Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author
Kutanda botso ritual as a means of preventing non-intimate femicide targeting biological mothers in Shona Communities of Zimbabwe,2020,7,4,175-181,Chivasa
Correction of "Denying rape but endorsing forceful intercourse: exploring differences among responders" Edwards et al,2015,2,1,98,O'toole
Men who kill policemen,2015,2,1,87-97,Stone
Determinants of women empowerment responsible for reducing crime against women in India,2020,7,4,182-187,Kumar
Aggressive and delinquent behavior among youth: an empirical study in Poland,2020,7,4,188-199,Jurczyk
Is having a gun for safety associated with feeling safer safety planning and more assertive responses to conflict among women with interpersonal victimization experiences?,2020,7,4,158-166,Logan
Violence against women: a not in my back yard (NIMBY) phenomenon,2020,7,4,150-157,Arcidiacono
Gary Scott Pennington: distal and proximal shame in a school rampage shooting,2014,1,3,134-142,Fast
Technology-delivered dating aggression: risk and promotive factors and patterns of associations across violence types among high-risk youth,2014,1,3,131-133,Zimmerman
Does gender change things? Analysis of the difference between male and female violent crime for solo and co-offenders,2014,1,3,124-130,Vandiver
Celebrities through violence: the copycat effect and the influence of violence in social media on mass killers,2014,1,3,107-116,Beresin
Is serious physical violence almost exclusively male?,2014,1,2,90-93,Eme
Stories of wartime rape victims: the deconstruction of lived experiences in the Balkan conflict,2014,1,2,77-89,Sample
Men who kill,2014,1,2,65-76,Stone
Sexism intimate partner violence and risk behavior amongst men in a South African township,2014,1,2,53-59,Carey
Perceived safety trust and dialog formation between sexually victimized women and police,2014,1,2,60-64,Rahbari
A different perspective on the UCSB mass murderer,2014,1,2,49-50,O'toole
Female victimization in violent crimes: a global perspective,2014,1,2,37-38,O'toole
Costuming misogyny and objectification as risk factors in targeted violence,2014,1,1,25-35,Van Brunt
Not hardwired: the complex neurobiology of sex differences in violence,2014,1,1,19-24,Niehoff
Why do young males attack schools? Seven discipline leaders share their perspectives,2014,1,1,13-18,Häkkänen-Nyholm
The mission-oriented shooter: a new type of mass killer,2014,1,1,9-10,O'toole
Understanding brain health can prevent another Sandy Hook shooting,2014,1,1,11-12,Richman
Sexual assault in the military: a discussion of the current status and future prevention,2014,1,1,3-8,Kilmartin
Mass murder mental illness and men,2015,2,1,51-86,Stone
Lawyers' perceptions of female homicide offenders,2015,2,1,41-50,Gurian
Perpetration and victimization of intimate partner aggression among rural mothers,2015,2,1,35-40,Ramirez
Sex differences in arrest for juvenile assaults,2015,2,1,24-34,Vandiver
Greater male exposure to prenatal testosterone,2015,2,1,19-23,Eme
Many wear the jersey but few play for the team: misfits masquerading as terrorists,2015,2,1,17-18,Logan
Building bridges between professions: a psychoanalytic approach to understanding school violence,2015,2,1,10-16,Sacco
Denying rape but endorsing forceful intercourse: exploring differences among responders,2014,1,4,188-193,Hinsz
Psychodynamics in the female psychopath: a PCL-R/Rorschach Investigation,2014,1,4,176-187,Kivisto
Wife beating: a population-based study in Bangladesh,2014,1,4,170-175,Rashid
The weapons effect in college females,2014,1,4,165-169,Gallina
The next generation,2014,1,4,163-164,Richman
Cop killers: a perspective on the Mayerthorpe Mountie murders,2014,1,4,161-162,Logan
Lone wolf killers: a perspective on overvalued ideas,2014,1,4,159-160,Logan
How can we socialize beheadings in the west?,2014,1,4,157-158,Barton
The violence of the Islamic State of Syria (ISIS): a behavioral perspective,2014,1,4,145-156,O'toole
Sexual assault information on university websites,2016,3,1,64-70,Englander
Modifiers of neighbors' bystander intervention in intimate partner violence: a concept mapping study,2016,3,1,55-63,Frye
The willingness of college students to intervene in sexual assault situations: attitude and behavior differences by gender race age and community of origin,2016,3,1,49-54,Hetzel-Riggin
