleem The relationship between parent-offspring communication and the school adaptation of leftover children in overseas countries: the mediating role of companionship and the moderating role of a sense of safety,2023,13,7,e557,Lyu Factors affecting disaster or emergency coping skills in people with intellectual disabilities,2023,13,12,,Park Effects of sleep deprivation and hazard types on the visual search patterns and hazard response times of taxi drivers,2023,13,12,,Sun A multi-system approach to investigate different forms of delinquency in female adolescents at risk: family school and peers,2023,13,12,,Yeung Prosocial behaviours and resilience in school coexistence: implications of creative self-efficacy and stress in adolescents,2023,13,12,,Molero Jurado The role of coping styles in mediating the dark triad and bullying: an analysis of gender difference,2023,13,7,e532,Liu Suicidal behaviour among school-going adolescents in Saint Lucia: analysis of prevalence and associated factors,2023,13,7,e535,Sarfo Schizophrenia: a review of social risk factors that affect women,2023,13,7,e581,Seeman Co-occurrence predictors and related aggressive behaviors of cognitive and emotional relative deprivation based on latent class analysis,2023,13,7,e586,He The impact of Turkey and Syria earthquakes on university students: posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms meaning in life and social support,2023,13,7,e587,Alfuqaha COVID-19-related stress and its association with intimate partner violence perpetration and victimization,2023,13,7,e593,Spencer Effects of physical activity and circadian rhythm on SCL-90 scores by factors among college students,2023,13,7,e606,Zhang Relationship between harsh parenting and aggressive behaviors in male juvenile delinquents: potential mediating roles of peer victimization and hostile attribution bias,2023,13,7,e610,Wang Virtual reality and augmented reality training in disaster medicine courses for students in nursing: a scoping review of adoptable tools,2023,13,7,e616,Bambi Differences in aggressive behavior of individuals with different self-construal types after social exclusion in the same cultural background,2023,13,8,,Jiang Effects of animated movies on the aggression and behavior performance of primary school students and their control using a cognitive behavioral anger-control training (CBACT) program,2023,13,8,,Saba Validation of an abbreviated scale of the CENVI Questionnaire to evaluate the perception of school violence and coexistence management of Chilean students: differences between pandemic and post-pandemic,2023,13,8,,Cuadrado-Gordillo Competition anxiety in combat sports and the importance of mental toughness,2023,13,9,,Dewhurst Category-specific stress mindsets: beliefs about the debilitating versus enhancing effects of specific types of stressors among young adults,2023,13,9,,Fisseha Harsh childhood discipline and developmental changes in adolescent aggressive behavior: the mediating role of self-compassion,2023,13,9,,Zhang Mental health and aggression in Indonesian women,2023,13,9,,Chen Generating a moderated mediation model of positive outcome expectancy and aggression,2023,13,9,,Xia To take a risk or not? The effect of perceived scarcity on risky choices,2023,13,9,,Fan Predictors of suicide risk and mental health outcomes among Hong Kong veterinarians: a cross-sectional study,2023,13,9,,Wong Exploring substance abuse and the dark tetrad in health sciences and non-health sciences students,2023,13,9,,Schermer Psychophysiology of monotonous driving fatigue and sleepiness in train and non-professional drivers: driver safety implications,2023,13,10,e788,Lal Neurophysiological neuroimaging and neuropsychological predictors of human alcoholism and risk,2023,13,10,e790,Kamarajan Examining the impact of service quality on passengers' intentions to utilize rail transport in the post-pandemic era: an integrated approach of SERVQUAL and health belief model,2023,13,10,e789,Jomnonkwao Developing a short-form Buss-Warren Aggression Questionnaire based on machine learning,2023,13,10,e799,Li Dynamic emotion recognition and social inference ability in traumatic brain injury: an eye-tracking comparison study,2023,13,10,e816,Barker The influence of victim self-disclosure on bystander intervention in cyberbullying,2023,13,10,e829,Liu Less computer access: is it a risk or a protective factor for cyberbullying and face-to-face bullying victimization among adolescents in the United States?,2023,13,10,e834,Voisin Effects of materialism on adolescents' prosocial and aggressive behaviors: the mediating role of empathy,2023,13,10,e863,Zhang Path model analysis of the effects of perceived formalism and fear of COVID-19 on police officers' PTSD and insomnia,2023,13,10,e867,Huang Radicalization processes and transitional phases in female and male detainees residing in Dutch terrorism wings,2023,13,10,e877,Bogaerts Exploring the link between interoceptive body awareness and suicidal orientation in university students: a cross-sectional study,2023,13,11,e945,Perez Getting good sleep with family support: the role of fear of crime and loneliness,2023,13,11,,Xu The effect of craniosacral therapy on blood levels of stress hormones in male firefighter cadets: a randomized clinical