Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Pattern of ocular injuries in stone pelters in Kashmir valley,2012,26,3,327-330,Khan Airbag induced facial and bilateral ocular injuries in a 14-year-old child,2011,25,4,421-425,Alquraini A 14-year-old girl who regained normal vision after bilateral visual impairment following hot water injury to the eyes,2011,25,2,207-210,Monsudi Eyelid hook injury - A preventable domestic injury,2009,23,3-4,219-220,Omar Retained periorbital and intracranial air-gun pellets causing sclopetaria and visual loss,2014,28,3,228-233,Al-Othaimeen A peculiar case of a retained inert piece of fireworks as an intraocular foreign body in the anterior chamber,2014,28,3,225-227,Al-Tamimi Attempted auto-enucleation in two incarcerated young men with psychosis,2015,29,2,172-174,Wells Paintball related ocular injuries: first case report in Saudi patients,2017,31,1,55-57,Al-Amry Inadvertent macular burns and consecutive psychological depression secondary to Alexandrite laser epilation: a case report,2019,33,1,105-108,Balyen An unusual case of penetrating eye injury caused by a bird: a case report with review of the pertinent literature,2019,33,2,196-199,Al-Sharif Eye injuries caused by date palm thorns and leaves,2020,34,1,13-17,Abu-Zidan Knowledge and attitude towards hazardous effects of laser pointers among attendees of football matches in Riyadh Saudi Arabia,2020,34,1,25-29,Alsulaiman Isolated traumatic optic nerve avulsion in a boy who suffered a horse kick,2020,34,2,134-135,Elkhamary A study on the clinical profile and visual outcome of pediatric ocular trauma in Eastern India,2023,37,2,111-119,Parija Missed games financial losses and characteristics of eye injuries in the National Basketball Association during the 2010-2011 to 2017-2018 seasons,2023,37,3,222-226,Kurup Refractive error and abnormal stereopsis association with road traffic accidents in Saudi Arabian truck drivers,2024,38,2,157-162,Challa