Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Joining forces: maximizing ways of making a difference in policing,2010,4,2,95-103,Foster Managing performance in the policing of domestic violence,2008,2,3,294-302,Stanko Evaluating the effectiveness of an acoustic gunshot location system in St. Louis MO,2012,6,1,26-42,Mares The predictive policing challenges of near repeat armed street robberies,2012,6,2,151-166,Ratcliffe Alcohol abuse PTSD and officer-committed domestic violence,2012,6,4,418-430,Oehme Decline change or denial: Human trafficking and EU responses in the Balkan Triangle,2008,2,1,50-62,Arsovska From batons to negotiated management: the transformation of policing industrial disputes in Australia,2007,1,4,390-402,Baker Spatial patterns in the 2011 London riots,2013,7,1,21-31,Braithwaite Do terrorists play the market? Or can their attacks serve as a source of financing for terrorism?,2008,2,4,434-440,Baumert USA: hate groups radical-right violence on the rise,2009,3,3,255-263,Beirich Urban 'riots' or urban violence in France?,2007,1,4,416-427,Body-Gendrot Policing Iowa's Katrina: law enforcement response in flood disasters,2010,4,4,373-383,Ruback U.S. Border Patrol critical issues in policing: 21st century challenges in the National Border Patrol Strategy,2009,3,3,231-244,Boots Evaluating crime prevention: the potential of using individual-level matched control designs,2008,2,2,218-225,Bowers The value of crime scripting: deconstructing internal child sex trafficking,2011,5,2,132-143,Laycock High and low policing in post-9/11 times,2007,1,1,25-37,Brodeur Critical decision making by police firearms officers: a review of officer perception response and reaction,2007,1,3,273-283,Burrows Identifying priority neighbourhoods Using the Vulnerable Localities Index,2008,2,2,196-209,Chainey Engagement empowerment and transparency: publishing crime statistics using online crime mapping,2012,6,3,228-239,Chainey A glass half full? Assessing progress in the policing of hate crime,2009,3,2,121-128,Chakraborti Police and the prevention of terrorism,2007,1,1,9-20,Clarke Exploring internal child sex trafficking networks using social network analysis,2011,5,2,144-157,Laycock Roads policing: current context and imminent dangers,2008,2,1,131-142,Corbett Speed limit enforcement as perceived by offenders: implications for roads policing,2010,4,4,364-372,Corbett Policing and mental illness in England and Wales post Bradley,2012,6,4,365-376,Cummins Policing Katrina: managing law enforcement in New Orleans,2009,3,1,41-49,Deflem Perception of risk and the decision to use force,2007,1,3,265-272,Dror Community policing/policing and communities: some historical perspectives,2007,1,2,235-243,Emsley Marketing the brand: exporting British police models 1829-1950,2012,6,1,43-54,Emsley The Diamond Matrix: a science-driven approach to policing with crime intelligence,2012,6,2,133-143,Evans Suicide bomber pathways among Islamic militants,2008,2,4,412-422,Gill Getting the balance right: the use of firearms in British policing,2007,1,3,293-299,Glass Police misconduct behaviour: an empirical study of court cases,2011,5,2,172-179,Gottschalk The K-model--a Swedish police method to reduce youth violence in public places: Magnitude of implementation and effects on levels of assault,2010,4,4,351-363,Grevholm Simulating crime prevention strategies: a look at the possibilities,2008,2,2,175-184,Groff An analysis of forensic evidence used in the prosecution of terrorism cases in Britain between 1972 and 2008,2013,7,1,96-108,Heinrich Policing terrorism in the UK,2007,1,1,38-42,Hindle Tackling teenage knife crime,2010,4,2,149-151,Hitchcock Extremism,2009,3,3,216-219,Holmes Why are arson detection rates so low? A study of the factors that promote and inhibit the detection of arson,2009,3,1,78-88,Hopkins Mathematics physics and crime,2008,2,2,160-166,Johnson 'Hit them on the nose': representations of policing in Parliamentary debates about incitement to hatred on the grounds of sexual orientation,2011,5,1,65-74,Vanderbeck How do majority communities view the potential costs of policing terrorism? Findings from a community survey in Israel,2010,4,2,169-181,Weisburd The case to review murder investigations,2008,2,4,470-480,Jones Ethical constraints on taser use by police,2007,1,3,284-292,Kleinig Preventing violent extremism; a policing case study of the West Midlands,2013,7,1,88-95,Lamb Combating child exploitation online: predictors of successful ICAC task forces,2011,5,4,310-316,Marcum An assessment of the training and resources dedicated nationally to investigation of the production of child pornography,2011,5,1,23-32,Marcum Money talks money walks: the war on terrorist financing in the West,2008,2,4,441-451,Marron The challenges of implementing community policing in the United States,2007,1,2,223-234,Mastrofski Confidence neighbourhood policing and contact: drawing together the evidence,2010,4,3,273-281,Myhill Seen and not heard: young people's perceptions of the police,2009,3,4,364-372,Norman US versus European approaches to terrorism: size really does matter,2008,2,4,452-464,Oliverio Real and imagined extremist threats in Mexico and along the U.S.