Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Patient perspectives on the promptness and quality of care of road traffic incident victims in Peru: a cross-sectional active surveillance study,2013,2,,2-167.v1,Perel Traditional medicine: a rare cause of lead poisoning in Western countries,2013,2,,250,Muller A revised method for measuring distraction by tactile stimulation,2014,3,,188,Schechter Epidemiology and patterns of musculoskeletal motorcycle injuries in the USA,2015,4,,e114,Gugala Hypnotic drug risks of mortality infection depression and cancer: but lack of benefit,2016,5,,e918,Kripke Recent advances in the treatment of hip fractures in the elderly,2016,5,,e8172.1,Donegan Pathophysiological links between traumatic brain injury and post-traumatic headaches,2016,5,,e9017.1,Ruff Development and interval testing of a naturalistic driving methodology to evaluate driving behavior in clinical research,2016,5,,e1716,Roe Creating a driving profile for older adults using GPS devices and naturalistic driving methodology,2016,5,,e2376,Carr Lightning Injury is a disaster in Bangladesh? - Exploring its magnitude and public health needs,2016,5,,e2931,Dalal Epidemiology of adulthood drowning deaths in Bangladesh: findings from a nationwide health and injury survey,2017,6,,e589,Mashreky The internet trade of counterfeit spirits in Russia - an emerging problem undermining alcohol public health and youth protection policies?,2017,6,,e520,Lachenmeier Evidence-informed capacity building for setting health priorities in low- and middle-income countries: a framework and recommendations for further research,2017,6,,e231,Chalkidou Exploring Vietnamese co-authorship patterns in social sciences with basic network measures of 2008-2017 Scopus data,2017,6,,e1559,Ho Is temperature an important variable in recovery after mild traumatic brain injury?,2017,6,,e2031,Bramlett Scaling-up primary health care-based prevention and management of heavy drinking at the municipal level in middle-income countries in Latin America: background and protocol for a three-country quasi-experimental study,2017,6,,311,Kaner Detection of illicit online sales of fentanyls via Twitter,2017,6,,e1937,Mackey Sleep apnea and its role in transportation safety,2017,6,,e2168,Bonsignore Inhibitory control of the excitatory/inhibitory balance in psychiatric disorders,2018,7,,e23,Selten Is panic disorder a disorder of physical fitness? A heuristic proposal,2018,7,,e294,Perna Strong evidence that callous-unemotional traits are not related to risk-taking task performance,2018,7,,e502,Centifanti City-based action to reduce harmful alcohol use: review of reviews,2018,7,,120,Anderson Ketamine and rapid-acting antidepressants: a new era in the battle against depression and suicide,2018,7,ePub,ePub,Duman Association of adverse childhood experiences with functional identity and impulsivity among adults: a cross-sectional study,2017,6,,e1978,Naveed An opportunity for clinical pharmacology trained physicians to improve patient drug safety: a retrospective analysis of adverse drug reactions in teenagers,2018,7,,e677,Eugene Status of drowning in Nepal: a study of central police data,2018,7,,576,Pant Behavioural and emotional issues among primary school pupils with congenital colour vision deficiency in the Federal Territory of Kuala Lumpur Malaysia: a case-control study,2018,7,,e1834,Thomas A nested randomised controlled trial of a newsletter and Post-it® note did not increase postal questionnaire response rates in a falls prevention trial,2018,7,,e1083,Lamb Translational models of adaptive and excessive fighting: an emerging role for neural circuits in pathological aggression,2019,8,ePub,ePub,Miczek Recent advances in understanding and managing self-harm in adolescents,2019,8,,e19867-1,Berk Management and cost of snakebite injuries at a teaching and referral hospital in Western Kenya,2019,8,,e1588,Okumu Fear not: recent advances in understanding the neural basis of fear memories and implications for treatment development,2019,8,,20053.1,Milton Social and cultural factors perpetuating early marriage in rural Gambia: an exploratory mixed methods study,2019,8,,e1949,Lowe Are side effects of cannabidiol (CBD) products caused by tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) contamination?,2019,8,,e1394,Lachenmeier The effects of interventions preventing self-harm and suicide in children and adolescents: an overview of systematic reviews,2019,8,,e890,Lunde CAPE for measuring callous-unemotional traits in disadvantaged families: a cross-sectional validation study,2019,8,,e1027,Frick Gender-based violence: experiences from two tertiary care settings in Sri Lanka,2020,9,,e269,Pathiraja Workplace violence against security personnel at a university hospital in Egypt: a cross-sectional study,2020,9,,e347,El-Gilany Mortality risk factors among National Football League players: an analysis using player career data,2019,8,,e2022,Walia Comment on Raine (2019) 'The neuromoral theory of antisocial violent and psychopathic behavior',2020,9,,e274,Han Case report: Non-microscopic surgical management of incomplete penile amputation,2020,9,,681,Putra Bibliometric analysis of road traffic injuries research in the Gulf Cooperation Council region,2020,9,,e1155,Minhas Controlled administration of cannabis to mitigate cannabis-attributable harm among recreational users: a quasi-experimental study in Germany,2020,9,,e201,Verthein Protocol for a controlled randomized blind clinical trial to assess the effects of transcranial direct current stimulation associated with balance training using games in the postural balance of elderly people,2020,9,,e1018,Corrêa Road traffic injuries in Nepal during COVID-19 lockdown,2020,9,,e1209,Pant The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on self-harm and suicidal behaviour: a living systematic review,2020,9,,e1097,Gunnell Case Report: Don't chew the fufu: a case report of suspected drug bodystuffing,2019,8,,e1156,Wolff aDolescents gEnder surVey rEsponsible coupLes evaluatiOn and capacity