Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Suicide risk assessment training for psychology doctoral programs: core competencies and a framework for training,2013,7,1,1-11,Conroy Suicide intervention skills: graduate training and exposure to suicide among psychology trainees,2014,8,2,136-142,Mackelprang Guidelines and recommendations for training ethical alcohol researchers,2020,14,1,52-59,Davis An identity theory perspective on how trainee clinical psychologists experience the death of a client by suicide,2012,6,3,151-159,Gill After a client death: Suicide postvention recommendations for training programs and clinics,2016,10,4,214-222,Veilleux Initiating a DBT consultation team: Conceptual and practical considerations for training clinics,2020,14,3,167-175,Reinhardt Remote Supervision and Training in Suicide Prevention During the Time of the Coronavirus Pandemic: Recommendations for Training Programs and Supervisors,2021,15,4,290-297,Bongar