Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Electronic aggression among emerging adults motivations and contextual factors,2013,1,4,293-304,Margolin Gainful activity and intimate partner aggression in emerging adulthood,2014,2,2,116-127,Giordano The sexual experience of latino young adults in college and their perceptions of values about sex communicated by their parents and friends,2015,3,1,14-23,Ward Health and well-being in emerging adults' same-sex relationships: critical questions and directions for research in developmental science,2015,3,1,3-13,Meyer Enthusiasts delayers and the ambiguous middle: marital paradigms among emerging adults,2015,3,2,123-135,Willoughby Young women's satisfaction with sex and romance and emotional reactions to sex: associations with sexual entitlement efficacy and situational factors,2015,3,2,113-122,Zimmer-Gembeck Profiles of religiosity and their association with risk behavior among emerging adults in the United States,2015,3,2,67-84,Vaughn Associations between attention to warning signs marital confidence and interactional problem solving among emerging adult couples in Mainland China,2015,3,3,194-203,Johnson The effect of types of postsecondary education on drinking does age of enrollment matter?,2015,3,3,154-165,Thompson Bivariate trajectories of substance use and antisocial behavior: associations with emerging adult outcomes in a high-risk sample,2015,3,4,265-276,Brown College adjustment relationship satisfaction and conflict management: a cross-lag assessment of developmental "spillover",2015,3,4,244-254,Fincham Changes in marital beliefs among emerging adults: examining marital paradigms over time,2015,3,4,219-228,Willoughby Associations between shyness and internalizing and externalizing problems during emerging adulthood in China,2015,3,5,364-367,Nelson Do incoming first-year college students who think of themselves as adults drink more responsibly after starting college?,2015,3,5,359-363,Walters Topics of Conflict in Emerging Adults' Romantic Relationships,2015,3,5,320-326,Reese-Weber Testing dyadic mechanisms the right way: a primer into moderated actor-partner interdependence model with latent variable interactions,2015,3,6,421-433,Claxton Youth perspectives on the transition to adulthood: exploring the impact of problematic substance use and treatment seeking,2016,4,2,92-103,Peterson-Badali College students' perceptions of the links between alcohol use and sexual experiences,2016,4,4,272-283,Maggs A prospective study of adolescents' sexual partnerships on emerging adults' relationship satisfaction and intimate partner aggression,2016,4,6,403-416,Giordano Why me? An exploratory qualitative study of drinking gamers' reasons for selecting other players to drink,2018,6,2,79-90,Martin Relationships with parents identity styles and positive youth development during the transition from adolescence to emerging adulthood,2018,6,1,42-52,ZukauskienÄ— Longitudinal increases in parent-child relationship quality and sensation seeking interact to increase risk-taking during the college transition,2018,6,1,66-71,Telzer The role of parental psychological control and warmth in college students' relational aggression and friendship quality,2018,6,1,72-76,Boyatzis Change in depression symptoms through emerging adulthood: disentangling the roles of different employment characteristics,2017,5,6,406-416,Law "Boomeranging" and delinquent behavior in emerging adulthood: a person-centered approach to studying role change,2017,5,6,417-430,Bosick Social media use and substance use during emerging adulthood,2017,5,5,364-370,Ohannessian Why did it end? Breakup reasons of youth of different gender dating stages and ages,2017,5,4,230-240,Connolly Adolescent depressive symptoms and breakup distress during early emerging adulthood: associations with the quality of romantic interactions,2017,5,4,251-258,Seiffge-Krenke Imitating the risky decision-making of peers: an experimental study among emerging adults,2018,6,4,255-265,Harakeh Sleep and internalizing symptoms in emerging adulthood: the role of ethnicity and subjective social status,2018,6,5,299-311,Kelly Trajectories of racial discrimination that predict problematic alcohol use among African American emerging adults,2018,6,5,347-357,Zimmerman The gender risk-severity paradox for alcohol use disorder