Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Emergency numbers accessibility for disabled peoples': case of the Islamic Republic of Iran,2020,18,6,541-544,Ardalan Local hazard mitigation plans: A preliminary estimation of state-level completion from 2004 to 2009,2013,11,2,121-132,Jackman Building community resilience to disasters through a community-based intervention: CART applications,2013,11,2,151-159,Pfefferbaum Analyzing after-action reports from Hurricanes Andrew and Katrina: Repeated modified and newly created recommendations,2013,11,2,160-168,Knox The road less taken: Modularization and waterways as a domestic disaster response mechanism,2013,11,3,225-236,Donahue Communication information seeking and evacuation plans for a disaster using Community Assessment for Public Health Emergency Response in the Gulf Coast counties of Alabama and Mississippi 2011,2013,11,3,213-223,Bayleyegn Accounting for vulnerable populations in rural hazard mitigation plans: Results of a survey of emergency managers,2013,11,3,201-211,Salvesen Nurses' willingness and readiness to report for duty in a disaster,2013,11,1,25-37,Loke Self-reported training needs of emergency responders in disasters requiring military interface,2013,11,2,143-150,Levy Emergency warning for people with disabilities,2013,11,3,189-200,Putkovich Development of a national sport event risk management training program for college command groups,2013,11,4,313-320,Hall Assessing the quality of state disaster recovery plans: Implications for policy and practice,2013,11,4,281-291,Smith How much do hazard mitigation plans cost? An analysis of federal grant data,2013,11,4,271-279,Jackman Exposure levels for chemical threat compounds: Information to facilitate chemical incident response,2013,11,5,355-384,Watson Mainland China nurses' willingness to report to work in a disaster,2013,11,5,345-354,Loke Disaster preparedness: an investigation on motivation and barriers,2013,11,6,433-446,Dorasamy Moving from situational awareness to decisions during disaster response: Transition to decision making,2013,11,6,423-432,Glick Overview of the critical disaster management challenges faced during Van 2011 earthquakes,2014,12,1,82-96,Tolon Public health-specific personal disaster preparedness training: An academic-practice collaboration,2014,12,1,55-73,Barnett Professional responsibilities versus familial responsibilities: An examination of role conflict among first responders during the Hurricane Katrina disaster,2014,12,1,45-54,Adams Coastal emergency managers' preferences for storm surge forecast communication,2014,12,2,153-160,Morrow Pediatric disaster triage education and skills assessment: a coalition approach,2014,12,2,141-151,Kenningham Shelter-in-place and mental health: An analogue study of well-being and distress,2014,12,2,121-131,Kaplan Planning for disaster resilience in rural remote and coastal communities: moving from thought to action,2014,12,2,105-120,Murphy How do emergency managers use social media platforms?,2014,12,3,251-256,Bennett On the effectiveness of shelter-in-place as a measure to reduce harm from atmospheric releases,2014,12,3,245-250,Du Emergency preparedness and intervention: social work education needs in Israel,2014,12,3,229-235,Isralowitz Emergency evacuation orders: considerations and lessons from Hurricane Sandy,2014,12,3,219-227,O'Neil The role of information technology in emergency preparedness by local health departments: a literature review,2014,12,4,327-339,Nguh Stress and coping in wildland firefighting dispatchers,2014,12,4,303-314,Palmer Emergency inventory management for disasters-a review,2014,12,4,269-286,Ozbay Assessment of evacuation training needs: targeting instruction to meet the requirements of local communities and agencies,2020,18,6,475-487,Kim A classification of fire evacuation ability of home care clients based on the RAI-HC instrument,2020,18,6,535-540,Oksanen Application of a plume model for decision makers' situation awareness during an outdoor airborne HAZMAT release,2014,12,5,407-421,Barbera Building a geospatial data model for humanitarian response,2014,12,5,383-390,Cowan Quantifying effectiveness in emergency management,2014,12,5,378-382,Weaver Category change and risk perception: Hurricane Irene and coastal North Carolina,2014,12,6,467-477,Pace Volunteers and professional rescue workers: traumatization and adaptation after an avalanche disaster,2014,12,6,457-466,Elklit Problems of preparedness and its promotion in Germany,2014,12,6,449-456,Goersch Information and communication technology: connecting the public and first responders