Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Epidemiological study of injuries caused by violence and conflict in forensic medical records of selected cities of Sistan and Baluchistan province in 2020,2020,9,10,5165-5170,Farshid Incidence and pattern of road traffic injuries in tribal population of Jharkhand: one-year study in a tertiary care teaching hospital,2020,9,10,5223-5228,Singh Seat belt sign and its significance,2013,2,3,288-290,Agrawal A public health perspective of road traffic accidents,2012,1,2,144-150,Gopalakrishnan Knowledge and practices of paracetamol administration among caregivers of pediatric age group patients,2012,1,1,30-33,Ramanayake Responding to domestic violence in clinical practice: are we equipped enough?,2014,3,1,89-90,Jacob Intimate partner violence and associated coping strategies among women in a primary care clinic in Port Harcourt Nigeria,2014,3,3,193-198,Dienye An epidemiological overview of child sexual abuse,2014,3,4,430-435,Singh Epidemiology and outcome of chemical burn patients admitted in burn unit of JNMC Hospital Aligarh Muslim University Aligarh Uttar Pradesh India: a 5-year experience,2015,4,1,106-109,Ahmad Psychological co-morbidity in children with specific learning disorders,2015,4,1,21-25,Sahoo Myriad presentations of penile fracture: report of three cases and review of literature,2015,4,2,273-275,Faridi Knowledge and practice of Accredited Social Health Activists for maternal healthcare delivery in Delhi,2015,4,3,359-363,Kishore An interesting case of characteristic methanol toxicity through inhalational exposure,2015,4,3,470-473,Kumar Seatbelt submarining injury and its prevention countermeasures: how a cantilever seat pan structure exacerbate submarining,2015,4,4,587-590,Thorbole A retrospective review of 911 calls to a regional poison control center,2015,4,4,546-550,Gerkin Profile of deliberate self-harm patients presenting to emergency department: a retrospective study,2016,5,1,73-76,Jegaraj Domestic violence in the Solomon Islands,2016,5,1,16-19,Ming Study of general awareness attitude behavior and practice study on dog bites and its management in the context of prevention of rabies among the victims of dog bite attending the OPD Services of CHC Muradnagar,2014,3,4,355-358,Jain Clinical study of burn patients requiring admission: a single center experience at North Eastern Indira Gandhi Regional Institute of Health and Medical Sciences,2016,5,2,444-448,Khongwar Temporal variations in suicide attempt rates: a hospital-based study from India,2016,5,2,357-361,Sarkar Geriatric health policy in India: the need for scaling-up implementation,2016,5,2,242-247,Paul Speed detection device in preventing road traffic accidents: a realistic approach in India!,2016,5,3,741-742,Kanungo The prevalence of domestic violence and its associated factors among married women in a rural area of Puducherry South India,2016,5,3,672-676,Nair Profile of trauma patients in the emergency department of a tertiary care hospital in South India,2016,5,3,558-563,Abhilash Domestic violence against women: a hidden and deeply rooted health issue in India,2020,9,10,5229-5235,Bhattacharya Does violence affect the use of contraception? Identifying the hidden factors from rural India,2017,6,1,73-77,Singh Effectiveness of first-aid training on school students in Singur Block of Hooghly District West Bengal,2017,6,1,39-42,Manjula Psychiatric morbidity in spouses of patients with alcohol related disorders,2017,6,2,305-310,Dandu Searching cause of death through different autopsy methods: a new initiative,2017,6,2,191-195,Das Neurological effects of an unusual insecticide poison: Amitraz,2017,6,3,686-687,Sathyendra Paraquat poisoning: case report of a survivor,2017,6,3,672-673,Ramya A rare case report of Strychnos nux-vomica poisoning with bradycardia,2017,6,3,663-665,Mishra An epidemiological study of drowning survivors among school children,2017,6,4,844-847,Veetil Fatal carbon monoxide poisoning: a lesson from a retrospective study at All India Institute of Medical Sciences New Delhi,2017,6,4,791-794,Sikary A cross-sectional study on domestic violence in emergency