Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Vitamin D supplementation and falls: a trial sequential meta-analysis,2014,2,7,573-580,Bolland Vitamin D supplementation and fall risk,2014,2,7,532-534,Rosen Vitamin D and falls - Authors' reply,2014,2,7,541,Bolland Vitamin D and falls,2014,2,7,540-541,Poole Self-harm and suicide after bariatric surgery: time for action,2016,4,3,199-200,Dixon Can vitamin D prevent falls and fractures?,2017,5,6,407-409,Bouillon Effect of monthly high-dose vitamin D supplementation on falls and non-vertebral fractures: secondary and post-hoc outcomes from the randomised double-blind placebo-controlled ViDA trial,2017,5,6,438-447,Khaw Risk of suicide and non-fatal self-harm after bariatric surgery: results from two matched cohort studies,2018,6,3,197-207,Sundström Vitamin D and bone density fractures and falls: the end of the story?,2018,6,11,834-835,Gallagher Effects of vitamin D supplementation on musculoskeletal health: a systematic review meta-analysis and trial sequential analysis,2018,6,11,847-858,Bolland Alcohol and illicit drug use in people with diabetes,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Bonomo Sylvia Kehlenbrink: facing the extremes,2022,10,7,484,Power