building Project in India (DEVELOP): a study protocol,2019,8,,958,Hayter aDolescents gEnder surVey rEsponsible coupLes evaluatiOn and capacity building Project in India (DEVELOP): a study protocol,2019,8,,e958,Hayter Risk factors and experiences of prepartum depression in urban- low-income settlement Nairobi Kenya: a mixed-method study,2020,9,,e1495,Kumar CODECHECK: an Open Science initiative for the independent execution of computations underlying research articles during peer review to improve reproducibility,2021,10,,e253,Nüst Efficacy and risk of sexual orientation change efforts: a retrospective analysis of 125 exposed men,2021,10,,e222,Rosik Psychological and clinical-epidemiological profile of poisoning in Nepal: an institutional experience,2021,10,,556,Chaulagain Male genital injuries attending a tertiary hospital in a western region of Nepal: a two-year snapshot,2021,10,,e337,Menezes Comparison of accidental pediatric scald burns in a tertiary care center: hot cauldron burns versus accidental spill burns,2021,10,,e1086,Rai Strychnine poisoning due to traditional Chinese medicine: a case series,2021,10,,e924,Tong Case Report: Accidental firearm fatality during trophy hunting in Nepal,2021,10,,e893,Acharya Case report: medicolegal evaluation in a case of fatal scald where a child fell into a cauldron in rural Nepal,2022,11,,e35,Menezes A visual approach towards forward collision warning for autonomous vehicles on Malaysian public roads,2021,10,,e928,Wong Crisis-management Anti-stigma and Mental Health Literacy Program for University Students (CAMPUS): a preliminary evaluation of suicide prevention,2022,11,,e498,Tachikawa Presenteeism and associated factors among railway train drivers,2022,11,,e470,El-Gilany Outcomes in intervention research on snakebite envenomation: a systematic review,2022,11,,e628,Jagnoor Mental health suicide attempt and family function for adolescents' primary health care during the COVID-19 pandemic,2022,11,,e529,Rojas-Torres The effectiveness of a sexual assault nurse examiner-grounding program (SANE-GP) on knowledge skill and practice regarding sexual assault examination (SAE) among nurses working in a tertiary care hospital in Udupi district India: a study protocol,2022,11,,e134,Palimar Situations of work-related diseases and injuries among agriculturists in the upper northeast regions of Thailand,2022,11,,e145,Chaiklieng Relationships between childhood bullying/domestic violence experience and insomnia among employees in Japan,2023,12,,e103,Saito A socio-legal imperative of domestic violence prohibition in Africa vis-a-vis Nigerian legal structure for sexually abused women,2023,12,,e397,Aina-Pelemo Reliability of the 44-question Home Fall Hazard Assessment Tool and personal characteristics associated with home hazards among the Thai elderly,2023,12,,e8,Mackenzie Suicide prevention program (SPP) in South Asian Countries: a protocol for systematic review,2023,12,,e425,Moxham Crisis-management Anti-stigma and Mental Health Literacy Program for University Students (CAMPUS): a preliminary evaluation of suicide prevention,2022,11,,e498,Tachikawa Mortality due to traffic accidents in Colombia: profiles of pedestrians and cyclists 1998-2019,2023,12,,e360,Montenegro-Martínez The road to success: drawing parallels between 'road' and 'research data' infrastructures to foster understanding between service providers funders and policymakers,2023,12,,ELIXIR-88,Harrison Eye image effect in the context of pedestrian safety: a French questionnaire study,2022,11,,e218,Sueur Upholding confidentiality in the preparation and distribution of medication in prisons: implementing recommendations of the European Committee for the Prevention of Torture and Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment,2020,9,,e87,Wolff Reviewing stakeholders during the Itaewon Halloween crowd crush Korea 2022: qualitative content analysis,2023,12,,e829,Ha Violence in the education: the post-revolutionary situation in Hungary (1956-1957),2023,12,,e1244,Somogyvári Qualitative study on violence against women analyzed under the thought of Edmund Husserl in the context of the Society of Apurimac,2023,12,,e40,Arbieto Mamani Current practices of physiotherapists in Switzerland regarding fall risk-assessment for community-dwelling older adults: a national cross-sectional survey,2022,11,,e513,Hilfiker Accident severity prediction modeling for road safety using random forest algorithm: an analysis of Indian highways,2023,12,,e494,Khanum Moral injury and the four pillars of bioethics,2019,8,,e1193,Heston The relationship of perceived discrimination in healthcare and future falls among community-dwelling older persons from an English longitudinal cohort,2023,12,,e1134,Lloyd-Sherlock Epidemiology of maxillofacial injuries during monsoon and non-monsoon season in India: a data-based retrospective study from a tertiary care dental teaching hospital,2023,12,,e1377,Chakravarthy Edge computing for Vehicle to Everything: a short review,2021,10,,e1104,Abdullah Validation of the Dominican system for measuring early childhood development,2023,12,,e279,Castro Aging with long-term physical disability: Cohort analysis of survey sample in the U.S,2022,11,,e68,Morgan Factors contributing to online child sexual abuse in Bangladesh: a qualitative inquiry,2023,12,,e1364,Towhid A case of severe psychosis induced by novel recreational drugs,2014,3,,,Altamura The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on self-harm and suicidal behaviour: update of living systematic review [version 2; peer review: 1 approved 2 approved with reservations],2021,9,,1-44,John Case Report: Langerhans cell histiocytosis involving the cervical spine in an adult patient,2023,12,,e1185,Chaulagain Harmonisation of welfare indicators for macaques and marmosets used or bred for research,2022,11,,e272,Truelove A prospective study on health seeking behaviour and post exposure prophylaxis received by animal bite victims at the anti-rabies clinic in a tertiary care centre of urban Bangalore,2024,13,,e175,Kumari