Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Taking weapons and ammunition and the European firearms pass,2012,66,6,353-358,Buenz Firearms offenses in Hesse: a representation of criminological perspective,2012,66,11,649-654,Esch Human trafficking and police combat approaches,2005,59,10,548-553,Schmidbauer Cooperation model in the combat of human trafficking,2006,60,11,702-707,Mesaric Strategic focal point: trafficker crime rate and human trafficking,2007,61,2,74-75,Timm Human trafficking in Kosovo: criminal phenomenological and criminal aspects,2008,62,3,162-167,Hajdari Human trafficking: the EU guideline for protection of victims and their implementation,2008,62,3,156-161,Schott Nigerian human trafficking for the purpose of sexual exploitation ::: Nigerianischer Menschenhandel zum Zwecke der sexuellen Ausbeutung,2011,65,6,364-369,Bohn Human trafficking in the Swiss plateau: a case study,2011,65,1,48-54,Reize Challenges of witnesses of human trafficking victims,2011,65,6,418-420,Steiner Human trafficking in Central Switzerland,2011,65,2,121-124,von Felten Suicide by cop,2003,57,4,225-233,Füllgrabe External examination in cases of unexpected death in hospital,2019,73,11,662-670,Doberentz Suicide by Cop,2021,75,11,591-594,Thomas