from adolescence through young adulthood,2018,6,6,375-386,Hicks University students' perceptions of links between substance use and mental health: a qualitative focus group study,2018,6,6,399-410,Stuart Structural validity of the Depression Anxiety and Stress Scales-21 Adapted for U.S. undergraduates,2018,6,6,434-440,Furlong Associations between substance use disorders and suicidal ideation: an investigation of Latino emerging adults,2019,7,1,21-30,Vaughan A longitudinal mixed-methods case study of quarter-life crisis during the post-university transition: locked-out and locked-in forms in combination,2019,7,3,167-179,Robinson Assessing health outcomes and youth-related items for the Adverse Childhood Experiences Questionnaire,2019,7,3,223-229,Beck Psychosocial maturity and risk-taking in emerging adults: extending our understanding beyond delinquency,2019,7,4,243-257,Riggs Romaine Managing stress and school: the role of posttraumatic stress in predicting well-being and collegiate burnout,2019,7,5,342-351,Fincham An exploration of depression symptom trajectories and their predictors in a Canadian sample of emerging adults,2019,7,5,352-362,Roberts Commuter college student adjustment: peer crowd affiliation as a driver of loneliness belongingness and risk behaviors,2019,7,5,363-369,Wax Filial responsibilities familism and depressive symptoms among Latino young adults,2019,7,5,370-377,Schofield Exploring alcohol use motivations in underage college students: contributions of a person-centered analytic approach,2018,6,6,387-398,Bumpus The association between early exposure to violence in emerging adulthood and substance use in early-adulthood among inner-city individuals,2018,6,4,235-242,Zimmerman Use of multiple social media platforms in relation to psychological functioning in emerging adults,2019,7,6,501-506,Ohannessian Facilitating the transition of adolescents and emerging adults from care into employment in Kampala Uganda: a case study of Uganda youth development link,2020,8,1,35-44,Kasirye Substance use and mental health outcomes during emerging adulthood among individuals with different patterns of child maltreatment,2020,8,6,542-547,Bray Daily- and person-level associations between physical activity and alcohol use among college students,2020,8,5,428-434,Weinstock Drink (socially) and be merry: predicting enjoyment and self-perceptions from alcohol consumption among college students,2021,9,4,415-421,Tennen Friendship conflict drinking to cope and alcohol-related problems: a longitudinal actor-partner interdependence model,2022,10,3,595-608,Stewart Depressive symptoms perceived stress self-compassion and nonsuicidal self-injury among emerging adults: an examination of the between and within-person associations over time,2022,10,5,1269-1285,Hamza Social isolation in a population-based sample of emerging adults: who is on their own?,2022,10,5,1247-1255,Eisenberg The stress of motherhood and intimate partner violence during emerging adulthood,2022,10,5,1204-1215,Giordano Suicidal mental imagery: investigating a novel marker of suicide risk,2022,10,5,1216-1221,Nesi Bystander intoxication and appraisal of sexual assault risk: a field study of emerging adult bargoers,2022,10,6,1430-1439,Ham Drinking motives and willingness to drink alcohol in peer drinking contexts,2017,5,1,16-26,Anderson Expanding on threat and deprivation: empirical examination of adversity dimensions and psychiatric outcomes among emerging adults,2023,11,2,431-443,Wilcox Contextualizing cannabis implicit associations: consideration of peers and personality,2022,10,3,581-594,Colder Daily exercise and alcohol use among young adult college students,2022,10,3,572-580,Stamates COVID-19 racism depressive symptoms drinking to cope motives and alcohol use severity among Asian American emerging adults,2022,10,6,1591-1601,Keum Hazardous drinking mediates the relation between externalizing personality and reduced adherence to COVID-19 public health guidelines in university students,2023,11,3,797-803,Krank Delayed Adulthood Delayed Desistance? A Brief Report on Changing Age Schedules of Risky Behaviors,2021,9,3,252-258,Hays Diet and Mental Health During Emerging Adulthood: A Systematic Review,2022,10,3,645-659,Collins The Role of Trait Impulsivity on Suicidality in the Emerging Adult in Kenya,2023,11,4,884-892,Matthews