department of Eastern Nepal,2018,7,3,542-545,Bhandari The mental health needs of women in natural disasters: a qualitative study with a preventive approach,2018,7,4,678-683,Abedi Associated head injuries and survival rate of patients with maxillofacial fractures in road traffic accident: a prospective study in Saudi Arabia,2018,7,6,1548-1554,Aldwsari Community-based rehabilitation for physically impaired earthquake victims: an evidence-based practice protocol and its pre-post experimental study,2018,7,6,1327-1333,Adhikari Reciprocate and nonreciprocate spousal violence: a cross-sectional study in Haryana India,2019,8,1,120-124,Gupta Minimum data set (MDS) based trauma registry is the data adequate? An evidence-based study from Odisha India,2019,8,1,7-13,Swain Knowledge and attitude regarding child abuse among primary health care physician in Abha Saudi Arabia 2018,2019,8,2,706-710,Alsaleem Anxiety depression self-esteem among children of alcoholic and nonalcoholic parents,2019,8,2,604-609,Omkarappa Knowledge and practices related to burn first aid among Majmaah community Saudi Arabia,2019,8,2,594-598,AlQahtani Clinical and demographic characteristics of geriatric patients with acute poisoning in the state of Uttarakhand,2019,8,2,443-448,Kumar Identifying and validating requirements of telemental health services for Iranian veterans,2019,8,3,1216-1221,Ahmadi Epidemiology of alcohol consumption in an urban area of Kancheepuram district Tamil Nadu,2019,8,3,1098-1105,Gopalakrishnan Parent's knowledge attitude and practice about children car seats at Unaizah city KSA,2019,8,3,805-811,AlSallum Public health crisis of road traffic accidents in India: risk factor assessment and recommendations on prevention on the behalf of the Academy of Family Physicians of India,2019,8,3,775-783,Agrawal Physicians and healthcare professionals in the era of #Metoo,2019,8,3,771-774,Khubchandani Involving parents in road safety decision making: keeping our children safe,2019,8,4,1476-1480,Hendaus Need for a framework document on building competency in injury prevention,2019,8,5,1814-1815,Raina Pattern of sexual behavior among people in a rural area of Bihar: a qualitative study on wives of migrant workers,2019,8,5,1637-1641,Pandey Knowledge and practice of secondary school teachers about first aid,2019,8,5,1587-1593,Al Gharsan Are pregnant women also vulnerable to domestic violence? A community based enquiry for prevalence and predictors of domestic violence among pregnant women,2019,8,5,1575-1579,Chaturvedi Mental health conditions and the risk of road traffic accidents,2019,8,6,2166-2167,Uvais Mortality and morbidity associated with acute poisoning cases in north-east India: a retrospective study,2019,8,6,2068-2072,Sharma Pattern of alcohol consumption and its associated morbidity among alcohol consumers in an urban area of Tamil Nadu,2019,8,6,2029-2035,Gopalakrishnan Knowledge attitude and practice of first aid among the commercial drivers in the Kumaon region of India,2019,8,6,1994-1998,Kaur Prevalence and correlates of depression among male medical students and interns in Albaha University Saudi Arabia,2019,8,6,1889-1894,Albajjar Mental health effects of domestic violence against women in Delhi: a community-based study,2019,8,7,2522-2527,Sharma Bullying in school children: how much do teachers know?,2019,8,7,2395-2400,Shamsi Learn to live with it: lived experience of Palestinian women suffering from intimate partner violence,2019,8,7,2332-2336,Taghizadeh Impact of family medicine practice in combating Violence against Doctors,2019,8,8,2748-2749,Kumar Dying to be ill: Munchausen meets warfarin overdose,2019,8,8,2741-2743,Akella Investigation of correlation between religious attitude and mother-adolescent girls conflict,2019,8,9,2893-2897,Ghodrati Hepatotoxicity and neurotoxicity of Fipronil poisoning in human: a case report,2019,8,10,3437-3439,Iyadurai Metabolic response to maxillofacial trauma revisited: a retrospective study,2019,8,11,3713-3717,Kuntamukkula Knowledge regarding avulsion reimplantation and mouthguards in high school children: organised sports-related orodental injuries,2019,8,11,3706-3712,Singh