Psychological victimization among college students,2016,3,1,42-48,Policastro
Intimate partner firearms violence: a topic ignored in women's health journals and the impact on health providers,2016,3,1,36-41,Price
U.S. homicides: multi-offenders and the presence of female offenders,2016,3,1,27-35,Vandiver
Firearm ownership and the murder of women in the United States: evidence that the state-level firearm ownership rate is associated with the nonstranger femicide rate,2016,3,1,20-26,Rothman
The tenuous connections involving mass shootings mental illness and gun laws,2016,3,1,14-19,Fox
Male rape stereotypes and unmet needs: hindering recovery perpetuating silence,2016,3,1,7-13,Javaid
Police violence: a two-way street,2016,3,1,3-6,Logan
Sisters in arms: the gendered process of identification with Columbine,2015,2,4,225-236,Zick
Campus community readiness to engage measure: its utility for campus violence prevention initiatives--preliminary psychometrics,2015,2,4,214-224,Banyard
Unwanted sexual experiences: the impact on women's transition to college,2015,2,4,209-213,Demers
Male rape myths female rape myths and intent to intervene as a bystander,2015,2,4,204-208,Rosenstein
Rampage killings on campus,2015,2,4,200-203,Fox
Predicting violence: finding that middle ground,2015,2,4,192-199,Mahoney
A dangerous injustice collector in Moneta Virginia: August 26 2015,2015,2,4,189-191,O'toole
When will students intervene? Differences in students' intent to intervene in a spectrum of sexual assault situations,2015,2,3,179-184,Flay
An examination and comparison of rationalizations employed by solo and co-offending female sex offenders,2015,2,3,168-178,ten Bensel
Women in a shelter: victims of intimate partner violence--their health and safety needs,2015,2,3,161-167,Olson
The dirty dozen: twelve risk factors for sexual violence on college campuses (DD-12),2015,2,3,145-160,O'toole
Mass murder: a perspective on young male killers,2015,2,3,139-140,Garbarino
Characteristics of gender-based violence determined from emergency room visits,2015,2,2,129-133,Rinaldi
Can boys still be boys? Implications for the ambiguity of anger in preschool prosocial intervention programs,2015,2,2,119-128,Cooper
Engendered expressions of aggression: the role of gender proprietary behaviors and jealousy in intimate partner violence,2015,2,2,112-118,Teranishi Martinez
"It is better if I kill her": perceptions and opinions of violence against women and femicide in Ocotal Nicaragua after law 779,2015,2,2,107-111,Luffy
Understanding mental illness and violence: now is the time,2016,3,3,127-131,Schug
Association between gambling and exposure to guns among cocaine-using women,2016,3,3,162-166,Cottler
Retraction of: Violence and Gender 2016;3(2):100-106; DOI: 10.1089/vio.2016.0003,2016,3,3,168,
Is firearm threat in intimate relationships associated with posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms among women?,2017,4,2,31-36,Sullivan
Beyond race: female officers and violent police encounters,2017,4,1,1-4,Glasser
Coercive control physical violence and masculinity,2017,4,1,5-10,Raghavan
The use of physical violence against intimate partners by female college students in India,2017,4,1,11-16,Kamimura
Social distancing of college students toward individuals who experienced sexual violence,2017,4,1,17-24,Afe
Sexual perpetration history predicting men's empathy with a rapist,2017,4,1,25-26,Osman
Gender differences in patterns and trends in U.S. homicide 1976-2015,2017,4,2,37-43,Fox
Gun violence in Chicago,2017,4,2,45-47,Garbarino
Gender differences in the relationship between self-esteem and aggression in young people leaving care,2017,4,2,49-54,Snowden
Acceptability feasibility and effectiveness of interdisciplinary group education sessions for women veterans with a history of sexual trauma,2017,4,2,55-64,Dognin
Threat to criminal justice officials: if it is predictable it is preventable,2016,3,4,171-176,Logan
The impact of intimate partner violence exposure on orofacial and stress-related health consequences in female patients,2016,3,4,181-188,Halpern
Typology of perceived causes of intimate partner violence perpetration in young adults,2016,3,4,189-195,Guay
Perceptions of torture in men's abuse of women,2016,3,4,196-201,Yu