during disasters,2014,12,6,441-447,MacGregor-Skinner Lessons learned from The Great East Japan Earthquake: the need for disaster preparedness in the area of disaster mental health for children,2014,12,6,431-439,Kozu The variational effects of jurisdictional attributes on hazard mitigation planning costs,2015,13,1,53-60,Jackman Emergency managers as change agents: recognizing the value of management leadership and strategic management in the disaster profession,2015,13,1,37-51,Urby Emergency preparedness of families of children with developmental disabilities: what public health and safety emergency planners need to know,2015,13,1,7-18,Wolf-Fordham Options for improving evacuation: investigating an unconventional strategy and expanding route options using TRansportation ANalysis and SIMulation System,2015,13,2,173-181,Lewis Experimental modeling of the effect of hurricane wind forces on driving behavior and vehicle performance,2015,13,2,159-172,Ishak The impact of shadow evacuation on evacuation time estimates for nuclear power plants,2015,13,2,145-158,Weinisch The impact of a major earthquake on the evacuation of the emergency planning zone of a nuclear power plant,2015,13,2,135-143,Weinisch Selection and allocation of manual traffic control points and personnel during emergencies,2015,13,2,121-133,Dixit Conceptualizing intragroup and intergroup dynamics within a controlled crowd evacuation,2015,13,2,109-120,Collins Evacuation planning for plausible worst case inundation scenarios in Honolulu Hawaii,2015,13,2,93-108,Kim Planning modeling and evaluating transportation system for emergency evacuations,2015,13,2,85-86,Wolshon The Department of Defense and Homeland Security relationship: Hurricane Katrina through Hurricane Irene,2015,13,3,265-274,Weaver Meaning reconstruction in the face of terror: an examination of recovery and posttraumatic growth among victims of the 9/11 World Trade Center attacks,2015,13,3,239-246,Richardson Conceptual framework and quantification of population vulnerability for effective emergency response planning,2015,13,3,227-238,Ramisetty-Mikler Do social media have a place in public health emergency response?,2015,13,3,217-226,Black Mitigating active shooter impact: analysis for policy options based on agent/computer-based modeling,2015,13,3,201-216,Dietz Disaster response and people experiencing homelessness: addressing challenges of a population with limited resources,2015,13,3,195-200,Wexler Strengthening community resilience efforts in disasters: exploring the roles of public libraries,2015,13,3,191-194,Hagar Medical interpreters and bilingual school staff: potential disaster information conduits?,2015,13,4,339-348,Senturia Filling the gap between disaster preparedness and response networks of urban emergency management: following the 2013 Seoul Floods,2015,13,4,327-338,Song Active shooter in educational facility,2015,13,4,303-326,Downs A cross-sectional survey of patient needs in hospital evacuation,2015,13,4,295-301,Rimstad Risk management and disaster recovery planning for online libraries,2015,13,6,552-556,Uzwyshyn What influences the acceptance of emergency management decision-support software? A study of county emergency management officials,2015,13,6,539-551,Arlikatti Religious congregations in disaster response,2015,13,6,532-538,Bundy The evolution of shortcomings in Incident Command System: revisions have allowed critical management functions to atrophy,2015,13,6,509-518,Barbera The use of exercises to enhance and assess interlocal collaboration in preparedness: a qualitative analysis,2015,13,6,499-508,Frattaroli Emergency management and homeland security: exploring the relationship,2015,13,6,483-498,Kahan Continuity of operations planning in college athletic programs: the case for incorporating federal emergency management guidelines,2016,14,1,71-77,Hall A course in disaster mitigation,2016,14,1,55-69,Bundy Hurricane Sandy's impact on the predisaster homeless and homeless shelter services in New Jersey,2016,14,1,7-16,Settembrino Major accident prevention through applying safety knowledge management approach,2016,14,2,153-160,Kalatpour Examining social physical and environmental dimensions of tornado vulnerability in Texas,2016,14,2,139-151,Siebeneck Disaster relief volunteerism: evaluating cities' planning for the usage and management of spontaneous volunteers,2016,14,2,127-138,Rivera What tourist business managers must learn from disaster research,2016,14,2,91-99,Drabek Social media best practices in emergency management,2016,14,2,113-125,Siskey The psychological impact of mass casualty incidents