Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Toward a definition of "hypersexuality" in children and adolescents,2012,40,3,481-503,Downey The effects of intimate partner violence on women and child survivors: an attachment perspective,2012,40,3,397-433,Levendosky Drawing conclusions: an intergenerational transmission of violence perspective,2013,41,2,351-360,Levendosky Intervention to reduce traumatic stress following intimate partner violence: an efficacy trial of the Moms' Empowerment Program (MEP),2013,41,2,329-349,Graham-Bermann The intergenerational transfer of mother-daughter risk for gender-based abuse,2013,41,2,303-328,McCloskey Relational trauma and posttraumatic stress symptoms among pregnant women,2013,41,2,277-301,Huth-Bocks Trauma sequelae and cortisol levels in women exposed to intimate partner violence,2013,41,2,247-275,Levendosky Not good enough and on a tether: exploring how violent relationships impact women's sense of self,2013,41,2,219-246,Lynch Assessment and psychotherapy with women experiencing intimate partner violence: integrating research and practice,2013,41,2,189-217,Levendosky The psychodynamic psychotherapist's guide to the interaction among sex genes and environmental adversity in the etiology of depression for women,2013,41,4,541-551,Vigod Manifest dream content as a possible predictor of suicidality,2014,42,4,657-670,Glucksman What hath freud wrought? Current confusion and controversies about the clinical practice of psychoanalysis and psychodynamic psychotherapy,2014,42,4,553-583,Chessick Homicide-suicide and duty to warn,2015,43,1,67-90,Sekula Further evidence of self-medication: personality factors influencing drug choice in substance use disorders,2015,43,2,243-275,Nash Psychodynamic treatment of combat veterans with PTSD at risk for suicide,2017,45,2,217-235,Hendin Manifest dream content as a predictor of suicidality,2017,45,2,175-185,Glucksman Attachment figure's regulation of infant brain and behavior,2017,45,4,475-498,Sullivan Psychodynamic psychiatrists' experiences of being stalked,2018,46,2,201-219,Ingram The (suicidal-) depressive position: a scientifically informed reformulation,2018,46,2,265-293,Shahar Incest from a young age … lasting a lifetime,2020,48,1,41-54,Moore Traumas and their consequences according to control-mastery theory,2020,48,2,113-139,Gazzillo Telling the story: before and after,2021,49,3,375-378,Moore A retrospective observational study of psychosocial determinants and psychiatric diagnoses of mass shooters in the United States,2022,50,3,1-16,Cerfolio Questions raised by the controversy over recovered memories of incest,2022,50,1,116-128,Lief Annotation to questions raised by the controversy over recovered memories of incest (Lief 2003),2022,50,1,114-115,Katz Borderline personality disorder: clinical guidelines for treatment,2022,50,1,45-63,Stone A retrospective observational study of psychosocial determinants and psychiatric diagnoses of mass shooters in the United States,2022,50,3,513-528,Cerfolio Psychosocial and psychodynamic considerations informing factitious disorder,2023,51,1,98-113,Dickerman Maladaptive personality traits of inpatients with self-harm behavior and its association with suicide intent severity,2023,51,3,350-373,Teck Sng Tay Shared fragility-contemplating the impact of patients' suicides on clinicians,2023,51,4,409-433,Rajagopalan The impact of patient suicide on clinicians,2023,51,4,381-385,Downey Aggression in psychodynamic psychotherapy and supervision: becoming a more effective therapist,2024,52,1,96-113,Shapiro Ethical dilemmas and countertransference in legally mandated reporting of fatal child neglect,2024,52,2,189-205,Shapiro Addressing the complexity of perfectionism in clinical practice,2018,46,4,457-490,Ko Suicide and self-regulation in narcissistic personality disorder,2018,46,4,491-510,Schechter Assessing Burdening Guilt and Its Correlates,2023,51,4,479-499,Gorman