Sexual assault and relationship abuse victimization of transgender undergraduate students in a national sample,2016,3,4,202-207,Hoxmeier
Experiences and disclosures of sexual assault among Nigerian undergraduates in a tertiary institution,2016,3,4,208-215,Adejimi
Fraternities and campus sexual violence: risk protection and prevention,2016,3,3,132-138,Kirkner
Examination of a violence prevention program for female offenders,2016,3,3,143-149,Calhoun
Mental illness and gun violence: lessons for the United States from Australia and Britain,2016,3,3,150-156,Evans
Predictors of reporting workplace violence to an employer according to sex: a cross-sectional study,2016,3,3,157-161,Guay
Preventing violence with diet exercise sleep and lifestyle modification,2016,3,2,75-77,O'toole
Assessing threat in written communications social media and creative writing,2016,3,2,78-88,Van Brunt
Acts of weapon threat and use against family members by persons with psychiatric disorders,2016,3,2,89-91,Solomon
Sexual assault victimization among straight gay/lesbian and bisexual college students,2016,3,2,107-115,Ford
Emotional experiences and frequency of domestic abuse among female and male college students,2016,3,2,116-122,Hardy
Suicide risk among transgender people: a prevalent problem in critical need of empirical and theoretical research,2017,4,3,69-72,Stuart
Child abuse and neglect and psychiatric disorders in nonviolent and violent female offenders,2017,4,4,137-143,Widom
Victimization and human immunodeficiency virus-related risk among transgender women in India: a latent profile analysis,2017,4,4,121-129,Chakrapani
Extreme violence and the invisibility of women who murder: the intersectionality of gender race ethnicity sexual orientation and gender identity equals silence,2017,4,4,117-120,Mays
Physical and/or sexual abuse are associated with negative health outcomes among transgender women of color living with HIV,2017,4,4,130-136,Fletcher
Preventing and responding to teen dating violence: a national study of school principals' perspectives and practices,2017,4,4,144-151,Khubchandani
… and then there was Charlottesville … (editorial),2017,4,3,67-68,O'toole
"Jihad against the enemies of Allah": the Berlin Christmas market attack from a threat assessment perspective,2017,4,3,73-80,Meloy
An exploration of the risk protective and mobilization factors related to violent extremism in college populations,2017,4,3,81-101,Van Brunt
Adolescent weapon carrying and use: are the correlates gendered?,2017,4,3,102-108,Wilcox
Jodi Arias: a case of extreme violence,2017,4,3,109-113,Sarteschi
Intimate partner violence among transgender youth: associations with intrapersonal and structural factors,2018,5,1,19-25,Harper
Understanding serial predatory behavior through the lens of the Golden State Killer,2018,5,2,65-66,O'toole
Stockholm syndrome: held hostage by the one you love,2018,5,2,67-69,Logan
Blurred boundaries of lone-actor targeted violence: similarities in the genesis and performance of terrorist attacks and school shootings,2018,5,2,70-80,Scheithauer
Female involvement in school rampage plots,2018,5,2,81-86,Madfis
The impact of natural disasters on domestic violence: an analysis of reports of simple assault in Florida (1999-2007),2018,5,2,87-92,Horney
Addressing onset and desistance of bullying behavior: surveying perpetrators,2018,5,2,93-102,Hayes
Gender differences in the association between synthetic cannabinoid use and teen dating violence victimization,2018,5,2,103-109,Masho
Sexual coercion and women's education: a pilot study,2018,5,2,110-118,Bance
An exploratory evaluation of bystander intervention training for resident assistants,2018,5,2,119-124,Hetzel-Riggin
Suicide: a taboo topic that we must talk about now (editorial),2018,5,3,128,Satterfield
Psychological abuse in the context of social media,2018,5,3,129-134,Capezza
Networked individuals gendered violence: a literature review of cyberviolence,2018,5,3,135-146,McCleary-Sills
Social media use as a tool to facilitate or reduce cyberbullying perpetration: a review focusing on anonymous and nonanonymous social media platforms,2018,5,3,147-152,Barlett
Social sexual and violent predation: are psychopathic traits evolutionarily adaptive?,2018,5,3,153-165,Book