on first responders: a systematic review,2016,14,3,213-226,Morgan Rethinking our approach to gender and disasters: needs responsibilities and solutions,2016,14,3,189-199,Montano Systems fragility: the sociology of chaos,2016,14,3,177-187,Hodges Disaster behavioral health capacity: findings from a multistate preparedness assessment,2016,14,4,281-287,Olson The lasting mental health effects of Hurricane Sandy on residents of the Rockaways,2016,14,4,269-279,Taioli Emergency management communication on university Web sites: a 7-year study,2016,14,4,259-268,Brown Building resilient communities: a facilitated discussion,2016,14,4,233-243,Anderson Place attachment and disasters: knowns and unknowns,2016,14,5,349-364,Nejat Emergency preparedness of veterans and nonveterans,2016,14,5,327-333,Geiger Colleges and universities sticking to their guns?,2016,14,5,309-325,Mendez Using a novel technology for disaster staff notification,2016,14,6,431-433,Mitchell Family emergency plan and preparedness among medical practitioners in Zaria Nigeria,2016,14,6,423-430,Makama Bootstrapping disaster: the challenge of growing and maintaining a cross-sector collaborative network,2016,14,6,397-411,Wachhaus Extraction of actionable information from crowdsourced disaster data,2016,14,6,377-390,Kiatpanont Tsunami evacuation buildings and evacuation planning in Banda Aceh Indonesia,2017,15,1,49-61,Kim The use of social media for campus safety,2017,15,1,17-28,Kapucu Risk perception and perceived self-efficacy of deaf and hard-of-hearing seniors and young adults in emergencies,2017,15,1,7-15,Tseng Resilience mediates the relationship between social support and post-traumatic stress symptoms in police officers,2017,15,2,107-116,Violanti Women's status in disasters: a gap between experts' desk and affected fields of Iran,2017,15,2,77-80,Sohrabizadeh The social construction of disasters in the United States: a historical and cultural phenomenon,2017,15,3,175-187,Neaves Bridging cultures: Nonprofit church and emergency management agency collaboration after the May 2013 Oklahoma tornado outbreak,2017,15,3,157-174,Murphy Lessons learned from the total evacuation of a hospital after the 2016 Kumamoto Earthquake,2017,15,4,259-263,Yanagawa Nursing a disaster,2017,15,4,247-257,Turner Social capital neighborhood disorder and disaster recovery,2017,15,4,233-246,Abramson Rescue workers and trauma: assessing interaction among risk factors after a firework factory explosion,2017,15,5,311-323,Elklit Controlling disasters: local emergency management perceptions about Federal Emergency Management and Homeland Security actions after September 11 2001,2017,15,5,291-309,Hildebrand Twitter weather warnings: communicating risk in 140 characters-the impact of imperative and declarative message style on weather risk perception and behavioral intentions,2017,15,5,285-290,Lachlan Resilience to post-traumatic stress among World Trade Center survivors: a mixed-methods study,2017,15,5,275-284,Gershon Use of social media and e-Government in disasters: 2016 Louisiana floods case study,2017,15,6,391-405,Bosch The impact of state fire safe cigarette policies on fire fatalities injuries and incidents,2017,15,6,379-389,Folz A simulator-based nuclear reactor emergency response training exercise,2017,15,6,367-378,Shaw Using standard clinical assessments for home care to identify vulnerable populations before during and after disasters,2017,15,6,355-366,Hirdes Disaster preparedness: assessment of older adults living in the NYC Rockaways,2017,15,6,343-353,Campos-Gatjens Disaster-related communication preferences of homeless and nonhomeless VA patients,2018,16,1,49-59,Dobalian Amateur radio communications in a disaster preparedness simulation: when all else fails . . . Amateur radio,2018,16,1,41-47,McCamey Managing uncertainty: lessons from volcanic lava disruption of transportation infrastructure in Puna Hawaii,2018,16,1,29-40,Kim Displacement during Hurricane Sandy: the impact on mental health,2018,16,1,17-27,Taioli Examining the influence of professional emergency management coordinators driving preparedness and resilience on university campuses,2018,16,2,126-130,Lichtveld No one left behind: postevent experiences of differently abled individuals in Denmark,2018,16,2,113-125,Elklit Stories after disaster survival: preparing heeding warnings and self-reliance,2018,16,2,107-112,Moon Evacuate or shelter in place: a view from the water's edge,2018,16,2,95-106,Jarrett Challenges of service coordination for evacuees of Hurricane Maria through the National Disaster Medical System,2018,16,3,203-206,Luckhaupt Emergency