-Mexico border: 'Colombianization' as an antidote to leftist and criminal extremist networks,2009,3,3,245-254,Olney Improving the quality of professionals' contemporaneous notes taken during interviews about alleged child abuse,2011,5,4,317-327,Powell Learning from police deaths on duty: a case study,2010,4,4,421-431,Prenzler Knowledge-based public order policing: principles and practice,2007,1,4,403-415,Stott Taming uncivil societies: violent rightist extremism police responses and preventive public policy in East Germany,2009,3,3,220-230,Rensmann Organized crime money launderingand terrorism,2008,2,1,28-35,Ridley Great expectations: relations of trust and confidence in police interviews with witnesses of crime,2010,4,3,265-272,Roberts Crisis in policing: the French rioting of 2005,2009,3,1,34-40,Roché The treatment of victims in England and Wales,2008,2,1,110-119,Rock Recent developments in geographic profiling,2012,6,2,144-150,Rossmo Suicide campaigns as a strategic choice: the case of Hamas,2008,2,4,423-433,Saarnivaara Hail to the chief? How far does the introduction of elected police commissioners herald a U.S.-style politicization of policing for the UK?,2012,6,1,4-15,Sampson Plotting crimes: too true to be good? The rationale and risks behind crime mapping in the UK,2010,4,1,15-27,Sampson Redefining the gaps: connecting neighbourhood safety to national security,2007,1,4,460-471,Sampson Evolutionary psychology and fear of crime,2008,2,2,167-174,Tilley London riots: searching for a stop,2013,7,1,32-41,Singer The deployment of Taser weapons to UK law enforcement officials: an Amnesty International perspective,2007,1,3,309-315,Sprague The past present and future of POP,2012,6,2,122-132,Tilley Infant death investigations following high-profile unsafe rulings: throwing out the baby with the bath water?,2009,3,1,89-99,Kautt Routes into 'Islamic' terrorism: dead ends and spaghetti junctions,2007,1,4,447-459,Vertigans Seattle and its aftershock: some implications for theory and practice,2007,1,4,380-389,Waddington Police pursuits: a case study of 'critical friendship'?,2010,4,2,119-126,Waddington Meeting the challenge of extremist and radicalized prisoners: the experiences of the United Kingdom and Spain,2008,2,4,402-411,Hannah Too little too late: assessing vulnerability,2009,3,4,355-363,Norman Servicing the media's needs at arm's length: police-media relations during high-profile murder investigations,2011,5,4,343-355,Wilson Tracking the evidence for a 'mythical number': do UK domestic abuse victims suffer an average of 35 assaults before someone calls the police?,2014,8,2,222-228,Sherman Routinely armed and unarmed police: what can the Scandinavian experience teach us?,2014,8,2,183-192,Hendy Controlling use of force: identifying police use of excessive force through analysis of administrative records,2014,8,2,123-134,Hickman Representative policing and violence towards the police,2014,8,2,193-204,Hickman Global human trafficking: critical issues and contexts,2015,9,3,292-293,Caless The use of organized crime and conspiracy laws in the investigation and prosecution of criminal organizations,2013,7,4,401-410,Desroches Organized crime,2008,2,1,1-142,Allum Policing vulnerability through building community connections,2016,10,2,150-157,Best Crisis intervention teams: an evolution of leadership in community and policing,2016,10,2,143-149,Arey Exploring the role of the environmental context in the spatial distribution of calls-for-service associated with emotionally disturbed persons,2016,10,2,121-133,Brantingham The impact of critical incidents on mental health: an exploratory pilot study into the moderating effects of social support on the impact of adverse events in Dutch rescue workers,2016,10,2,102-112,Gaillard Informing collaborative interventions: intimate partner violence risk assessment for front line police officers,2016,10,4,328-340,Messing Police response to domestic violence: a case study of TecSOS mobile phone use in the London Metropolitan Police Service,2016,10,4,378-390,Natarajan Domestic violence offenders in Greece,2016,10,4,416-431,Chatzifotiou Contacts with the police and other agencies across the life-course of men who murder an intimate woman partner,2016,10,4,408-415,Dobash Ten years of body worn video in Northamptonshire police,2018,12,1,116-119,Spencer Human trafficking and labour