The presence of rape myths in the virtual world: a qualitative textual analysis of the Steubenville sexual assault case,2018,5,3,166-173,Kosloski
A qualitative analysis of disclosing sexual victimization by #NotOkay during the 2016 presidential election,2018,5,3,174-181,Orchowski
Can posting be a catalyst for dating violence? Social media behaviors and physical interactions,2018,5,3,182-190,Matsangidou
Social media use and cyberbullying perpetration: a longitudinal analysis,2018,5,3,191-197,Barlett
Brain health and the batterer,2018,5,4,199-201,Zeoli
Incentives of female offenders in criminal behavior: an Indian perspective,2018,5,4,202-208,Kumar
Invisible empire of hate: gender differences in the Ku Klux Klan's online justifications for violence,2018,5,4,209-225,Freilich
Trust in police and fear of crime among young people from a gender perspective: the case of Mexico,2018,5,4,226-232,Musitu
Readiness to help: how students' sexual assault awareness responsibility and action correlate with bystander intervention behavior,2018,5,4,233-240,McMahon
Bidirectional same-gender and sexual minority intimate partner violence,2018,5,4,241-249,Messinger
Reproductive control among women with violent partners in Paraguay,2018,5,4,250-258,Melian
Actions speak louder than words: examining the relationship between violent behaviors and bullying victimization among adolescents,2018,5,4,259-263,Wright
Contribution of sociodemographic factors to different engagement of children in peer violence,2019,6,1,1-10,Alajbeg
Do the ages of mass shooters matter? Analyzing the differences between young and older offenders,2019,6,1,11-15,Lankford
Early identification of grooming and targeting in predatory sexual behavior on college campuses,2019,6,1,16-24,Van Brunt
Gender differences in patterns and trends in U.S. homicide 1976-2017,2019,6,1,27-36,Fox
"We're going to leave you for last because of how you are": transgender women's experiences of gender-based violence in healthcare education and police encounters in Latin America and the Caribbean,2019,6,1,37-46,Morales
A content analysis of local media framing of intimate partner violence,2019,6,1,47-52,Payton
Debunking the myths: mental illness and mass shootings,2019,6,1,53-63,Van Brunt
Help-seeking behaviors and intimate partner violence-related traumatic brain injury,2019,6,1,64-71,Murray
The prevalence and psychological impact of cyberbullying on undergraduate students at a historically Black college and university,2019,6,1,72-77,Johnson
Integrated intimate partner violence and human immunodeficiency virus interventions in Sub-Saharan Africa: a systematic review targeting or including adolescents,2019,6,2,92-104,Orchowski
"We are one": a response to New Zealand's decision to ban assault weapons after mass shooting at mosque,2019,6,2,81-82,O'toole
Mass shootings: a sad reality,2019,6,2,83,Satterfield
The Capital Gazette shooter: injustice collector,2019,6,2,84-85,Sarteschi
Trauma and the investigator of violence: weathering the storm,2019,6,2,86-91,Logan
Using data mining techniques to examine domestic violence topics on Twitter,2019,6,2,105-114,Xue
Risky social media behaviors and the potential for victimization: a descriptive look at college students victimized by someone met online,2019,6,2,115-123,Randa
Characteristics and psychological consequences of sexual assault in Haiti,2019,6,2,124-130,Cremieux
Adolescent relationship aggression perpetration and victimization in the context of neighborhood gender equality,2019,6,2,131-138,Rothman
Confluence model of sexual aggression in college males: examining polyvictimization,2019,6,2,139-141,Alexander
Discrimination and interpersonal violence: reported experiences of trans* undergraduate students,2018,5,1,12-18,Hoxmeier
"I fear for my safety but want to show bravery for others": violence and discrimination concerns among transgender and gender-nonconforming individuals after the 2016 presidential election,2018,5,1,26-36,Hughes
Payback: the custom of assault and rape of sistergirls and brotherboys; Australia's trans and sex/gender diverse First Peoples,2018,5,1,37-41,Kerry
Hate crime perpetrators: the psychopath and the perseverator,2018,5,1,42-44,Logan
Mass murder targeted individuals and gang-stalking: exploring the connection,2017,5,1,45-54,Sarteschi