trial,2023,13,11,,Wójcik Wireless lighting system: a new tool for assessing cognitive functions in the elderly,2023,13,11,,Maillot The association between perceived family financial stress and adolescent suicide ideation: a moderated mediation model,2023,13,11,,Yang Relationship between physical fitness and cyberbullying patterns (cybervictimization and cyberperpetration) in Spanish adolescents,2023,13,11,,Raya-González An analysis of the association between school bullying prevention and control measures and secondary school students' bullying behavior in Jiangsu Province,2023,13,11,,Du Correction: Aleissa et al. The association between video game type and aggressive behaviors in Saudi youth: a pilot study. Behav. Sci. 2022 12 289,2023,13,11,e937,Aleissa Early risk factors for self-injurious thoughts and behaviours: a UK population-based study of 219581 people,2024,14,1,e16,Saxena Psychometric properties of a cyberaggression measure in Mexican students,2023,14,1,e19,Bauman Perceived stressful life events and suicide risk in adolescence: the mediating role of perceived family functioning,2024,14,1,e35,Carballo Is it safe enough? An IPA study of how couple therapists make sense of their decision to either stop or continue with couple therapy when violence becomes the issue,2024,14,1,e37,Vetere Predicting risk of bullying victimization among primary and secondary school students: based on a machine learning model,2024,14,1,,Qiu Effect of participation motivation in sports climbing on leisure satisfaction and physical self-efficacy,2024,14,1,,Lee Factors associated with revictimization in intimate partner violence: a systematic review and meta-analysis,2024,14,2,e103,Muñoz-Rivas The relationship between childhood abuse and suicidal ideation among Chinese college students: the mediating role of core self-evaluation and negative emotions,2024,14,2,e83,Zhang Associations between physical activity mental health and suicidal behavior in Korean adolescents: based on data from 18th Korea Youth Risk Behavior Web-Based Survey (2022),2024,14,3,e160,Roh Prospective mental images: a transdiagnostic approach to negative affectivity and mood dysregulation among borderline personality disorder and depression,2024,14,2,,Sosic-Vasic Risky sexual behavior and psychopathy: testing the relationship in a non-clinical sample of young adults in Hong Kong,2024,14,2,,Beech Psychological distress in low-income and economically marginalized populations in India: protective and risk factors,2024,14,2,,Sharma The effect of childhood poly-victimization on adulthood aggression: the mediating role of different impulsivity traits,2024,14,2,,Bogaerts Addressing the complex links between psychopathy and childhood maltreatment emotion regulation and aggression-a network analysis in adults,2024,14,2,,Lamela The relationship between a competitive school climate and school bullying among secondary vocational school students in China: a moderated mediation model,2024,14,2,,Huang Fear of sexual harassment accusations: a hidden barrier to opposite-gender mentoring in Taiwan?,2024,14,2,,Tudor "We need to raise awareness and never give up": Israeli Druze and Muslim Arab kindergarten teachers' proactivity when facing the sexual abuse of their students,2024,14,2,,Tener Exploring the role of first-person singular pronouns in detecting suicidal ideation: a machine learning analysis of clinical transcripts,2024,14,3,e225,Chen Perceptions of Arabian Gulf residents and citizens about physical activity and social media awareness campaigns: a qualitative study,2024,14,3,e174,Alageel Dating violence and emotional dependence in university students,2024,14,3,e176,León-Del-Barco Association of temperament and character traits with suicide probability suicide attempts and perceived stress level in patients with bipolar disorder,2024,14,3,e197,Yılmaz Devastating wildfires and mental health: major depressive disorder prevalence and associated factors among residents inAlberta and Nova Scotia Canada,2024,14,3,e209,Agyapong Teachers' perceptions and position regarding the problem of bullying and its socio-educational prevention,2024,14,3,e229,Martínez-Carrera The mediating effect of depression on the relationship between loneliness and substance use in Korean adolescents,2024,14,3,e241,Kim The role of sport psychology in injury prevention and rehabilitation in junior athletes,2024,14,3,e254,Weiß The influence of Muslim and Christian destinations on tourists' behavioural intentions and risk perceptions,2024,14,4,,Carballo Adult Maltese women's understanding of how childhood domestic violence has impacted their relationships with their parents and siblings: a grounded theory study,2024,14,4,,Vetere Differential experiences of intimate partner violence during COVID-19: a cross-regional study in Mexico,2024,14,4,,Navarrete Zur The longitudinal relationship between cyberbullying victimization and loneliness among Chinese middle school students: the mediating effect of perceived social support and the moderating effect of sense of hope,2024,14,4,,Wu Indonesian stakeholders' perspectives on warning signs and beliefs about suicide,2024,14,4,,Colucci Stressful life events sleep quality and non-suicidal self-injury in Chinese adolescents: the moderating effect of sensation seeking,2024,14,4,,Yu