Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author ECG changes due to hypothermia developed after drowning: case report,2014,14,1,37-40,Yilmaz A rare cause of elbow injury,2016,16,1,43-44,Toker The approach of prehospital health care personnel working at emergency stations towards forensic cases,2015,15,3,131-135,Asci Effects of the institutional structure and legislative framework on ambulance accidents in developing emergency medical services systems,2015,15,3,126-130,Celikli Health response to Hajj mass gathering from emergency perspective narrative review,2015,15,4,172-176,Shujaa Analysis of patients presenting to the emergency department with carbon monoxide intoxication,2015,15,4,159-162,Gunduz Demographic properties of civilians with blast injuries in Southeastern Anatolia region,2015,15,2,69-74,Orak Field organization and disaster medical assistance teams,2015,15,Suppl 1,11-19,Arzıman Assessing and Planning Health Actions During a Crisis,2015,15,Suppl 1,8-10,Suner History of disaster medicine,2015,15,Suppl 1,1-4,Suner Detection of the awareness rate of abuse in pediatric patients admitted to emergency medicine department with injury,2016,16,3,102-106,Satar Social media FOAMed in medical education and knowledge sharing: local experiences with international perspective,2016,16,3,112-117,Altunci How much risk are emergency department patients willing to accept to avoid diagnostic testing,2017,17,1,16-21,Richman Scorpion-related cardiomyopathy and acute pulmonary edema in a child who is stung by Leiurus abdullahbayrami,2017,17,3,104-108,Dokur Injury hospitalization and operation rates are low in aerial sports,2017,17,3,81-84,Cevik Gaboon viper envenomation: an unexpected injury by non-indigenous snake in South Korea,2018,18,2,75-77,Min Cut-off points for screening at-risk drinking by AUDIT-C Korean version at emergency department,2018,18,2,57-61,Lee A new side effect of synthetic cannabinoid use by the bucket (waterpipe) method: acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS),2018,18,1,42-44,Sogut Theophylline toxicity: an old poisoning for a new generation of physicians,2018,18,1,37-39,Greene Can water lacerate a tendon? A car-wash accident: a lacerated extensor hallucis longus tendon,2018,18,3,137-138,Ardic A rare case of an adult traumatic bicycle handlebar hernia: a case report and review of the literature,2018,18,4,179-181,Hefny Red blood cell distribution width as a predictor of long-term mortality in patients with carbon monoxide poisoning,2018,18,4,158-161,Ozkan An analysis of the exposure to violence and burnout levels of ambulance staff,2019,19,1,21-25,Coşkun Cenk Can inhaled heroin be a cause of bilateral globus pallidus ischemic injury?,2019,19,1,39-41,Iqbal Epidemiological and sociocultural assessment of childhood poisonings,2019,19,4,127-131,Çalik Liraglutide overdose: a case report and an updated review,2020,20,1,46-49,Nafisah Survival following intentional succinylcholine injection for self-harm,2020,20,4,193-195,Palatty Unique characteristics that distinguish suicide attempters from patients with nonsuicidal self-injury admitted to the emergency department following self-harm behavior: psychological scales and biochemical markers,2021,21,2,62-68,Kim Multiple sites bullet embolism as a cause of acute abdomen,2021,21,3,125-128,de Figueirêdo Development of a nomogram to predict the outcome of moderate or severe pediatric traumatic brain injury,2022,22,1,15-22,Oearsakul Epidemiology of mass casualty incidents in a tertiary care trauma center in eastern India: a retrospective observational study,2022,22,2,96-103,Mohanty Changing spectrum of acute poisoning in North India: a hospital-based descriptive study,2022,22,4,192-199,Sharma Self-ingestion of vasmol dye,2023,23,1,61-63,Kaur Prognostic significance of poison-related factors and consumption patterns in acute aluminum phosphide poisoning,2023,23,2,88-95,Sharma Accidents and injuries related to paragliding on mount Babadağ Turkey: a cross-sectional study,2023,23,4,232-237,Golcuk Prehospital management of earthquake crush injuries: a collective review,2023,23,4,199-210,Abu-Zidan Predictive value of cardiovascular risk scoring systems for the detection of myocardial injury following carbon monoxide intoxication,2023,23,1,30-37,Özkoç Posttraumatic stress disorder in health-care workers after two major earthquakes centered in Kahramanmaras Turkey,2024,24,1,27-32,Cevik Drowning and emergency department,2013,13,2,81-85,Satar The validity of Glasgow Coma Scale and Rapid Emergency Medicine Score in evaluating patients admitted to the emergency department with drowning or near-drowning,2008,8,2,67-72,Soyuncu Pattern and clinical profile of patients with ocular trauma presenting to the emergency department of a teaching hospital in India: a prospective observational study,2024,24,2,90-96,Mohanty Outcome of early emergency intubation and early emergency dialysis in deliberate self-harm with formic acid in a tertiary care center in South India: a retrospective cohort study,2024,24,2,111-116,Suresh Surgical and critical care management of earthquake musculoskeletal injuries and crush syndrome: a collective review,2024,24,2,67-79,Abu-Zidan February 6(th) Kahramanmaraş earthquakes and the disaster management algorithm of adult emergency medicine in Turkey: an experience review,2024,24,2,80-89,Yılmaz A case which oxygen is contrendicated: Paraquat intoxication,2012,12,1,34-37,Tuncok Suicide attempts with drug intoxication in pregnant and non-pregnant women,2012,12,4,169-174,Emet Water intoxication resulting in ventricular arrythmias,2012,12,4,188-190,Bayir Patients with altered mental status due to suicide attempts: Follow-up clinics and the role of emergency departments,2013,13,1,8-12,Emet The analysis of poisoning cases presented to the emergency department within a one-year period,2014,14,4,160-164,Sari Dogan Salbutamol abuse is associated with ventricular fibrillation,2015,15,2,87-89,Solak A rare cause of pediatric acute pancreatitis: Perindopril intoxication,2020,20,4,199-201,Yildizdaş Diagnostic accuracy of drooling reluctance oropharynx others and leukocytosis score as a predictor of mortality and complications following acute corrosive ingestion,2023,23,4,225-231,Aggarwal