Who are the online extremists among us? Sociodemographic characteristics social networking and online experiences of those who produce online hate materials,2018,5,1,55-60,Hawdon
Correction to: Psychodynamics in the Female Psychopath: A PCL-R/Rorschach Investigation by Smith JM Gacono CB Cunliffe TB et al. Violence and Gender 2014;1(4):176-187. DOI: 10.1089/vio.2014.0023,2019,6,3,200,
Alcohol use and intimate partner violence among community college women: an exploration of protective factors,2019,6,3,187-195,Pearlman
Understanding weapon carrying behaviors of youth in Florida schools using structural equation modeling,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Liller
Social media during the school shooting contagion period,2019,6,4,201-210,Kien
The relative risk of intimate partner and other homicide victimization by state-level gender inequity in the United States 2000-2017,2019,6,4,211-218,Rothman
Women's perceptions of intimate partner violence in Zambia,2019,6,4,219-226,Payton
Gender differences in sense of entitlement and dating abuse perpetration,2019,6,4,227-234,Warrener
Violence in lesbian gay bisexual transgender and queer communities: preliminary findings from New Mexico,2019,6,4,235-237,Rao
Sexual orientation differences in gun ownership and beliefs about gun safety policy general social survey 2010-2016,2020,7,1,6-10,Bossarte
Gun policy: politics and pathways of action,2020,7,2,40-46,Smith
Primed and ready: does arming police increase safety? Preliminary findings,2020,7,2,47-56,Evans
What would you do? Examining gun ownership on safety planning activities and response intentions to an armed and unarmed assailant by gender,2020,7,2,57-65,Logan
A credible messenger: the role of the violence intervention specialist in the lives of young Black male survivors of violence,2020,7,2,66-69,Richardson
Baltimore's underground gun market: availability of and access to guns,2020,7,2,78-83,Webster
Gun violence: an introduction,2020,7,1,1-2,Wallace
Initiating a dialogue about gun violence: shifting the focus,2020,7,1,3-5,Nelson
Fear anxiety and expectation: gender differences in openness to future gun ownership,2020,7,1,11-18,Warner
Female firepower: gun ownership for self-protection among female intimate partner violence victims,2020,7,1,19-26,Lynch
Firearm removal judicial decision-making and domestic violence protection orders,2020,7,1,27-32,Durfee
Firearm-facilitated sexual assault: using emergency department data to provide a novel perspective of the problem,2019,7,1,33-36,Rupp
Neuroanatomical differences among sexual offenders: a targeted review with limitations and implications for future directions,2020,7,3,86-97,Spillane
Family violence pattern and its related factors among female university students in the Riyadh Region of Saudi Arabia,2021,8,1,35-42,Ibrahim
Investigating the frequency of physical violence against women by their husbands in women referring to health centers of Hamadan in 2017,2021,8,1,28-34,Khanlarzadeh
Examining relationship and abuse tactics associated with nonfatal strangulation experiences before and after a protective order,2021,8,2,95-103,Logan
Prevalence frequency and affecting factors of intimate partner violence against pregnant women in Osun State Nigeria,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Ayeni
Violence against women in adulthood is associated with increased disordered eating behaviors and risk of eating disorders: a cross-sectional study,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Mattar
Response to domestic violence during the COVID-19 outbreak in Japan,2021,8,3,129-132,Suga
CoViD-19 lockdown and the increased violence against women: understanding domestic violence during a pandemic,2021,8,3,133-139,Usta
Domestic violence in Atlanta Georgia before and during CoViD-19,2021,8,3,140-147,Evans
Locked down together: determinants of verbal partner violence during the CoViD-19 pandemic,2021,8,3,148-153,Hardyns
The same dynamics different tactics: domestic violence during CoViD-19,2021,8,3,154-156,Alexander
Effect of CoViD-19-related lockdown on intimate partner violence in India: an online survey-based study,2021,8,3,157-162,Pal
Feminicide violence before and during the CoViD-19 health emergency,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Bardales Mendoza