preparedness collaboration on Twitter,2018,16,3,191-202,Bennett Individual and organizational factors associated with professional quality of life in Florida fire personnel,2018,16,3,173-182,Zhang Hurricane knowledge and interpretation of forecasted error cone and wind potential graphics,2018,16,3,137-148,Sherman-Morris Emergency preparedness: what do new college students need to know and how do you inform them?,2018,16,4,267-270,Altizer Use of Facebook for civilian-led disaster response after a winter storm: a "Snowed Out Atlanta" case study,2018,16,4,255-266,Bennett Help we are sinking! Stories from Norwegian dispatch centers on decision-making in unfamiliar and ambiguous situations,2018,16,4,245-254,Magnussen Background to the four stages of emergency management: the role of enterprise GIS,2018,16,4,229-243,Eichelberger Assessment of community hospital disaster preparedness in New York State,2018,16,4,213-227,Fisher Analysis of 9-1-1 call data from an emergency management perspective: a case study of the city of Lethbridge,2018,16,5,337-347,Islam Twenty-first century emergency response efforts of the Commissioned Corps of the US Public Health Service,2018,16,5,311-319,Sumter Post-disaster place attachment: a qualitative study of place attachment in the wake of the 2013 Moore tornado,2018,16,5,289-310,Binder Comparison of disaster preparedness between Upstate and Downstate community hospitals in New York,2018,16,6,365-376,Fisher An empirical study on approaches to ambiguity in emergency and disaster response decision-making,2018,16,6,355-363,Tehler The IDEA model for effective instructional risk and crisis communication by emergency managers and other key spokespersons,2019,17,1,67-78,Sellnow The development of emergency management and homeland security degree program at historically black colleges and universities: the case of Texas Southern University Houston Texas,2019,17,2,139-147,Olonilua GIS applications in emergency management: infusing geographic literacy in the classroom,2019,17,2,119-135,Schumann Advancing emergency management higher education: importance of cultural competence scholarship,2019,17,2,111-117,Knox Promotion or transition: from fire officer to emergency manager,2019,17,2,101-110,Neal Curricular innovation and emergency management in higher education: making the general education connection,2019,17,2,87-99,Jensen A quantitative assessment of institutions of higher education disaster preparedness and resilience,2019,17,3,239-250,Lichtveld Perspectives from nongovernmental organizations on education and training needs for community disaster recovery,2019,17,3,225-238,Peacock Disaster mental health in higher education: a review,2019,17,3,217-224,Mincin Harnessing the expertise and enthusiasm of university students for assistance in disasters,2019,17,3,213-216,Medcalf Reaching vulnerable populations in the disaster-prone US Gulf Coast: communicating across the crisis lifecycle,2019,17,4,271-286,Ramchand Nuclear emergencies and natural disasters,2019,17,4,257-269,Waller A review of resilience variables in the context of disasters,2019,17,5,403-432,Nejat Shaping collective action for community-based disaster management in Merapi Central Java Indonesia,2019,17,5,385-401,Meilasari-Sugiana Emergency preparedness in Canada: the role of recreation,2019,17,5,371-379,Palmer Health emergency management in Aotearoa New Zealand: making sense of professional development,2019,17,5,359-369,Johnston Hospital emergency management: a programing and profession assessment,2019,17,5,349-357,Campbell Using town watching technique to raise disaster awareness for different audiences,2019,17,5,343-347,Akman Pek Facilitators and barriers to effective information sharing during international disaster response,2019,17,6,469-486,Waring Are we better off? Emergency management policy implementation since September 11,2019,17,6,439-453,Hildebrand Sequential ambiguity and uncertainty in the early stage of a disaster relief: a case study of the Bam earthquake,2020,18,1,75-79,Zolala Efficient emergency responses to vehicle collision earthquake snowfall and flooding on highways and bridges: a review,2020,18,1,51-72,Mikalsen Infrastructure assessment post-disaster: remotely sensing bridge structural damage by unmanned aerial vehicle in low-light conditions,2020,18,1,27-41,Elwakil Extinguishing wildfires by saturation water bombing: a new concept,2020,18,1,15-25,Graham An integrative review of the limited evidence on international travel bans as an emerging infectious disease disaster control measure,2020,18,1,7-14,Rutkow Disaster debris management