Magnitude of domestic violence and its socio-demographic correlates among pregnant women in Delhi,2019,8,11,3634-3639,Bala Intimate partner violence against Palestinian women in Gaza strip: prevalence and correlates,2019,8,11,3621-3626,Elsous Assessment of road traffic behavior using Youth Risk Behavior Survey questionnaire among school-going adolescents of Jaipur city Rajasthan: An observational analysis,2019,8,11,3595-3599,Dobhal Assessment of knowledge and attitude about child abuse amongst parents visiting rural tertiary care hospital in central India,2019,8,11,3525-3530,Sharma Violent-acts against doctors and healthcare professionals in India: call for action,2019,8,11,3457-3460,Kumar Incidence of anterior cruciate ligament injury in a rural tertiary care hospital,2019,8,12,4032-4035,Kochhal Medical vandalism: awareness and opinions; beyond the clinician's window,2019,8,12,4015-4020,Acharya Profile of acute poisoning cases and their outcome in a teaching hospital of north India,2019,8,12,3935-3939,Jamshed Assessment of respiratory morbidity among bus drivers and conductors of the state road transport corporation Kochi Kerala,2019,8,12,3887-3892,Francis Management of multiple traumas in emergency medicine department: a review,2019,8,12,3789-3797,Saberinia Disaster-related media exposure and its impact on mental health,2020,9,1,448-449,Uvais Awareness and knowledge about anterior cruciate ligament injury among the general adult population of Saudi Arabia,2020,9,1,379-384,Gharbawi A cross-sectional study of epidemiological factors related to road traffic accidents in a metropolitan city,2020,9,1,168-172,Hadaye Acute oleander poisoning: a study of clinical profile from a tertiary care center in South India,2020,9,1,136-140,Sathyendra Alcohol consumption in India- an epidemiological review,2020,9,1,49-55,Gopalakrishnan Emergencies on the train and railway stations managed at a railway station emergency care center,2020,9,2,807-811,Abhilash Prevalence of psychiatric disorders among older adults in Jodhpur and stakeholders perspective on responsive health system,2020,9,2,714-720,Nebhinani Profile and outcome of patients with ground-level falls,2020,9,2,614-618,Abhilash Awareness of child abuse and neglect among working parents in Chennai India: a knowledge attitude and practice (KAP) survey,2020,9,2,602-608,Preethy Intimate partner violence in Saudi Arabia: a topic of growing interest,2020,9,2,481-484,AlJuhani Survival in human rabies but left against medical advice and death followed - Community education is the need of the hour,2020,9,3,1736-1740,Panda Paediatric trauma aetiology severity and outcome,2020,9,3,1583-1588,Chandran Sleep Quality and its various correlates: a community-based study among geriatric population in a community development block of Purba Bardhaman district West Bengal,2020,9,3,1510-1516,Chakraborty Saudi parents awareness regarding burn choking and drowning first aid in children,2020,9,3,1370-1375,Habeeb In reply to article: "A cross-sectional study of epidemiological factors related to road traffic accidents in a metropolitan city",2020,9,4,e2136,Mohanty Strengthening primary care to address workplace violence against doctors in India [Letter],2020,9,5,2585-2586,Hossain Post-crash emergency care: availability and utilization pattern of existing facilities in Aligarh Uttar Pradesh,2020,9,5,2313-2318,Ahmad An institution-based study to assess the prevalence of Nomophobia and its related impact among medical students in Southern Haryana India,2020,9,5,2303-2308,Gupta Clinical profile of poisoning due to various poisons in children of age 0-12 years,2020,9,5,2291-2296,Sharma Role of calcium and phosphorous concentration as an intrinsic factor in the development of skull fracture following road traffic accidents,2020,9,6,2854-2859,Tamuli A minimum data set of user profile or electronic health record for chemical warfare victims' recommender system,2020,9,6,2995-3004,Mousavi A hospital-based cross-sectional study on suicidal poisoning in Western Uttar Pradesh,2020,9,6,3010-3014,Singh Child abuse and neglect in a rapidly developing country: