Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author In editorial RIH's Dr. Ranney calls for research into gun violence,2013,96,6,49, Ellenbogen speaks on head injuries in youth the NFL military: co-chair of the NFL Head Neck and Spine Committee since 2010,2013,96,6,43-46,Korr Hasbro study finds high number of pediatric injuries caused by school violence,2014,97,2,61, Teaching and addressing health disparities through the family medicine social and community context of care project,2014,97,9,26-30,Anthony Health care providers can help prevent domestic violence,2014,97,10,76-77,Orsinger Response of colleges to risky drinking college students,2014,97,10,40-42,Mastroleo Drug overdose addiction and binge drinking: medical problems with public health consequences,2014,97,10,18-19,Lewis Treating children at urgent care centers: a qualitative study to determine how providers perceive managing pediatric patients,2014,98,1,48-53,Brown Rhode island child death review: motor vehicle accident deaths 2008-2013,2014,98,2,36-38,Stanley Update on concussion management for the Rhode Island clinician,2014,98,2,31-35,Waryasz Socio-demographic variation of adult seatbelt non-use in Rhode Island - different data sources,2015,98,5,34-37,Jiang Prescription opioid use and misuse among older adult Rhode Island hospital emergency department patients,2015,98,3,28-31,Merchant Rhode Island Violent Death Reporting System 2004-2013,2015,98,8,36-39,Jiang Intimate partner violence/problem and victims in Rhode Island,2015,98,11,45-49,Jiang High-pressure injection to the great toe with river water,2015,98,11,38-41,Borenstein Concussions and brain injuries in youth sports,2015,98,12,16-19,Mukand Neurorehabilitation: achieving recovery after neural injuries,2015,98,12,15,Mukand Prevalence of sedating medication use among older drivers presenting in the emergency department,2016,99,1,15-19,Mello Prevalence of sedating medication use among older drivers presenting in the emergency department,2016,99,2,35-37,Mello Adolescent perspectives on addressing youth violence in the primary care setting,2016,99,5,18-21,Riese Characteristics of suicide attempts and deaths among those aged 60 years and older in Rhode Island,2016,99,9,42-45,Jiang Sex Trafficking Assessment and Resources (STAR) for pediatric attendings in Rhode Island,2016,99,9,27-30,Goldberg Current concepts in sports-related concussion,2016,99,10,23-26,Feden ERRATUM: Sex Trafficking Assessment and Resources (STAR) for pediatric attendings in Rhode Island,2016,99,10,12,Goldberg Physicians at high risk for suicide in US; incidence higher in women doctors Physician Health Programs (PHP) offer confidential treatment,2016,99,11,11-12,Rakatansky Surveillance of suicide and suicide attempts among Rhode Island youth using multiple data sources,2016,99,12,53-56,Pearlman Using plan-do-study-act cycle to enhance completeness of suicide firearm reporting,2017,100,2,30-33,Jiang Assault injury and homicide death profile in Rhode Island 2004-2014,2017,100,4,23-28,Jiang Workplace violence in hospitals and measures to address it,2017,100,6,11-12,Rakatansky Suicide deaths among Rhode Island adults aged 25 years and older: An epidemiologic and spatial analysis,2017,100,9,37-39,Pearlman Violence against women: injuries and deaths in Rhode Island,2017,100,12,24-28,Jiang Slipping through the cracks: a cross-sectional study examining older adult emergency department patient fall history post-fall treatment and prevention,2017,100,12,18-23,Merchant Child sexual exploitation: cautionary lessons from England,2018,101,2,15-17,Raj Domestic minor sex trafficking: medical follow-up for victimized and high-risk youth,2018,101,4,25-27,Barron To improve homicide firearm information reporting - Rhode Island State Crime Laboratory,2018,101,4,21-24,Jiang Risky motor vehicle behaviors among Rhode Island high school students,2018,101,7,47-50,Cooper Food insecurity and child maltreatment: a quality improvement project,2018,101,7,31-34,Barron The provision of HIV post-exposure prophylaxis in the context of child sex trafficking,2018,101,9,23-26,Barron Characteristics of victims and suspects in domestic violence-related homicide - Rhode Island Violent Death Reporting System 2004-2015,2018,101,10,58-61,Jiang A case report of impaired driving performance after a concussion,2018,101,10,56-57,Baird Acute respiratory failure from cement exposure: a case report and review of the literature,2019,102,1,55-57,Ali Sailing injuries: a review of the literature,2019,102,1,23-27,Nathanson Suicide and physicians - why don't doctors in distress seek help?,2019,102,5,8-10,Feller Child Passenger Safety Training for Pediatric Interns: Does it Work?,2016,99,3,29-32,Lapidus Predicting outcomes in acute traumatic brain injury (TBI),2019,102,8,34-36,Adams A statewide