Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Hemicrania continua headache in a veteran with posttraumatic stress disorder and major depressive disorder without traumatic brain injury,2012,2012,online,937217,Duncan Bidirectional tachycardia after an acute intravenous administration of digitalis for a suicidal gesture,2014,2014,,e109167,Sabatini Perfectionistic self-presentation and suicide in a young woman with major depression and psychotic features,2014,2014,,901981,Flett Lifetime autism spectrum features in a patient with a psychotic mixed episode who attempted suicide,2014,2014,,459524,Dell'osso Severe growing-up phobia a condition explained in a 14-year-old boy,2014,2014,,706439,Perales-Blum LPG dependence after a suicide attempt,2015,2015,,e643253,Coşkunol Self-inflicted needle injuries to the eye: a curing pain,2015,2015,,960579,Amiri Sibling death after being thrown from window by brother with autism: defenestration an emerging high-risk behavior,2015,2015,,e463694,Sabuncuoglu Severe burns and amputation of both arms in the first psychotic episode of a schizophrenic patient,2015,2015,,e405713,Cruzado Sexual masochism disorder with asphyxiophilia: a deadly yet underrecognized disease,2016,2016,,e5474862,Gabbrielli A case report on management of father daughter incest with schizophrenia,2016,2016,,e4010187,Soron Psychopathology related to energy drinks: a psychosis case report,2017,2017,,5094608,Dolengevich-Segal Trichloroacetic acid ingestion: self-harm attempt,2017,2017,,e3701012,Black Obsessive-compulsive disorder with suicide obsessions in a first responder without previous diagnosis of OCD or history of suicide attempts,2017,2017,,e4808275,Rachamallu What can happen when postpartum anxiety progresses to psychosis? A case study,2018,2018,,e8262043,Pirec Olfactory reference syndrome with suicidal attempt treated with pimozide and fluvoxamine,2018,2018,,e7876497,Jegede Attempted suicide in a Parkinsonian patient treated with DBS of the VIM and high dose carbidopa-levodopa,2019,2019,,e2903762,Ayobello Is there a major role for undetected autism spectrum disorder with childhood trauma in a patient with a diagnosis of bipolar disorder self-injuring and multiple comorbidities?,2019,2019,,e4703795,Dell'osso Social and cultural factors leading to suicide attempt via organophosphate poisoning in Nepal,2019,2019,,7681309,Licata Positive emotions from brain injury: the emergence of mirth and happiness,2020,2020,,e5702578,Mendez A case report of suicide attempt caused by acute and transient psychotic disorder during the CoViD-19 outbreak,2020,2020,,e4320647,Hashimoto Suicide attempt as the presenting symptom in a patient with CoViD-19: a case report from the United States,2020,2020,,e8897454,Aggarwal Panic disorder induced by the coronavirus disease pandemic in a patient with organic mood disorder successfully treated with vortioxetine,2020,2020,,e8870014,Yoshimura Evidence for underregistration of suicide,2020,2020,,e8873893,de Winter Exacerbation of subthreshold PTSD symptoms in a Great East Japan Earthquake survivor in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic,2021,2021,,e6699775,Tsubokura Increased treatment engagement and adherence: flexible management with prolonged-release buprenorphine in treatment of opioid dependence,2021,2021,,e6657350,Hard An argument for expanding the role of pediatric decision-making and preference in child abuse/neglect assessments and plan,2021,2021,,e9910304,Fedora Acute extrapyramidal side effects from smoked haloperidol,2021,2021,,e4177263,Lee Suicidality and self-harming behaviors in patients with Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS): case report and literature review,2021,2021,,e2527261,Bellman Suicide versus accidental death by autoerotic asphyxiation in a patient receiving intravenous ketamine for depression,2022,2022,,e1104668,Bryant A medical resident with a history of alcohol abuse and suicidal ideation: a challenge for both psychiatry and