parents' perspectives,2020,9,6,3053-3059,El Ansari The effect of 'the Motor Vehicles (Amendment) Act 2019' on the clinico-epidemiological profile of road traffic accident patients presenting to a tertiary care trauma centre in Bhubaneswar,2020,9,7,3682-3687,Jain Epidemiological profile and mapping geographical distribution of road traffic accidents reported to a tertiary care hospital Mangaluru using quantum geographic information system (QGIS),2020,9,7,3652-3656,Shaira Impaled roadside guardrail in the neck: case of a failed motorcycle stunt,2020,9,7,3753-3755,Ozair Calotropis poisoning with severe cardiac toxicity a case report,2020,9,8,4444-4447,Iyadurai Falls and SGLT-2 inhibitors in geriatric patients-a case report,2020,9,8,4454-4455,Taşdemir Suicide: a précis!,2020,9,8,4009-4015,Naguy Qualitative analysis of the perception of street dog bite victims and implication for the prevention of dog bites at a teaching hospital anti-rabies Clinic,2020,9,8,4118-4126,Saleem Heat-related illness-Clinical profile and predictors of outcome from a healthcare center in South India,2020,9,8,4210-4215,Pichamuthu Death in childhood and adolescence: Accident!,2020,9,8,3807-3809,Keten Clinical and sociodemographic profiles of persons with spinal cord injury,2020,9,9,4890-4896,Vranda Comparing the performance of two social risk screening tools in a vulnerable subpopulation,2020,9,9,5026-5034,Steiner Measuring the impact of COVID-19 on mental health as a preliminary procedure in primary care provision: a cross-sectional study using COVID-19 anxiety scale,2020,9,11,5554-5558,Meesala Profile risk factors and outcome of occupational injuries reported to the emergency department in a tertiary care hospital in South India,2020,9,11,5684-5688,Regina The age-friendly cities characteristics from the viewpoint of elderly,2020,9,11,5745-5751,Sohrabi Evaluation of knowledge and competency among nurses after a brief suicide prevention educational program: a pilot study,2020,9,12,6018-6022,Gehlawat Injury and its associated factors among residents of an urban slum during the festival month in South India: a community-based survey,2020,9,12,6041-6045,Thekkur CoViD-19 and violence against doctors - why a law is needed?,2021,10,1,35-40,Kuppuswamy Child abuse: a social evil in Indian perspective,2021,10,1,110-115,Paul "Silent sufferers: a study of domestic violence among pregnant women attending the ANC OPD at a Primary Health Care Centre",2021,10,1,232-236,Rawat Knowledge and awareness of parents in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia regarding unintentional home injuries in children 2019 a descriptive cross-sectional study,2021,10,1,243-248,Mahmoud Outcome and its predictors in traumatic brain injury in elderly population: institutional study from Northern India,2021,10,1,289-294,Sharma Assessment of magnitude and predictors of postpartum depression among mothers attending immunization clinics in Bihar India,2021,10,1,312-320,Singh A cross-sectional study of quality of life psychiatric illness perceived social support suicidal risk and selfesteem among patients with burns,2021,10,1,432-438,Kadam A case of organophosphate poisoning with intermediate syndrome and acute pancreatitis - a rare complication,2021,10,1,564-566,Kaeley Ambispective study of clinical picture management practices and outcome of snake bite patients at tertiary care centre in Northern India,2021,10,2,933-940,Soneja Violence among healthcare workers during COVID-19 pandemic in India,2021,10,2,1066-1067,Kengadaran Prevalence of home related injuries among children under 5 years old and practice of mothers toward first aid in Buraidah Qassim,2021,10,3,1234-1240,Al-Bshri Sensitivity towards patient's presence to avoid violent situations in hospitals: an observatory study,2021,10,3,1359-1363,Lakshmikantha Assessment of knowledge attitude and practice of child abuse amongst health care professionals working in tertiary care hospitals of Karachi Pakistan,2021,10,3,1364-1368,Khan The study of clinical profile and outcome of patients with snakebite in a rural community,2021,10,4,1661-1665,Patel Traumatic spinal cord injury in southern Saudi