Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Opening fire on open fires,2013,1,5,351-352,Jarvis Heavily polluted cities attempt to curb traffic emissions,2016,4,3,183-184,Kirby Are fireworks a hazard for respiratory health?,2017,5,2,103-104,Burki Improving the response to toxic inhalation disasters,2017,5,8,616-617,Burki The long road to recovery from conflict in Serbia,2018,6,6,413-414,Burki US Senate announces planned gun reforms after latest school shooting,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Furlow CPAP therapy for excessive daytime sleepiness and accident risk in obstructive sleep apnoea,2023,11,3,222-224,Philip Addressing workplace violence in critical care,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Medicine Death is not a lullaby,2015,3,1,e23,van Dorn Prevalence and risk factors for delirium in critically ill patients with COVID-19 (COVID-D): a multicentre cohort study,2021,9,3,239-250,Ely Effect of an electronic nicotine delivery system with 0 8 or 36 mg/mL liquid nicotine versus a cigarette substitute on tobacco-related toxicant exposure: a four-arm parallel-group randomised controlled trial,2021,9,8,840-850,Cobb Short oral regimens for pulmonary rifampicin-resistant tuberculosis (TB-PRACTECAL): an open-label randomised controlled phase 2B-3 multi-arm multicentre non-inferiority trial,2024,12,2,117-128,Moore