exploitation in the casual construction industry: an analysis of three major investigations in the UK involving Irish Traveller offending groups,2018,12,2,129-149,Cockbain Mining police-recorded offence and incident data to inform a definition of repeat domestic abuse victimization for statistical reporting,2018,12,2,150-164,Brimicombe Preserving masculine dominance in the police force with gendered bullying and sexual harassment,2018,12,2,165-176,Steinþórsdóttir A co-responder model for policing mental health problems at crime hot spots: findings from a pilot project,2018,12,2,194-209,Weisburd Making sense of 'excited delirium' in cases of death after police contact,2018,12,4,361-371,Baker Defining vulnerability: from the conceptual to the operational,2018,12,4,428-438,Keay Comparing methods for measuring crime harm/severity,2018,12,4,439-454,Ashby Crime drop or police recording flop? On the relationship between the decrease of offline crime and the increase of online and hybrid crimes,2019,13,1,66-79,Caneppele 'It's mental health not mental police': a human rights approach to mental health triage and Section 136 of the Mental Health Act 1983,2019,13,2,123-133,Paterson Creating a culture of police officer wellness,2019,13,2,213-229,Cohen Thinking about crime prevention,2019,13,3,263-270,Gilling Elevating the scientific and public policy discourse on crime prevention: taking stock of the 'What Works' report's influence 20 years on,2019,13,3,271-285,Welsh Patterns of police fire and ambulance calls-for-service: scanning the spatio-temporal intersection of emergency service problems,2019,13,3,286-299,Townsley Self-selection policing and the disqualified driver,2019,13,3,300-311,Roach What is CPTED? Reconnecting theory with application in the words of users and abusers,2019,13,3,312-330,Monchuk Preventing radicalization in the UK: expanding the knowledge-base on the Channel programme,2019,13,3,331-344,Bouhana Deterrence of online child sexual abuse and exploitation,2019,13,3,345-362,Quayle Representative training with less risk: the effects of non-lethal training and conventional ammunition in police use of force training on heart rate variability,2019,13,4,411-425,Cole Police misconduct: mapping its location seriousness and theoretical underpinning,2019,13,4,455-469,Moss Police militarization in Canada: media rhetoric and operational realities,2019,13,4,470-482,Walby School resource officer perceptions and correlates of work roles,2019,13,4,498-516,Rhodes Psychological trauma risk management in the UK police service,2019,13,4,531-535,Hesketh Repercussions of the coalition governments austerity policy on community safety across Merseyside,2020,14,2,389-403,Evans Policing intimate partner violence: the 'golden thread' of discretion,2020,14,2,404-413,Walklate The criminal histories of drug-drive offenders,2020,14,2,456-468,Nunn Proposing a theoretical framework for the criminal investigation of human trafficking crimes,2020,14,2,493-511,Walsh Exploring the delivery of officer safety training: a case study,2020,14,1,166-180,Cushion The association between homicide risk and intimate partner violence arrest,2020,14,1,228-242,Campbell Unnecessary force by police: insights from evolutionary psychology,2020,14,1,278-291,Savage Abductions and disappearances in Bangladeshi policing,2020,14,3,643-656,Uddin Driving as an under-acknowledged risk in rural policing,2020,14,3,657-669,Spencer Missing children: on the extent patterns and correlates of repeat disappearances by young people,2020,14,3,698-711,Sidebottom Conceptions of success: understandings of successful policing of human trafficking,2020,14,3,712-725,Bjelland How do police officers cope with police corruption and corrupt peers? A typology in the making,2020,14,3,740-751,Constantinou Policing football fans in Switzerland--a case study involving fans stadium security employees and police officers,2020,14,4,865-882,Seiler Attitudes towards the use of violence against police among Occupy Wall Street protesters,2020,14,4,883-899,Wells Policing extreme political protest: a historical evaluation of police prejudice,2020,14,4,900-915,Channing Policing non-violent crowds: lessons from Kumbh Mela in India,2021,14,4,916-930,Verma Social identity and intergroup relationships in the management of crowds during mass emergencies and disasters: recommendations for emergency planners and responders,2020,14,4,931-944,Drury Police liaison officers at football: challenging orthodoxy through communication and engagement,2020,14,4,945-961,Hoggett Who's policing the crowd? A typology of officers who policed the 2011 Stanley Cup riot,2021,14,4,962-976,Davies Enabling an evidence-based approach to policing football in the UK,2020,14,4,977-994,Stott Public order policing approaches to minimize