Arabia: patterns time to surgery and outcomes,2021,10,4,1726-1730,Alnaami Paraquat poisoning in Andaman and Nicobar Islands - government must intervene,2021,10,4,1780-1784,Singh Mobile phone use while driving: prevalence task management strategies risk perception and attitude among Qassim University students,2021,10,5,1856-1862,Jahan Assessing knowledge and practice about eye injuries first aid with awareness about the importance of early management among general population in Asser Region 2020,2021,10,5,2022-2027,Dhabaan Perception of safety from workplace violence affects job satisfaction among doctors practicing modern medicine in India: a nationwide survey,2021,10,6,2252-2258,Kaur The prevalence of stress stressors and coping mechanisms and the socio-demographic factors associated among the auto-rickshaw drivers in Bengaluru city India,2021,10,7,2546-2551,Joshi Severe or not so severe? The gravity of geriatric trauma,2021,10,7,2614-2618,Abhilash Snakebite profile from a tertiary care setup in a largely rural setting in the hills of North-West India,2021,10,8,2793-2797,Kumar The prevalence of child restraint system use and pattern of child transportation in Buraidah City,2021,10,8,2810-2815,Jahan Prevalence of spousal violence among married women in a rural area in North Kerala,2021,10,8,2845-2852,Mundodan Intimate partner violence in the Kingdom of Bahrain: prevalence associated factors and WAST screening in primary health centres,2021,10,8,2893-2899,Al Ubaidi Knowledge attitude and practice regarding child maltreatment among health care providers working in primary care centers in Riyadh Saudi Arabia,2021,10,9,3198-3204,Alkathiri Association of psychosocial factors with aggression among school going rural adolescents in Haryana,2021,10,10,3720-3724,Chayal Clinical and epidemiological characteristics of road traffic accidents patients received at 2 intensive care units in Saudi Arabia-a cross-sectional study,2021,10,10,3863-3868,AbdelRazik Epidemiological characteristics of traumatic musculoskeletal injuries during the COVID-19 pandemic at a single tertiary hospital,2021,10,10,3882-3887,Juhani Awareness and usage of personal protective equipment among construction workers and their hearing assessment by pure tone audiometry; a cross-sectional study in South India,2021,10,11,4072-4076,Hameed Prevalence of depression and quality of life in primary caregiver of children with cerebral palsy,2021,10,11,4205-4211,Sonune Pattern of inflicted injuries to motorcyclists referred to Hazrat-E-Rasoul Akram hospital in Tehran during 2015 - 2016,2021,10,11,4212-4217,Aghakhani Violence against doctors; suggested additional solutions- response to Patil et al,2021,10,12,4626-4627,Ish A community-based cross-sectional study to assess the prevalence of post-partum depression: why are the mothers depressed?,2021,10,12,4536-4541,Chaudhary The impact of women violence on depression among female medical students at Imam Abdulrahman Bin Faisal University Saudi Arabia,2021,10,12,4565-4572,Al Sadah Military TBI-what civilian primary care providers should know,2021,10,12,4391-4397,Ivins Non-partner sexual violence victimization among female medical undergraduates,2022,11,3,1158-1161,Nandini Prevalence and associated factors of domestic violence among married women in an urban slum in South India,2022,11,3,1006-1011,Das Knowledge and attitude of children safety at home among population in Saudi Arabia,2022,11,3,955-962,Filemban Fire incidents in bed-head panels: causes and recommendations for prevention,2022,11,1,360-362,Kumar Searching for roots of violence,2022,11,1,394-395,Kumar Socio demographic determinants of violence among school-going adolescent girls in a rural area of North India: a cross-sectional study,2022,11,1,108-112,Kumar Paradigm shift in pattern and prevalence of poisoning during COVID-19 pandemic,2022,11,1,208-214,Sharma Deliberate self-poisoning and harm: a meticulous quest of methods in vogue,2022,11,1,233-239,Abhilash Cobra envenomation in an elderly female mimicking brain death- a case report,2022,11,1,340-343,Pushparajan Paraquat poisoning with spontaneous pneumothorax in the era