occupational medicine in the context of the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic,2022,2022,,e7396453,Marino Occurrence of terrifying nightmares after few days of mirtazapine use in elderly patients,2023,2023,,e8843206,Dell'osso Alcohol withdrawal presenting with cut throat injury during COVID-19 lockdown: case reports from Nepal,2023,2023,,e5514321,Pant A pediatric patient with severe obstructive sleep apnea and comorbid depression and substance abuse,2023,2023,,e9985503,Manzardo Group schema therapy for refugees with treatment-resistant PTSD and personality pathology,2024,2024,,e8552659,Verhaak The noble suicide: the case of a self-contained dagger in the heart and a literal raw,2024,2024,,e3017903,Papalino A case of violent suicide attempt in a context of myxedema psychosis following radioiodine treatment in a patient with graves' disease,2019,2019,,,Radu A Case of Kratom Overdose in a Pediatric Patient,2020,2020,,,Mun Bipolar Disorder as Comorbidity with Sjögren's Syndrome: What Can We Do?,2020,2020,,,Zgueb Quetiapine and Wolff-Parkinson-White Syndrome,2020,2020,,,Martin Acute Mania and Catatonia in a Teenager Successfully Treated with Electroconvulsive Therapy and Diagnosed with Turner Syndrome and Bipolar Disorder,2021,2021,,,Ygland Rödström Acute Enterovirus Encephalitis as a Cause for Isolated Visual and Auditory Hallucinations in a 22-Year-Old Patient,2021,2021,,,Bleich Body Dysmorphic Disorder Insights in an Inpatient Psychiatric Setting,2021,2021,,,Koenig Depression Relapse during Long-Term Remission due to Media-Amplified Fear during the COVID-19 Pandemic,2021,2021,,,Matsuoka Iatrogenic Complications of Compulsory Treatment in a Patient Presenting with an Emotionally Unstable Personality Disorder and Self-Harm,2021,2021,,,Zimbrón Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy for Carbon Monoxide-Induced Delayed Neuropsychiatric Sequelae: Case Report of Two Cases and Relevant Literature Review,2021,2021,,,Kato Severe Anxiety Post-COVID-19 Infection,2021,2021,,,Gu Same Gender Erotomania: When the Psychiatrist Became the Delusional Theme - A Case Report and Literature Review,2021,2021,,,Jamaluddin Suicidality and illness course worsening in a Male patient with bipolar disorder during tamoxifen treatment for ER+/HeR2+ breast cancer,2021,2021,,,Dell'Osso Treatment of Severe Emotionally Unstable Personality Disorder with Comorbid Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome and Functional Neurological Disorder in an Inpatient Setting: A Case for Specialist Units without Restrictive Interventions,2021,2021,,,Griffin Acute Thyroiditis in a Patient with Neck Trauma,2022,2022,,,Peralta Clinical evaluation and management of a 45-year-old man with confusion psychosis agitation stereotyped behavior and impaired speech,2022,2022,,,Deng Clonidine Use for the Treatment of Nightmares in Posttraumatic Stress Disorder,2022,2022,,,Bange Delayed Signs and Symptoms of Extended Release Guanfacine Overdose in Two Adolescent Patients: Implications of Monitoring on the Psychiatry Unit,2022,2022,,,Mishra Remission of Suicidal Ideation in Emotionally Unstable Personality Disorder with Flupenthixol,2022,2022,,,Chivers Sinus Bradycardia in an Adolescent Taking Lamotrigine,2022,2022,,,Davis Socio-Cultural Factors Delaying Treatment in a Patient with Late-Onset Schizophrenia,2022,2022,,,Lal The Incidental Resolution of Severe Alcohol Use Disorder during Esketamine Treatment of Major Depressive Disorder: A Case Report,2022,2022,,,Kim Electroconvulsive Therapy in a Renal Transplantation Patient: A Rare Combination of Disease and Treatment,2020,2020,,e8889883,Malaty Gland New Psychosis: New Onset Adult Psychosis with Suicidal Ideation and Attempt in the Setting of Thyroid Storm,2017,2017,,e7402923,Cota Catatonia Pregnancy and Electroconvulsive Therapy (ECT),2023,2023,,,Inada Psychogenic Nonepileptic Seizures Associated with an Eating Disorder and PTSD Are Responsive to Cognitive Processing Therapy,2023,2023,,,Gearhart