best practice case studies,2020,18,2,171-182,Crowley A preliminary model to evaluate disaster management efforts,2020,18,2,141-152,Bishu Proposal for disaster and crisis management: a descriptive study applied to the officials of the parties concerned with disasters and crises in Riyadh and Jeddah,2020,18,2,113-130,Abdulrahman Alsanad On the integrated assessment of the technogenic risk of accidents on the territory of a city,2020,18,2,105-111,Valerevich Rybakov Perceiving the effects of scale on command and control: a conceptual metaphor approach,2020,18,2,91-104,McAleavy A multiple casualty incident clinical tracking form for civilian hospitals,2020,18,3,261-266,Berry Standards-setting and its implementation through the classification system for international urban search and rescue teams,2020,18,3,237-245,Shaw The use of social media during disasters: the development of the literature its current topography and future challenges,2020,18,3,221-235,Demiroz Nurses' perceived emergency preparedness knowledge: an opportunity for improvement,2020,18,3,213-220,Bulson Emergency management during wars: case study Umm Al-Nasr Village "Bedouin Village",2020,18,4,311-322,Musalam Quantifying the relationship between predisaster mitigation spending and major disaster declarations for US states and territories,2020,18,4,341-347,Jackman Comparing predisaster mitigation grant spending with postdisaster assistance spending: are mitigation investments saving federal dollars?,2020,18,4,349-354,Jackman Emergency preparedness: interviews with senior leadership in Nebraska hospitals,2020,18,5,399-409,Ringel Obstacles to timely emergency messaging for acute incidents,2020,18,5,425-453,Bernfeld Laser to fight fire?,2020,18,5,455-456,Moustafa Disaster preparedness for charge nurses: a program evaluation,2021,19,1,39-45,Becker Ready in the face of danger? Investigating preparation mitigation and media dependencies amongst those affected by the 2018 California Wildfires,2021,19,1,47-56,Lachlan Challenges in handling a civilian mass pediatric disaster during flood relief in a partially inundated armed forces medical facility,2021,19,2,173-188,Gupta University public-private partnerships for addressing student emergency needs: a literature review,2021,19,2,209-219,Iman Preventing post-disaster population losses and recovery policy,2021,19,3,240-244,Richmond How university students perceive emergency management: a case for marketing emergency management,2021,19,3,266-272,Mann Schools and disasters: examining the evidence for K-12 settings across the emergency management phases,2021,19,4,327-337,Esnard Management of a religious mass gathering in North India: Parkash Utsav 550,2021,19,4,379-385,Goel Psychiatric and post-traumatic stress disorders among COVID-19 survivors,2021,18,7,157-160,Ahmed Challenges for the disaster workforce during a compound hurricane-pandemic,2021,19,7,9-18,Behr When emergencies and disasters collide: lessons from the response to the Magna Utah earthquake during the COVID-19 pandemic,2021,19,7,19-37,McEntire Local emergency management social media use during the COVID-19 pandemic,2021,19,7,83-97,Hildebrand Social media in disaster response: COVID-19 and Bangladesh perspectives,2021,19,7,165-176,Chisty Sometimes the unthinkable happens: how do catastrophic natural disasters impact the population of arts and culture nonprofits?,2021,19,5,425-437,Gallagher Exploring sex differences in information needs media dependencies and attention allocation during Hurricane Dorian,2021,19,5,439-449,Lachlan Burnout compassion fatigue and vicarious trauma among wildfire responders,2021,19,5,451-460,Stout Crisis management made visible: a case study of a school fire,2021,19,5,479-492,Danielsson Assessment of ambulance services performance by queuing theory at the Center for Disaster and Emergency Management: a descriptive-analytical study,2021,19,5,469-478,Isfahani Patterns of communication during full-scale emergency/disaster drills,2021,19,6,575-589,Andrew The lingering impact of Hurricane Katrina: Examining the physical health mental health and racial equity impacts of disaster response,2021,20,1,9-15,Blackburn Storms of a feather tweet together: an exploratory study examining Houston-area emergency management communication on Twitter in Hurricane Harvey,2021,20,1,53-60,Rainear Designing and developing a disaster resource directory: a case example,2021,20,1,77-87,Stough Active shooter mitigation techniques,2022,20,2,95-109,Dietz Active shooter mitigation strategies in small rural churches,2022,20,2,111-125,Dietz Magazine capacity limits and home