of online shopping,2022,11,1,357-359,Jha Epidemio-toxicological profile and reasons for fatal suicidal poisoning: a record-based study in South India,2022,11,2,547-552,Das Marijuana use experiences and expectancies of urban youth in India,2022,11,2,685-690,Kumar He hit me; but it's okay! Female submissiveness in marital abuse: a review in Indian context,2022,11,2,447-452,Kumar Frequency of phobia among sexual assault victims referred to legal medicine organization in Isfahan province,2022,11,2,487-491,Khademi Domestic violence and its associated factors among married women in urban Chennai: a cross-sectional study,2022,11,2,633-637,Subhashchandra Practice in child restraint system use among attendees of well-baby clinics in Jeddah Saudi Arabia,2022,11,2,512-519,Albishi Socio-demographic features and quality of life post burn injury,2022,11,3,1032-1035,Sharma Pediatric orthopedic injury prevention for team sports post COVID-19,2022,11,3,833-838,Feng Effects of different crash data variables on EMS response time for a rural county in Alabama,2022,11,4,1462-1467,Anderson Utility of inquest and medico-legal autopsy in community deaths at tertiary care hospital of India,2022,11,5,2090-2093,Yadukul A retrospective analysis of the profile of trauma victims presenting to an emergency department in South India,2022,11,5,1907-1912,Hazra Delayed liver toxicity and delayed gastroenteritis: a 5 year retrospective analysis of the cause of death in mushroom poisoning,2022,11,5,1963-1969,Tiewsoh Domestic violence and child maltreatment awareness among medical students at King Abdulaziz University Hospital,2022,11,6,2750-2755,Al-Sofyani What do clinical resident doctors think about workplace violence? A qualitative study comprising focus group discussions and thematic analysis from a tertiary care center of India,2022,11,6,2678-2684,Singh Childhood maltreatment and its relation with depression and anxiety among psychiatric patients in Riyadh - KSA,2022,11,6,2603-2607,Albalawi A descriptive study on child sexual abuse act in India,2022,11,6,2923-2932,Bharti Occupational health problems and major risk factor profile of non communicable diseases among workers in the Aquaculture industry in Visakhapatnam,2022,11,6,3071-3076,Yalamanchi Accidental formalin poisoning in a child with acute fatal manifestations: a rare case report,2022,11,6,3293-3297,Mohanty Frequency of suicide ideation and attempts and its correlates among inpatients with depressive disorders at a tertiary care center in North India,2022,11,6,2537-2544,Das The impact of COVID-19 lockdown on mental health: a study from rural population of Haryana India,2022,11,6,2896-2899,Kumar Epidemiological study of suicidal patients referred to Kowsar Hospital in Semnan,2022,11,6,3084-3088,Safaie Pattern of pediatric emergency visits during lockdown -impact of COVID-19 pandemic in Jodhpur City India,2022,11,6,2377-2380,Singh Erratum: Frequency of phobia among sexual assault victims referred to legal medicine organization in Isfahan province,2022,11,6,e3397, The prevalence and determinants of anterior cruciate ligament rupture among athletes practicing football in Jeddah Avenues 2020,2022,11,8,4528-4535,Alqarni COVID-related suicide during the second wave of COVID-19 pandemic in India: a tip of the iceberg of mental health problems,2022,11,8,4159-4167,Sheikh Violence against doctors - implementation of law needs scrutiny,2022,11,8,4886-4887,Gupta Prevalence and associated factor of depression symptoms among female secondary school students in Buraydah City Saudi Arabia,2022,11,7,3808-3815,Alenzi Prevalence of fall and associated risk factors among the elderly living in a rural area of Kolar,2022,11,7,3956-3960,Reddy Bitter bottle gourd poisoning: a case report and review of literature,2022,11,7,4042-4044,Chavda Platypnea-orthodeoxia syndrome: a dangerous detour of intermediate syndrome with organophosphorus poisoning,2022,11,7,4074-4078,Kumar Facilitators and barriers to bicycle helmet use: a qualitative evidence synthesis,2022,11,9,5211-5225,Bhaumik Capillary leak syndrome due to Russell's viper envenomation-a doomy presage for treating