Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author The duplicity of protection--prosecuting frightened victims: an act of gender-based violence,2012,76,1,29-52,Edwards Recognising acute intoxication as diminished responsibility? A comparative analysis,2012,76,1,71-98,Wake Rape in Victoria as a crime of absolute liability: a departure from both precedent and progressivism,2012,76,5,399-420,Arenson Offences against the Person: Into the 21st century,2012,76,6,472-492,Jefferson Mandatory harsh penalties for people smugglers in Australia: time for reform,2012,76,6,493-511,Bagaric Ignorance of the law as a defence to rape: the destruction of a maxim,2012,76,4,336-347,Arenson Excessive self-defence: third-party problems,2012,76,6,456-459,Gritter Restraining orders following an acquittal in domestic violence cases: securing greater victim safety?,2012,76,6,512-527,Bettinson Culpable driving and issues of causation,2012,76,5,431-437,Cooper Contributory qualifying and non-qualifying triggers in the loss of control defence: a wrong turn on sexual infidelity,2012,76,3,254-275,Baker Provisions in the Criminal Law for the Punishment for Human Trafficking and the Protection of its Victims),2013,25,2,271-297,최민영 Balancing the interference with private and family life of the person whose extradition is sought with the public interest in extradition: has the pendulum swung too far? Polish Judicial Authorities v Celinski and Others,2015,79,5,309-313,Davies The legal features of smuggling organisations in light of the provisions of the Migrant Smuggling Protocol,2015,79,3,170-180,Aljahani The reality of trafficked people's access to technology,2013,77,3,255-273,McCartan Domestic violence and the criminal law: reconceptualising reform,2015,79,1,55-70,Youngs Necessity and murder,2015,79,1,46-54,Tamblyn Clare's Law or the national Domestic Violence Disclosure Scheme the contested legalities of criminality information sharing,2015,79,1,36-45,Grace Ten years on: consent under the Sexual Offences Act 2003,2015,79,1,20-35,Sjölin Involuntary intoxication: a new six-step procedure,2015,79,2,138-146,Brooks The legal definition of the smuggling of migrants in light of the provisions of the Migrant Smuggling Protocol,2015,79,2,122-137,Aljehani Protecting victims of domestic violence--have we got the balance right?,2015,79,2,102-121,Bessant The loss of control defence--fit for purpose?,2015,79,2,94-101,Parsons Young offenders 'secure colleges' and reforming criminals,2015,79,3,211-228,Akhtar Sentencing guidelines for HBV and honour killings,2015,79,3,198-210,Idriss The insanity defence: an argument for abolition,2015,79,4,250-256,Hogg Interpreting the contours of self-defence within the boundaries of the rule of law the common law and human rights,2015,79,5,330-343,Elliott Failure to protect girls from female genital mutilation,2015,79,5,344-357,Christou Reforming offences against the person in defence of 'moderate' constructivism,2015,79,6,437-447,Jackson The emotional dynamics of consent,2015,79,6,422-436,Stannard FGM/cutting contextualising recent legal developments,2015,79,6,411-421,Jefferson Sexual offence complainants and credibility: why virginity testing is pointless: R v L [2015] EWCA Crim 741,2015,79,6,385-388,Ring Houseguests trespassers and the use of reasonable force in ejectment: R v Day [2015] EWCA Crim 1646 Court of Appeal,2015,79,6,391-394,Storey Unduly lenient sentences (s. 36 CJA 1988): the correct approach to sentencing where multiple deaths occur as a result of dangerous driving: R v Robert Anthony Brown [2018] EWCA Crim 1775,2018,82,6,431-433, Sentencing and the Modern Slavery Act 2015: R. v Iyamu (Josephine) [2018] EWCA Crim 2166,2018,82,6,438-441,Mennim Psychiatric evidence in diminished responsibility,2018,82,6,442-456,Hallett The offence/defence of infanticide: a view from two perspectives,2018,82,6,470-481,Howard Sober regrets and shared risk taking: navigating intoxicated consent and rape in the courtroom,2018,82,6,482-495,Clough Bodily modifications and the criminal law,2018,82,6,496-506,Bansal The meaning of 'attributable to intoxication': self-defence and mistaken belief: R v Taj [2018] EWCA Crim 1743,2018,82,5,362-365,Storey A brief summary and critique of criminal liability rules for intoxicated conduct,2018,82,5,381-387,Robinson The continuing chronology of confusion: crime prevention welfare and the why of youth justice,2018,82,5,402-419,Dingwall The corporate manslaughter and Corporate Homicide Act 2007 