security,2022,20,2,143-155,Dietz Efficient evacuation strategies for emergency response management,2022,20,2,175-196,Bolia Interprofessional collaboration among first responder students in a simulated disaster exercise,2022,20,3,273-278,Innis Critical decisions in hurricane evacuation bridge and roadway closures,2022,20,4,317-328,Dixon Measuring the destruction and recuperation of the natural gas pipeline system at Oregon's Critical Energy Infrastructure Hub,2022,20,4,329-340,Payne Should we offer disaster preparedness and response training workshops across Idaho? A feasibility study,2022,20,4,351-364,Iqbal Disaster response using the circular economy: a timeline review of the literature,2022,20,4,365-373,Dietz Analysis of pre- and post-disaster management and recovery in Puerto Rico from Hurricane Maria [editorial],2022,19,8,e9,Rivera Resilience of environment infrastructure communities and governance in Puerto Rico after Hurricane Maria and the need for community empowerment to develop decentralized nature-based solutions to sustainability,2022,19,8,11-23,Rivera Principles for collaborative risk communication: reducing landslide losses in Puerto Rico,2022,19,8,41-61,Davis Public health branch incident management and support as part of the federal government response during the emergency phase of Hurricanes Irma and Maria in Puerto Rico and the US Virgin Islands,2022,19,8,63-77,Bayleyegn Vulnerable populations: a cross-case synthesis of correctional facility disaster response during Hurricanes Katrina and Maria,2022,19,8,97-108,McAleavy Understanding recovery and resilience from natural disasters in hospitality organizations,2022,19,8,109-121,Scott Displacement after disaster: challenges and opportunities responding to Puerto Rican evacuees in Central Florida after Hurricane Maria,2022,19,8,123-134,Corbin Six months after Maria: a post-hurricane examination of mental health and associated risk factors in older Puerto Ricans,2022,19,8,177-187,Gentile Exploring frames of environmental crises on Twitter and Weibo: crisis communication about Hurricane Maria and haze,2022,19,8,201-215,Jin Principles for data management visualization and communication to improve disaster response management: lessons from the Hurricane Maria response mission,2022,19,8,255-269,Kress A modular approach for vulnerability assessment in Southern Italy: a forest fire hazard scenario,2022,20,5,381-403,Maletta Application of an ordinal probit regression model in predicting emergency response rates in the Fire Department of New York City,2022,20,5,423-442,Pitt Fire risk management in Tabriz Historic Bazaar Complex as a UNESCO World Heritage Site: 2009-2019 experiences,2022,20,5,443-459,Fahmi The influence of individualistic worldviews on severe weather preparation,2022,20,6,487-498,Le Information sharing behaviors in text-based communication during emergency response,2022,20,6,499-516,Weger The disastrous business of presidential campaigns: the effect of disaster declarations on presidential elections in FEMA Region 3,2022,20,6,535-559,Chen Utilizing teachers to enhance student recovery through emergency educational programming: a case study analysis of Hurricane Maria,2022,20,6,561-580,Wheeler Knowledge to action: resilience planning among state and local transportation agencies in the United States,2023,21,1,7-22,Kim A longitudinal study of Oklahoma City bombing rescue and recovery responders providing qualitative introspections of their experience nearly a quarter century later,2023,21,1,23-36,North Moved to partner: a case study of faith-based congregations in disaster response,2023,21,1,37-51,Webb Current flood warning system in Japan and its effectiveness in mobilizing evacuation: lessons from case studies,2023,21,1,53-65,Fan Post-traumatic stress and depression following a landslide linked to the 2018 floods in Kerala India: relevance of screening,2023,21,1,85-96,Kar Improving the resiliency of the United States healthcare system before during and after disasters,2023,20,8,7-21,Frazier Disaster recovery funding: enhanced understanding for improved outcomes,2023,20,8,23-37,Frazier Emergency management and HAZMAT mitigation: strategic planning for new developments,2023,20,8,39-57,Frazier Practical flood risk reduction strategies in South Sudan,2023,20,8,123-136,Frazier Managing risk and information asymmetry in cross-sector networks: the case of the West Texas fertilizer plant explosion,2023,21,2,109-122,Wukich Fire disaster management in South Africa: look at statistics and impacts,2023,21,8,177-200,Madondo Natural hazards international rescue response mechanism and