Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Resident perceptions of an overt drug elimination strategy,2013,7,1,61-79,Frabutt Systematic observations of neighborhood order: assessing the methodology in evaluating a community-based initiative,2013,7,1,42-60,Frabutt Sexual exploitations concealment and adolescent mothers' agency in a semiurban community in southwest Nigeria,2014,8,1,24-40,Agunbiade Risk behaviors among suburban women who use methamphetamine: social harms and social solutions,2015,9,2,98-114,Lamonica Sociology and social work undergraduates' experiences participating in a research project on campus sexual assault and misconduct,2018,12,1,46-58,Donley Engaging the community: building effective partnerships in sexual violence prevention,2018,12,2,82-97,Levine Developments in sexual assault resistance education: combining risk reduction and primary prevention,2019,13,1,7-25,Menning Fetal alcohol syndrome warnings: policing women's behavior distorts science,2020,14,1,5-22,Killian The BP catastrophe and sociological practice mitigating community impacts through peer-listener training,2011,5,2,1-12,Picou