Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Practice of skin cancer prevention among road traffic police officers in Malaysia,2013,14,8,4577-4581,Al-Naggar Depression and suicide ideas of cancer patients and influencing factors in South Korea,2014,15,7,2945-2950,Kim Reliability and validity of the alcohol use disorders identification test - consumption in screening for adults with alcohol use disorders and risky drinking in Japan,2014,15,16,6571-6574,Osaki Does the impairment of functional life increase the probability of suicide in cancer patients?,2014,15,21,9549-9553,Cuhadar Description of deaths on Easter Island 2000-2012 period,2014,15,23,10091-10094,Bravo Sun burn incidence and knowledge of Greek elementary and high school children about sun protection,2015,16,4,1529-1534,Souliotis Village voices: lessons about processes for disease prevention from a qualitative study of family health leaders in a community in northeastern Thailand,2015,16,10,4401-4408,Jongudomkarn Hazardous health behaviour among medical students: a study from Turkey,2015,16,17,7675-7681,Nacar Factors associated with suicide risk in advanced cancer patients: a cross-sectional study,2016,17,11,4831-4836,Lee Persian Gulf jellyfish (Cassiopea andromeda) venom fractions induce selective injury and cytochrome C release in mitochondria obtained from breast adenocarcinoma patients,2017,18,1,277-286,Mirshamsi Socioeconomic inequality in concurrent tobacco and alcohol consumption,2017,18,7,1913-1917,Intarut Parental alcohol drinking habit as a predictor of alcohol use among secondary school students in Barbados,2018,19,S1,57-62,Abel Alcohol drinking among primary school children in Trinidad and Tobago: prevalence and associated risk factors,2018,19,S1,51-55,Abel Risk factors associated with frequent alcohol binge drinking among Jamaicans: does gender matter?,2018,19,S1,39-44,Abel Single parent family structure as a predictor of alcohol use among secondary school students: evidence from Jamaica,2018,19,S1,19-23,Abel Does risk perception affect alcohol consumption among secondary school students in Jamaica?,2018,19,S1,13-18,Abel Cancer patients during and after natural and man-made disasters: a systematic review,2018,19,10,2695-2700,Heidari Reducing the risk of fall among oncology patients using failure modes and effects analysis,2024,25,2,689-697,Ibrahim Tobacco Use and Its Association with Mental Morbidity and Health Compromising Behaviours in Adolescents in Indonesia,2021,22,1,31-35,Peltzer