development trends under UN framework,2023,21,8,163-175,Li Unresolved mental health trauma: the languishing of public safety and public health professionals,2023,21,4,273-274,Petersen Conclusions from a needs analysis: the PIO training gap in the National Preparedness Goal,2023,21,4,275-286,Hall A jolt to the system: quantifying disaster impact and return to routine using citizen-generated calls for service,2023,21,4,323-332,Hackerott Developing a survey instrument to assess flood health beliefs among residents of river flood zones in the Heartland,2023,21,4,333-345,Ratnapradipa Empowering local response and community-based disaster mitigation through legislative policies: lessons from the Kerala floods of 2018-19,2023,21,4,347-353,Hakkim Knowledge attitude and practices about disaster preparedness among resident doctors in a tertiary care teaching hospital in Delhi India: a cross-sectional study,2023,21,4,355-368,Verma Surveying mental health stressors of emergency management professionals: factors in recruiting and retaining emergency managers in an era of disasters and pandemics,2023,21,5,375-384,Erickson Common operational pictures as collective problem representations: the case of the 2018 wildfires in Sweden,2023,21,5,385-397,Frykmer Project APRED: a web-based data analytics platform for supporting community disaster resilience,2023,21,5,399-419,Shih Safety breach analysis with subsequent proposal in the framework of fire protection,2023,21,5,421-437,Hromada Community Assessment for Public Health Emergency Response (CASPER) following Hurricane Michael: Gadsden Calhoun and Jackson Counties Florida 2020,2023,21,6,497-509,DuClos Accidental release of chlorine from a cylinder during transport and an emergency response plan: a scenario-based study,2023,21,6,511-521,Fallah Ghanbari The "judicialization" of emergency management in Belgium: from a safety regime toward a security one,2023,21,6,539-555,Glesner A paradigm shift in disaster management: Incorporating a human rights-based approach to disaster risk reduction,2023,21,6,557-576,Wheeler Hurricane season hindsight 2020: applying the IDEA model toward local tropical cyclone forecasts,2024,22,1,33-44,Eicher Social media-based demographic and sentiment analysis for disaster responses,2024,22,1,89-99,Yum Emergency management and sustainability: understanding the link between disaster and citizen participation for sustainability efforts and climate change,2024,22,7,11-23,Williams Ocean state rising: storm simulation and vulnerability mapping to predict hurricane impacts for Rhode Island's critical infrastructure,2024,22,7,47-61,Adams Designing user-centered decision support systems for climate disasters: what information do communities and rescue responders need during floods?,2024,22,7,71-85,Meyer A socio-technical systems approach of the accident analysis in Indonesian multiple train accident cases: an application of AcciMap methodology,2024,22,2,155-167,Djunaidi Factors that support public health infrastructure recovery in Puerto Rico and US Virgin Islands after Hurricanes Irma and Maria,2024,22,2,129-138,Luna-Pinto Developing engaging and sustaining CERT programs in low-risk communities [letter],2024,22,2,115-118,Mitchell A higher education approach to active shooter incidents: evidence from 40 united states university campuses,2024,22,2,169-180,Padot Protective factors of psychological vulnerability in Rescue 1122 workers with vicarious traumatization,2024,22,2,181-193,Shafiq Public transit and crisis communication for critical populations: a content analysis of web-based communication strategies during the COVID-19 pandemic,2024,22,2,195-212,Franks Anxiety and depression among public health workers during the COVID-19 pandemic,2022,20,9,19-26,Pfender Factors influencing first responders' mental health during COVID-19,2022,20,9,27-37,Peat Preparing for the likely rise in suicides due to COVID-19: A review of the literature,2022,20,9,79-90,Pekevski A longitudinal follow-up study of rescue and recovery narratives of Oklahoma City bombing responders nearly a quarter century later,2024,22,3,261-274,North Decision-making drivers for pandemic response for institutions of higher education,2024,22,3,311-326,Dunn Finalizing emergency management professionalization in 2024,2024,22,3,225-234,Carlson Forecasters emergency managers and residents: building better risk communication,2024,22,3,235-248,Wallace Modeling roadway impacts and recovery from volcanic ashfall from the 2021 St. Vincent eruption,2024,22,3,249-260,Kim Measuring mental health outcomes in Walbridge Fire 2020,2024,22,3,327-344,McCombs