ten years on: fit for purpose?,2018,82,4,305-310,Parsons Young minds old legal problems: can neuroscience fill the void? Young offenders & the age of criminal responsibility bill--promise and perils,2018,82,4,311-320,Wishart Human trafficking victims' rights and fair trials,2018,82,2,138-155,Ward Managing the unmanageable: the offence of riot in England and Wales,2018,82,1,35-47,Lowerson The Corporate Manslaughter and Corporate Homicide Act 2007--a 10-year review,2018,82,1,48-75,Roper Modern slavery and prosecutorial discretion: when is it in the public interest to prosecute victims of trafficking? R v GS [2018] EWCA Crim 1824,2019,83,1,14-19,Simpson Complicity and rape,2019,83,1,30-38,Cowley Human trafficking vulnerability and the state,2019,83,1,39-54,Ward A ladder approach to criminalising revenge pornography,2019,83,1,87-103,Crofts Aligning partial defences to murder with the offence of coercive or controlling behaviour,2019,83,1,71-86,Bettinson The wrong side of the line? Trafficking victims compelled to commit offences and prosecutorial discretion: R v EK (Kolesnikova) [2018] EWCA Crim 2961,2019,83,2,111-115,Mennim Intending to assist in murder: when will the use of a deadly weapon constitute going beyond the confines of an agreed plan? R v Harper [2019] EWCA Crim 343,2019,83,3,182-185,Leggett Murder by dangerous driving: decision of the BGH of 16 January 2019 case No 4 StR 345/18 judgment of the LG Hamburg of 19 February 2018 Case No 621 Ks 12/17 German Federal Court of Justice (Bundesgerichtshof--BGH) 4th Criminal Senate,2019,83,3,191-194,Bohlander Robbery and the principle of fair labelling,2019,83,3,205-216,Betts Reconstructing unlawful and dangerous act manslaughter,2019,83,4,272-283,Leigh The financial investigation of human trafficking in the UK: legal and practical perspectives,2019,83,4,284-293,Antonopoulos Two worlds apart: a comparative analysis of the effectiveness of domestic abuse law and policy in England and Wales and the Russian Federation,2019,83,5,320-351,Richardson Innocent victims and vulnerable offenders: defending impaired adults who kill children,2019,83,5,352-369,Midson Preventing the criminalisation of children who have been victims of group-based sexual exploitation involving grooming tactics--understanding child sexual exploitation as enslavement,2019,83,5,370-380,Arthur Battered woman syndrome diminished responsibility and women who kill: insights from Scottish case law,2019,83,5,381-393,McPherson Possessing extreme pornography: policing prosecutions and the need for reform,2019,83,6,473-488,McGlynn De-criminalising adolescent to parent violence under s 76 Serious Crime Act 2015 (c.9),2020,84,1,3-18,Bettinson Treason versus outraging public decency: over-criminalisation and terrorism panics,2020,84,1,19-36,Baker Sexual behaviour evidence and evidence of bad character in sexual offence proceedings: proposing a combined admissibility framework,2020,84,1,49-73,Jackson Accusation as proof: uncorroborated historic sexual abuse allegations,2020,84,2,105-123,Baker Gross negligence manslaughter revisited: time for a change of direction?,2020,84,3,228-245,Crosby Death by dangerous driving - new interim guideline? Soto & Anor Re (Re Section 36 of the Criminal Justice Act 1988) (Rev 1) [2023] EWCA Crim 55,2023,87,3,218-222,Snow Suicide while in Police Custody,1999,63,6,570-572, Complicity in Suicide,2005,69,6,535-539,Samuels Assisting Suicide and the Discretion to Prosecute Revisited: R (on the Application of Purdy) v DPP [2009] UKHL 45,2009,73,6,475-479,Powell Assisting Suicide and the Discretion to Prosecute: Hard Cases and Good Law?: R (on the Application of Debbie Purdy) v DPP [2008] EWHC 2565 (Admin),2009,73,1,8-11,Powell A Right to Assist? Assisted Dying and the Interim Policy,2010,74,1,31-52,Livings 'Thou Shalt Not Kill; But Needst Not Strive Officiously to Keep Alive': Further Clarification of the Law regarding Mercy Killing Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide: R (on the Application of Nicklinson) v Ministry of Justice [2013] EWCA Civ 961,2013,77,6,468-475,Jackson Domestic Abuse Suicide and Liability for Manslaughter: In Pursuit of Justice for Victims,2020,84,4,273-292,Lodge Gross Negligence Manslaughter: Is Prosecution of Doctors Always in the Public Interest and Is Specific Prosecutorial Guidance Needed?,2020,84,4,341-368,Swift Honour Suicide and Forced Suicide in the UK,2022,86,5,308-326,Gorar Assisting in Suicide--Keeping the Debate Alive,1990,54,2,253-256,Horder