The rise of the incel mission-oriented attacker,2021,8,4,163-174,Morgan
Linguistic indicators of coercive control: evidenced in sex trafficking narratives,2021,8,4,175-186,Raghavan
Gender differences in violent penetrating injuries and long-term adverse outcomes,2021,8,4,187-197,Dugan
Physical and sexual intimate partner violence and psychological distress among injection drug users in baltimore,2021,8,4,198-207,German
Household factors forcing women to accept domestic violence in Pakistan,2021,8,4,208-217,Akram
Maternal-fetal attachment and domestic violence against Iranian and Afghan pregnant women: a cross-cultural study,2021,8,4,218-224,Abazari
A contextual comparison of violence depicted in television and Netflix series,2022,9,1,1-10,Çelik
Exploring the nature scope and impact of firearm threats among women with cohabitating versus noncohabitating partners: considerations for the boyfriend loophole,2022,9,1,11-21,Logan
Impostor phenomenon and discipline-specific experiences of violence in science technology engineering and mathematics,2022,9,1,22-29,Rishi
Blazing hate into the world: psychological case study of a fame-seeking rampage shooter,2022,9,1,42-56,Görgen
Firearms on college campuses: an empirical review of support and opposition,2022,9,2,63-72,Khubchandani
Perspectives of stakeholders working to end the commercial sexual exploitation of children in Atlanta Georgia,2022,9,2,73-79,Evans
Attitudes of women toward domestic violence: what matters the most?,2022,9,2,87-95,Alam
Concussions and interpersonal physical violence perpetration among U.S. college students,2022,9,2,96-99,Nagata
Estimating the prevalence of intimate partner violence at an urban hospital before and during the COVID-19 pandemic using a novel natural language processing algorithm,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Evans
Television coverage of gender-based violence in Spain during lockdown,2022,9,3,105-114,Nozal
A systematic review of interventions to reduce intimate partner violence in women,2022,9,3,115-126,Afshari
Relationships between sexual arousal relationship status and men's ratings of women's sexual willingness: implications for research and practice,2022,9,3,127-134,Davis
Frequency of visiting alcohol-serving establishments bystander efficacy and barriers to sexual aggression bystander intervention among college students,2022,9,3,142-145,Leone
Dating/intimate partner violence and social media use among college students,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Kamimura
Correction to: Family violence pattern and its related factors among female university students in the Riyadh Region of Saudi Arabia by Ibrahim et al. Violence Gend 2021;8(1):35-42; doi: 10.1089/vio.2020.0051,2022,9,4,e207,
What can we learn from the street-level bureaucracy approach regarding gender-based violence support services during the COVID-19 lockdown crisis?,2023,10,1,1-14,Andraszak
SARS-CoV-2 pandemic's impact on domestic violence assistance: the Portuguese stakeholders' perspective,2023,10,1,15-21,Rodríguez-Castro
Minority stress and posttraumatic stress symptoms in the transgender and gender nonconforming community,2023,10,1,22-28,Wilson
"There was no other option": femicide perpetrators' sensemaking on gender and violence in Buenos Aires Argentina,2023,10,1,29-37,Evans
Black women & gun ownership in America: an exploratory study of motivations and strategy,2023,10,1,38-44,Rivara
A qualitative study to understand the nature of abuse experienced by persons with severe mental illness,2023,10,1,45-56,Rani
"Because anyone can misuse this (a gun) and they can use it for weapon": a photovoice exploration of reasons why female adolescents feel unsafe in rural and suburban communities,2023,10,1,57-64,Yang
Two sides of the same coin: the role of aggression proneness and disgust in the prediction of homophobic and transphobic attitudes,2023,10,1,65-69,Scalora
Exposure to intimate partner violence in children aged 6 months to 8 years: factors associated with mothers' awareness of children's exposure to this violence,2023,10,2,73-84,Lessard
Perinatal intimate partner violence: a qualitative analysis of mothers' perceptions of early childhood exposure,2023,10,2,85-90,Kothari
