Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Severe traumatic brain injury in children and adolescents,2007,19,1,98-106,Carvalho Poisoning syndrome due to 2000 stings of africanized honeybees,2006,18,1,99-103,Azevedo Assistance of inhalation injury victims caused by fire in confined spaces: what we learned from the tragedy at Santa Maria,2014,26,4,421-429,Tierno Measurement of intracranial pressure and short-term outcomes of patients with traumatic brain injury: a propensity-matched analysis,2015,27,4,315-321,Amorim Intracranial pressure monitoring in the torture chambre,2015,27,4,303-304,Biestro Accidental strangulation in children by the automatic closing of a car window,2018,30,1,112-115,Piva Traumatic brain injury hospital incidence in Brazil: an analysis of the past 10 years,2021,33,2,282-289,Silva Self-inflicted lung injury: is it possible to identify the risk? A case report,2021,33,3,461-468,Pérez Intoxicaçäo aguda por organofosforados requerendo cuidados intensivos,1996,8,3,103-7,Silva