clinician,2022,11,9,5670-5672,Gopalakrishnan A study of road traffic injury victims at a tertiary care hospital in Goa India,2022,11,9,5490-5494,Bicholkar Old versus new antihistamines: effects on cognition and psychomotor functions,2022,11,10,5909-5917,Shamil Facilitators and barriers influencing the post-crash emergency care of road traffic injuries in district Aligarh of Uttar Pradesh,2022,11,10,5934-5939,Ahmad Inadequate menstrual health education - a neglected risk factor for gender-based violence,2022,11,10,6604-6605,Rahman Sewer gas poisoning causing transient and focal ST-segment elevation in the ECG: case report,2022,11,10,6533-6536,Kumar Family support and well-being programme (FSWP): a specialized family strengthening psychosocial services for parents of children in conflict with law,2022,11,11,7196-7203,Jangam Effect of Ivermectin prophylaxis in prevention of COVID 19: meta-analysis and systematic review,2022,11,11,6660-6667,Kumar Effect of lock down due to COVID-19 pandemic on the alcohol use and abuse among a tribal community in South India,2022,11,11,6869-6875,Paul Exploring the discrimination and stigma faced by transgender in Chennai city-a community-based qualitative study,2022,11,11,7060-7063,Kumar Profile of poisoning cases treated in a teaching hospital of Northeast India with special reference to Poison severity score: a cross-sectional study,2022,11,11,7072-7076,Das Prevalence and sociodemographic predictors of perceived family functionality marital satisfaction and intimate partner violence during the COVID-19 lockdown among married primary healthcare users,2022,11,11,7280-7288,Michael Knowledge and attitude of physicians toward child abuse and reporting in a tertiary hospital in Riyadh,2022,11,11,6988-6994,Alaraik Knowledge and attitude of paediatric first aid among elementary schoolteachers in Jeddah Saudi Arabia,2022,11,11,6795-6800,Alsulami Clinical and epidemiological profile of snakebite cases - a study from an industrial teaching hospital at Jamshedpur Jharkhand India,2022,11,12,7652-7656,Kumari Pattern of traumatic occupational injuries in Saudi Arabia: a cross-sectional study,2022,11,12,7907-7912,Abdel Razik Erratum: Childhood maltreatment and its relation with depression and anxiety among psychiatric patients in Riyadh - KSA,2022,11,12,e7979, Intimate partner violence in India: need for renewed corollary during COVID-19 pandemic,2023,12,1,1-3,Gopi Knowledge and attitude toward biological warfare among health-related students: a cross-sectional questionnaire-based survey,2023,12,2,276-281,Abdelkarim Prevalence and determinants of emotional violence faced by married women in Delhi India: a cross-sectional study,2023,12,2,332-337,Mukherjee Knowledge perception and beliefs of Saudi physicians at King Abdulaziz Medical City Riyadh related to medical cannabis: Literature review and a cross-sectional survey,2023,12,3,536-544,Alharbi Epidemio-toxicological profile of fatal poisoning cases autopsied at a tertiary care centre of North India,2023,12,4,701-707,Kumar Unintentional domestic injuries among elderly in rural areas of Mandya: a community-based cross-sectional study in Southern Karnataka,2023,12,4,727-733,Jindal Accidental kerosene oil ingestion in under-five age children in Nigeria - the need for vigilance in primary care settings in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs),2023,12,4,796-799,Oreh Laws of child abuse in Indian perspective: a review,2023,12,5,856-862,Dinesh Designing and determining the effectiveness of a suicide intervention package for psychologists working in the primary health care system,2023,12,5,917-924,Poursharifi Empty stomach together with menstrual bleeding as predictors of committed suicides among women of reproductive age: What a primary physician must know,2023,12,7,e1261,Singh The knowledge and awareness of suicide and attitudes towards its risks in university students of Asir region of Saudi Arabia,2023,12,6,1099-1105,Buhran Profile of sharp weapon trauma cases in Jharkhand India: an autopsy-based report,2023,12,6,1133-1136,Kumari A sweet emergency due to bitter poisoning-a case report,2023,12,7,1454-1456,Joseph