crowd confrontation during disputes and protests in Australia,2020,14,4,995-1014,Baker Comparison of methodologies used in homicide investigations to collect prioritize and eliminate persons of interest: a case study of three Dutch real-world homicide cases,2020,14,4,1166-1181,Barros Rank experience and attitudes towards domestic violence intervention: a moderated mediation analysis of Chinese police officers,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Sun The impact of foot pursuits on police use of force,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Stroshine The market for human smuggling into Europe: a macro perspective,2017,11,4,448-456,Campana Reforms and unexpected events: the influence of terrorist attacks on policing strategies,2021,15,1,288-298,Mouhanna The power context of police reform in Belgium--the Brussels case: a shift in the style of policing after the terrorist attacks,2021,15,1,299-313,Ponsaers What is community policing? Divergent agendas practices and experiences of transforming the police in Kenya,2021,15,1,399-411,Diphoorn Transformative policing technologies: balancing public safety privacy and community consent in vulnerable communities in the United States,2021,15,1,425-439,Chavis Community policing in schools: relationship-building and the responsibilities of school resource officers,2021,15,2,701-715,Broll PREVENT policing in practice--the need for evidenced-based research,2021,15,2,716-726,Dresser Exploring variation in police perceptions of de-escalation: do officer characteristics matter?,2021,15,2,727-740,White Young drivers deterrence theory and punishment avoidance: a qualitative exploration,2021,15,2,784-797,Bates Models of mental health triage for individuals coming to the attention of the police who may be experiencing mental health crisis: a scoping review,2021,15,2,859-895,Wright Assessing the UK Football Policing Unit funding of football banning orders in times of policing austerity,2021,15,2,1188-1201,Hester Thai police officers: a survey of police attitudes regarding traffic police training,2021,15,2,1274-1289,Cheurprakobkit Outcomes of police sexual misconduct in the UK,2021,15,2,1339-1351,Cole Victims and suspects of modern slavery: Identifying subgroups using latent class analysis,2021,15,2,1384-1398,Gadd The effects of body-worn cameras on violent police victimization,2021,15,2,1399-1416,Douglas Blurred and confused: the paradox of police in schools,2021,15,2,1546-1564,Mears Exploring young drivers' perceptions of procedurally just policing,2021,15,3,1933-1947,Bates The impact of crisis intervention team response dispatch coding and location on the outcomes of police encounters with individuals with mental illnesses in Chicago,2021,15,3,1948-1962,Compton Exploring the contribution and relationship to policing and community safety of volunteer street patrols,2021,15,4,2083-2094,Westall Safeguarding children: early trends of a police school-based intervention programme,2021,15,4,2269-2280,Davies Anti-police sentiment and police fear of victimization in the UK,2022,16,1,1-12,Reynolds Implementing a stand-alone investigative unit to clear non-fatal shooting cases,2022,16,1,204-217,Altheimer Smart policing: Abu Dhabi police AI/GPS-based initiative to reduce heavy vehicle driver violations,2022,16,2,260-269,Davies Police officer responses to deadly encounters with the public: understanding situational characteristics that impact decision-making,2022,16,3,355-369,Cook The 'criminalization' of the cop: how incremental systematic flaws lead to misunderstanding police calls for service involving persons with mental illness,2022,16,3,370-385,Mitchell The use of force in higher education policing: implications for policy and practice,2022,16,3,476-492,Hipple Blue is a colour for help: the role of police in de-escalating threats to a large university,2022,16,3,493-507,Scalora Trauma-informed sexual assault investigations training: lessons learned attempting to enhance sexual assault-related understanding and reduce rape myth beliefs and burnout among police officers,2022,16,4,539-559,Langhinrichsen-Rohling Too many hats? The role of police officers in drug enforcement and the community,2022,16,4,615-629,Butler The victim-offender overlaps among Australian youth missing persons,2022,16,4,707-718,Thomas Examining the spatial distribution and contextual correlates of body-worn camera adoption in the USA,2022,16,4,731-751,Zimmerman Child sexual abuse material online: the perspective of online investigators on training and support,2022,16,4,762-776,Leclerc Evidence-based risk assessment screening in police custody: The HELP-PC study in London UK,2014,8,2,174-182,Grubin COVID-19 and Mental Health: An Examination of 911 Calls for Service,2020,14,4,1112-1126,Lersch