Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Prevalence of non-drug poisoning in patients admitted to hospitals of Mazandaran University of Medical Sciences 2010-2011,2013,21,3,192-195,Mohseni Saravi The status of hospital information systems in Iranian hospitals,2014,22,4,268-275,Jahanbakhsh Scientific production of sports science in Iran: a scientometric analysis,2014,22,3,195-198,Siamian The ocular trauma score as a method for the prognostic assessment of visual acuity in patients with close eye injuries,2015,23,2,81-85,Serdarevic Education and training for major incidents through Medical Response to Major Incidents-MRMI course,2015,23,3,169-171,Samardzic Chromatography as method for analytical confirmation of paracetamol in postmortem material together with psychoactive substances,2015,23,5,322-325,Biscevic-Tokic Social and psychological effects of the internet use,2016,24,1,66-68,Diomidous Occupational disease registries-characteristics and experiences,2017,25,2,136-140,Kalhori Registry data coordinator (RDC): a proper accessible strategy for improving road traffic injury (RTI) hospital based trauma registry systems in developing countries and low income countries,2018,26,1,35-41,Mahdian Relationship between personality traits and violence involvement -a study of high school students in northern Iraq,2022,30,3,213-219,Mohamedamin Incidence and comparison of suicide in various phases of the menstrual cycle: a systematic review and meta-analysis,2023,31,1,76-83,Arun Risk-taking behaviour: the role of dark triad traits impulsivity sensation seeking and adverse childhood experience,2023,31,4,292-299,Fatahi Social and psychological effects of the internet use,2016,24,1,66-69,Mantas Diagnostic Value in Screening Severe Depression of the Hamilton Depression Rating Scale Hamilton Anxiety Rating Scale Beck Depression Inventory Scale and Zung's Self-Rating Anxiety Scale Among Patients with Recurrent Depression Disorder,2023,31,4,249-253,Tung