Clinical laboratory profile and outcomes in children with snakebite from Eastern India,2023,12,8,1588-1592,Pattanaik Study of pattern and outcome of acute poisoning cases at tertiary care hospital in North India,2023,12,9,2047-2052,Dandu Pattern of suspicious deaths of married females brought for medico-legal autopsy at teaching institute of India,2023,12,9,2110-2113,Parmar Who required the counselling to stop intimate partner violence victim or perpetrators? [letter],2023,12,9,2190-2191,Mukhida Injury pattern of road traffic accident cases attending trauma centre of tertiary care hospital of North India,2023,12,10,2434-2439,Singh Accidental iron poisoning in children - experience from a teaching institution,2023,12,10,2520-2523,Chandran Sexual performances after mild and moderate head injury in Indian adult males: an institutional experience,2022,11,11,e7383,Singh Study of aggression and its factors among school going adolescents of Delhi India,2023,12,12,3180-3185,Kumar Road accidents on Indian National highways ambulance reachability and transportation of injured to trauma facility: survey-based introspection of golden hour,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Kumar Clinico-epidemiological profile and outcome of snakebite patients presented to a teaching institute - a descriptive retrospective review,2024,13,1,151-156,Kumar A cross-sectional study on quality of life of survivors of sexual assault,2024,13,1,368-371,Nath Perceptions of key stakeholders on peer led strength building program for suicide prevention among young adolescents: a qualitative study from Karnataka India,2024,13,2,444-450,Cherian Burden of dog bite injuries and wound management practices to prevent rabies among dog owners,2024,13,2,568-571,Soni Insight to the psychosocial factors of survivors of suicidal hanging,2024,13,3,932-937,Swain Global epidemiology of cannabis use disorders and its trend from 1990 to 2019: benchmarking analysis of the Global Burden of Disease study,2024,13,3,881-889,Shah Prevalence and risk factors for falls among the community dwelling older adults of Thrissur: a pilot study,2024,13,3,875-880,Mercy Glass door injury: a preventable public health problem,2024,13,4,1584-1585,Garg Care seeking behavior of the victims of unintentional injuries: a community-based study in a community development block of Purba Bardhaman District West Bengal,2024,13,4,1496-1499,Das Self-reported perspectives Lived experiences and Assessment of COVID-19 survivors in India from media and social media during Nationwide lockdown: A Preliminary study,2022,11,8,4811-4817,Raman In reply to pattern of injuries among patients presenting to level 1 trauma center,2024,13,4,1570-1571,Jain Profile and outcome of patients presenting with agrochemical poisoning to the emergency department,2020,9,3,1589-1593,Chandran Burden of internet addiction social anxiety and social phobia among University students India,2020,9,7,3607-3612,Aneja A unity of opposites: A prototypical case for the importance of primary-care providers in addressing mental health issues,2020,9,8,4412-4414,Lamm Prevalence and risk factors of depressive symptoms among dialysis patients with end-stage renal disease (ESRD) in Khartoum Sudan: A cross-sectional study,2020,9,7,3639-3643,Elkheir The relationship between neuroticism and suicidal thoughts among medical students: Moderating role of attachment styles,2020,9,6,2680-2687,Khosravi Association between the Hopkins Falls grading scale and motor function tests in patients with multiple sclerosis,2024,13,5,2099-2103,Mashoufi Factors influencing virtual collaborative care outcomes for depression and anxiety,2024,13,5,1968-1974,Little The elderly COVID-19 and violence: a qualitative content analysis,2024,13,5,1653-1659,Ahmadi Burden of frailty and its correlates among the elderly: a cross-sectional study in a rural community of West Bengal,2024,13,5,2066-2072,Pal The fear of smartphone notifications and calls among medical students: the phone ring phobia syndrome or telephobia,2024,13,5,1850-1855,Bairwa Nurture clinic: Promoting mental health of children and adolescents,2024,13,6,2375-2378,Kommu