Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author The experiences of violence and occupational health risks of sex workers working in brothels in Ankara,2012,29,2,153-159,Sahinoglu Multiple-projectile penetrating neck injury from a modified nail-containing gas pistol,2014,31,3,254-256,Pazardzhikliev A rare etiology of heart failure: traumatic arteriovenous fistula due to stab injury 17 years ago,2015,32,3,309-311,Hüseyin Marmara University medical students' perception on sexual violence against women and induced abortion in Turkey,2016,33,2,173-180,Lüleci Perceived social support and its impact on mental fatigue in patients with mild traumatic brain injury,2016,33,2,152-157,Chen Oleander poisoning as an example of self-medication attempt,2016,33,5,559-562,Türkmen Cortisol and hippocampal volume as predictors of active suicidal behavior in major depressive disorder: case report,2016,33,6,706-708,Moica The burden of premature mortality in Turkey in 2001 and 2008,2016,33,6,662-667,Tokuç The knowledge level and opinions of physicians about the medical and legal procedures related to physical child abuse,2017,34,2,140-146,Atilgan Parents' attitudes and adherence to unintentional injury prevention measures in Ankara Turkey,2017,34,4,335-342,Yalcin Self-inflicated cardiac injury by multiple sewing needles,2018,35,2,214-215,Gormus Cause-of-death distributions and mortality trends in Turkey between 2009 and 2017,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Teker Management of crush-related acute kidney injury after disasters,2023,40,2,72-73,Kandemir Analysis of forensic death statistics from 2013 to 2022 and autopsy practices in Türkiye,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Celik Incidence of motoric cognitive risk syndrome and associated factors in older adults in Türkiye,2024,41,1,64-69,Naharcı Associations between violence related behaviors and self perceived health among Trakya university students,2011,28,4,380-384,Evren Demographic and clinical characteristics of theophylline exposures between 1993 and 2011,2014,31,4,322-327,Bayram Brugada-Phenocopy Induced by Propafenone Overdose and Successful Treatment: A Case Report,2017,34,5,473-475,Arı