Patterns of adverse childhood experiences associated with externalizing problems: a latent class analysis,2023,10,2,91-100,Nguyen
Gender-based violence against pregnant women and its relationship with maternal depression in patients attended at a public hospital in Chincha Peru: a cross-sectional study,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Salvador-Carrillo
Perspectives on adverse childhood experiences,2023,10,2,101-103,Garbarino
Sexual assault reporting trends during COVID-19 lockdown: results from a metropolitan city,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Zedaker
Preventing gender-based violence among Latino boys using a culturally grounded gender transformative approach: a review of the literature and call to action,2023,10,3,107-118,Edwards
A need for more research: how to understand elevated rates of sexual assault among bisexual college women,2023,10,3,119-127,Ford
Stress suicidality post-traumatic stress disorder emotional distress and social isolation among U.S. adults experiencing online abuse or harassment,2023,10,3,144-152,Mumford
Online gender-based violence in Indonesian context: the shadow pandemic study,2023,10,3,153-158,Suryanti
The prevalence and gender differences of bullying and cyberbullying victimization among university students in Jordan,2023,10,3,159-166,Al-Natour
Determinants of violence and aggression towards health care doctors in health management hub Pakistan: a short survey report,2023,10,3,167-172,Zaman
Letter to the editor: interpersonal violent behavior in bipolar disorder: a preliminary study on gender differences,2023,10,3,173-174,Colombo
Pooled prevalence of violence against men: a systematic review and meta-analysis of a silent crises,2023,10,4,193-206,Rehman
Prevalence and associated factors of severity of gender-based violence among street-based female sex workers in Bangladesh,2023,10,4,220-229,Abdulla
Firearm legislation and firearm use in female intimate partner homicide using National Violent Death Reporting System data 2015-2019,2023,10,4,213-219,Gollub
Centering issues of identity in consent: a critical sexuality review of U.S. history and research on identity and consent,2023,10,4,177-192,Bonagura
Childhood polyvictimization and psychopathic personality traits in emerging adults,2023,10,4,207-212,Alexander
Descriptive epidemiology of females killed by law enforcement officers 2013-2020,2023,10,4,230-232,Price
Reproductive coercion and abuse: the potential protective scope of existing family violence legislation in Australia,2024,11,1,14-21,Farmer
Gender violence and sexual harassment against women within academic spaces: challenges and constraints,2024,11,1,1-13,Lakshminarayanan
Epidemiology of suicide with cold weapon in Fars Province during 2011-2019,2024,11,1,22-27,Kasraei
Gender-based heat map images of campus walking settings: a reflection of lived experience,2024,11,1,35-42,Chaney
"Does it depend on the discipline?" differences in the perceptions of LGBTIQ+ violence in universities,2024,11,1,43-52,Duque
Narrative therapy with Dalit female survivors of violence,2024,11,1,53-57,Rani
Firearm Violence by the Mentally Ill: Mental Health Professionals' Perceptions and Practices,2016,3,2,92-99,Price
School Firearm Violence Prevention Practices and Policies: Functional or Folly?,2019,6,3,154-167,Price
Gender Differences in Male Depression and Suicide Risk,2021,8,2,80-84,Fiske
Sexual Violence and Mental Health among College Students in the Era of #MeToo,2021,8,1,8-13,Bates
Meta-analysis of sexual violence in armed conflict: implications for a women peace and security agenda,2024,11,2,59-71,Xu
Gender differences in characteristics and consequences of nonfatal firearm abuse in intimate partner violence,2024,11,2,72-80,Adhia
Prevalence and predictors of violent victimization among midlife adult women and men in the United States,2024,11,2,81-87,Tillyer
Intimate partner violence on women: the relationship between perceived stress posttraumatic cognitions mental health and emotional intelligence,2024,11,2,88-94,Madariaga
Patterns in Jordanian women's resistance to intimate partner violence: a qualitative study,2024,11,2,95-104,Alsawalqa
Workplace violence and the impostor phenomenon in medicine: a US-based qualitative study,2024,11,2,105-113,Chakraverty