Implementing a multi-disciplinary evidence-based resilience intervention for moral injury syndrome: systemic barriers and facilitators,2024,14,4,,Pyne Relationships between weight perceptions and suicidal behaviors in Chinese adolescents: results from an ongoing school-based survey in Zhenjiang province,2022,13,1,,He Body awareness as a protective factor against suicidal orientations in college students,2024,14,5,e358,Juárez-Vela How COVID-19 information fear of missing out increases the risk of depression and anxiety: roles of resilience and personality types,2024,14,5,e359,Xie A test of the self-medication hypothesis using a latent measurement model: are stress and impaired control over alcohol mediating mechanisms of parenting styles on heavy episodic drinking and alcohol-related problems among university students?,2024,14,5,e384,Patock-Peckham Differences in exercise stress job satisfaction intention to quit exercise and quality of life according to the psychological abuse experiences of elite male athletes,2024,14,5,e392,Kim Drinking while stressed and drinking to cope differentially relate to mental health,2024,14,5,e402,Shiota Exploring aggressive behaviors in Greek secondary schools: prevalence sociodemographic factors and comparative analysis with elementary school students,2024,14,5,e405,Karkalousos Aggressive and withdrawn behaviour at school through the lens of teachers and peers: a qualitative study,2024,14,5,e412,Laghi Utility of single items within the n Suicidal Behaviors Questionnaire-Revised (SBQ-R): a Bayesian network approach and relative importance analysis,2024,14,5,e410,Osman Exercise addiction and intimate partner violence: the role of impulsivity self-esteem and emotional dependence,2024,14,5,e420,Estévez Protective and risk factors for suicidal behaviour in self-declared LGBTIQ+ adolescents,2024,14,5,e422,Sánchez-Teruel Change & Grow® therapeutic model for addiction: Preliminary results of an interventional study,2019,9,12,,Lopes Research commentary: A carer's roadmap for research practice and policy on suicide homicide and self-harm,2019,9,5,,Liabo Effect of mindfulness on empathy and self-compassion: An adapted MBCT program on Filipino college students,2020,10,3,,Centeno The impact of economic recessions on depression anxiety and trauma-related disorders and illness outcomes--A scoping review,2021,11,9,,Guerra Clinical and Biological Factors Are Associated with Treatment-Resistant Depression,2022,12,2,,Di Paolo Association between body mass index and externalizing and internalizing symptoms among Chinese adolescents: mediating role of traditional bullying and cyberbullying victimization,2024,14,6,e427,Li Reciprocal relations between cognitive empathy and post-traumatic growth in school bullying victims,2024,14,6,e435,Chen Forms of face-to-face victimization as significant correlates of general online victimization and sexual online victimization,2024,14,6,e441,Fung "Leading through crisis": a systematic review of institutional decision-makers in emergency contexts,2024,14,6,e481,Giannini Navigating the grey zone: the impact of legislative frameworks in North America and Europe on adolescent cannabis use-a systematic review,2024,14,6,e484,Negura Post-traumatic stress disorder in veterans: a concept analysis,2024,14,6,e485,Hsu Clear yet crossed: athletes' retrospective reports of coach violence,2024,14,6,e486,Zach Emotional regulation of displaced aggression in provocative situations among junior high school students,2024,14,6,e500,Lin Kindness Isn't Just about Being Nice: The Value Proposition of Kindness as Viewed through the Lens of Incivility in the Healthcare Workplace,2023,13,6,,Fryburg Analysis of bullying in physical education: descriptive study of Spanish adolescents,2024,14,7,,Benítez-Sillero Exploring the relationship between maternal gatekeeping with paternal parenting and adolescent aggression,2024,14,7,,Jiang Do juveniles who have committed sexual offenses have higher callous-unemotional traits compared to juveniles who have committed general offenses? A systematic review,2024,14,7,,Figueiredo Evaluation of problematic video game use in adolescents with ADHD and without ADHD: new evidence and recommendations,2024,14,7,,Isorna Folgar Gender-based dating violence and social media among Spanish young people: a qualitative study,2024,14,7,,García-Ruiz Giving it a shot with a different approach: prosocial strategies moderate the joint effects of agentic and communal goals on bullying,2024,14,7,,Wang Substance use among school-going adolescents and young adults in rural Mpumalanga Province South Africa,2024,14,7,,Mathibe The effect of psychoeducation on attitudes toward violence and risky behaviors among refugee adolescents,2024,14,7,,Atik Nature-based therapeutic intervention for individuals with post-concussion symptoms,2024,14,7,,Corazon Non-suicidal self-injury among adolescents: effect of knowledge attitudes role perceptions and barriers in mental health care on teachers' responses,2024,14,7,,Levkovich The mediating role of interoceptive sensitivity in the relationship between physical activity and depression symptoms in college students,2024,14,7,,Sun Rape myths and verdict systems: what is influencing conviction rates in rape trials in Scotland?,2024,14,7,,Lages