Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Fatal alfentanil/morphine mixture: A case report,2014,26,4,201-205,Raul Facteurs associés aux tentatives de suicide Factors associated with suicide attempts,2016,28,2,158-163,Bouanene Suicide of a nurse in a hospital environment involving anesthetic drugs,2016,28,2,134-138,Kintz Propofol as suicidal agent or drug of abuse,2016,28,1,10-15,Hantson Poisoning by synthetic cathinones: consumption behaviour and clinical description from 11 cases recorded by the Addictovigilance Centre of Bordeaux,2017,29,1,34-40,Delile Synthetic cannabinoids and driving,2015,27,1,41-44,Mura Management of pharmaceutical and recreational drug poisoning - expert consensus-based clinical practice guidelines,2021,33,1,11,Mégarbane Fatal intoxication due to home distillation of methanol: report of three cases,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Güler Very bad deep … when the scuba tank smells like smoke COVID-19 [conference abstract],2022,34,3 Suppl,S81,Raul Ethanol and putrefaction: medicolegal relevance of the study of different biological samples [conference abstract],2022,34,3 Suppl,S145,Proença Drug delivery homicide: a challenge for testimony from toxicologists [conference abstract],2022,34,3 Suppl,S143,Logan Chlopyrifos fatal intoxication: homicide or suicide? [conference abstract],2022,34,3 Suppl,S47-S48,Favretto Improving analysis of urine samples from drug-facilitated sexual assault cases [conference abstract],2022,34,3 Suppl,S168-S169,Johansen A case of attempted murder using blue monkshood due to unfulfilled desires [conference abstract],2022,34,3 Suppl,S62-S63,Toennes Occurrence of GHB in blood and urine specimens from victims of alleged sexual assault or blackout in Western Switzerland [conference abstract],2022,34,3 Suppl,S140,Augsburger Suicide by sodium nitrite-an emerging trend [conference abstract],2022,34,3 Suppl,S180-S181,Yao The emerging trend of suicide using nitrite/nitrate in Victoria Australia [conference abstract],2022,34,3 Suppl,S104,Gerostamoulos Partial hanging with multiple pesticide poisoning: a case report of a complex suicide [conference abstract],2022,34,3 Suppl,S165-S166,Saxena Tetrahydrozoline: death by eyedrops [conference abstract],2022,34,3 Suppl,S63-S64,Kacinko Poisoning at the court of the Sun King the affair of the poisons [conference abstract],2022,34,3 Suppl,S76-S77,Bottinelli Plant toxin poisoning-a disguised diagnosis? [conference abstract],2022,34,3 Suppl,S63,Johansen Determination of orellanine and muscarine in biological fluids in suspected or proven poisoning cases: about several cases [conference abstract],2022,34,3 Suppl,S62,Gaillard An autopsy case of fatal insulin preparation overdose [conference abstract],2022,34,3 Suppl,S166,Sayaka A lethal case of 4F-MDMB-BINACA poisoning [conference abstract],2022,34,3 Suppl,S167-S168,Jang Cocaine pediatric poisoning: a case series [conference abstract],2022,34,3 Suppl,S79,Fabresse Poisoning with atropine-based eye drops: an almost perfect murder? 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Application to post-mortem specimens,2022,34,3,181-190,Kintz Comparison of different scoring systems in the prognosis of acutely poisoned patients,2023,35,1,44-53,Torky Chemical intoxications and venomous animal bites as health hazards at the Buea Regional Hospital during the 2018-2022 quinquennium,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Nkontcheu Forensic pre-hospital deaths related to fentanyl and its analogues in the Paris area: Data from the Île-de-France Toxic Death Surveillance System (DCTOX-IdF),2023,35,1,54-59,Mayer Outcomes in chloralose poisoning: A multivariate analysis of a retrospective cohort in an emergency department,2023,35,1,60-66,Chaari