Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Do mobility and life setting affect falling and fear of falling in elderly people?,2014,30,3,223-229,Topuz Seating and wheeled mobility for older adults living in nursing homes: what has changed clinically in the past 20 years?,2015,31,1,10-18,Jones Influence of frailty phenotype items on functional capacity and falls occurrence in frail community-dwelling older adults: analysis of FIBRA Study,2016,32,2,74-80,Lourenço Gait speed and confidence levels in persons using 1 and 2 canes while walking a 4-m course,2017,33,2,133-139,Lisenby Investigation of the effects of COVID-19 on perception attention memory balance and quality of life in the elderly,2022,38,4,270-276,Aksoy Falls and fall-related injuries in an evidence-based Tai Ji Quan intervention in rural West Virginia churches,2023,39,3,170-178,Wilcox Peripheral arterial disease: Pharmacological management in geriatric patients,2013,29,3,179-186,Thomas