cross-sectional survey of school nurses' knowledge and their role in the management of concussed students,2020,103,1,42-45,Baird Investigation of the injury rate of female fitness competitors,2020,103,7,68-70,Waryasz Concussion: mechanisms of injury and trends from 1997 to 2019,2020,103,7,71-75,Daniels A comparison of national state and local drug use surveys: the Youth Risk Behavior Survey and the Rx for Addiction and Medication Safety Program,2022,105,1,20-25,Bratberg Give Me a Boost: a child passenger safety educational intervention,2022,105,3,51-56,Zonfrillo Gambling: a ubiquitous behavior among Rhode Island's young adults,2022,105,3,46-50,Rosenthal Assessing the quality of patient responses to a psychosocial intervention implemented on an adolescent psychiatric inpatient unit: devising the safety plan quality metric,2022,105,4,22-25,Hunt Suicide risk and psychotic experiences: considerations for safety planning with adolescents,2022,105,4,26-30,Yen Raising children in different cultures: working with Latinx youth with suicidal behaviors and their families,2022,105,4,31-35,Duarté-Vélez Recognizing suicidal risk in very young children,2022,105,4,36-39,Hunt Osteoporosis and fragility fractures,2022,105,8,15-21,Aaron Delta-what? Deciphering the world of cannabinoids,2022,105,7,37-41,Wightman Older adult pedestrian injury in Rhode Island 2017-2020,2023,106,1,29-33,Mello Calls of despair: an EMS perspective on suicide and overdose in Rhode Island during COVID-19,2023,106,1,42-47,Rhodes Basketball-associated eye injuries: a systematic review,2023,106,2,40-42,Greenberg Pornography: a concealed behavior with serious consequences,2023,106,3,29-34,Swanberg Risk factors for suicide ideation among Rhode Island college students,2023,106,3,42-47,Swanberg Suicide-related mortality and morbidity: insights from Rhode Island's Violent Death Reporting and Syndromic Surveillance Systems,2023,106,5,54-57,Barkley Craniofacial trauma from electronic scooter use,2023,106,6,42-46,Roussel Epidemiology of ankle dislocations in the United States: 2009 to 2018,2023,106,7,26-30,Daniels A history of child abuse pediatrics: training research and clinical diagnosis,2023,106,10,10-14,Goldberg Medical evaluations in Rhode Island for suspected child abuse and neglect prior to and during the COVID-19 pandemic,2023,106,10,15-19,Slingsby A case of child abuse presenting with a traumatic chylothorax,2023,106,10,25-28,Beucher Caring for domestic minor sex trafficking patients: recommendations for identification interventions and resources,2023,106,10,29-33,Moore Female caregivers' perception of their child's sexualized behaviors: a pilot study at a child protection clinic,2023,106,10,34-40,Clark Unintentional cannabis ingestions and supervisory neglect,2023,106,10,41-45,Raza A unique canine comfort therapy program for child maltreatment cases,2023,106,10,46-49,Barron Pediatric injury trends in Rhode Island during the COVID-19 pandemic,2024,107,4,23-28,Zonfrillo Bystander presence and response during accidental and undetermined drug overdose deaths: Rhode Island January 1 2016-December 31 2021,2024,107,4,31-35,Hallowell The mental health consequences of losing a loved one to COVID-19,2023,106,3,11-16,Swanberg Smartphone addiction and mental illness in Rhode Island young adults,2023,106,3,35-41,Swanberg Eliminating Disparities in Young Adult Tobacco Use: The Need for Integrated Behavioral Healthcare,2022,105,2,38-42,Rosenthal Suicidal Behavior in Children and Adolescents: Introduction to Themed Section of RIMJ,2022,105,4,7-8,Wolff Single- vs. Multi-Item Assessment of Suicidal Ideation Among Adolescents,2022,105,4,16-21,Cha A Voice Singing: Reflections on Losing a Colleague to Suicide,2021,104,6,68-69,Daniels Inequities Laid Bare: The Mental Health of Young Adults in Rhode Island During the COVID-19 Pandemic,2021,104,10,36-41,Pearlman Pathological Gambling in a Patient on a Dopamine Agonist,2019,102,5,43-45,Kalinaga Characteristics of interpersonal violence and intimate partner violence among injured adults seeking emergency care in Nairobi Kenya,2024,107,8,39-45,Aluisio Arm injuries and prevention proficiency in high school fastpitch softball players: a survey of players parents and coaches,2024,107,8,54-60,Owens Evaluation of a child abuse screen performed by nurses among young children with fractures seen in a pediatric emergency department,2024,107,8,21-27,Rudman Development of an emergency department family navigator and text message intervention for caregivers to reduce youth risk of suicide and self-injurious behavior,2024,107,8,28-38,Spirito Injury prevention and control: mitigating risk adopting protective strategies,2024,107,8,e7,Mello The Modified Five-Item Frailty Index mortality and hospital length of stay in geriatric traumatic fall injuries,2024,107,8,8-11,Mello