Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Handprinting identification in a murder case,1975,8,4,156-159,Head Comparative toxicology in vitreous humor and blood,1975,8,4,126-131,Garriott A motor vehicle accident with an additional finding,1975,8,4,117-119,Lewis Interim report on blood alcohol levels of nighttime Canadian driving,1975,8,3,113-116, Aerosol propellant abuse and toxicity,1975,8,3,87-95,Poklis An unusual firearm suicide case ::: Cas de suicide avec une arme à feu peu usitée,1975,8,2,53-55,MacDonell Comparison of bullets fired from consecutively rifled Cooey. 22 calibre barrels,1975,8,2,49-52,Skolrood Rupture of the vaginal vault in coitus,1975,8,2,45-48,Emson Are convicts human?,1975,8,1,31-35,Le Riche Determination of diazepam in forensic toxicology,1975,8,1,27-29,Smart Research in traffic accidents,1974,7,4,255-263,Peart The analysis of illicit spirits,1974,7,3,188-205,Newton Remote sampling device for blood alcohol determinations,1974,7,2,106-126,Principe A critique of the methods available for carbon monoxide analysis in blood and tissues,1974,7,2,60-82,Kupferschmidt Evaluation of the Dflex® device for fire debris analysis,1994,27,3,99-123,Demers-Kohls Cocaine psychosis: Interpretation difficulties,1994,27,2,81-85,Dinn Terfenadine fatal poisoning: A case report,1994,27,1,43-46,Treacy Fatal nitrous oxide abuse,1994,27,1,35-41,Lantz Flashover: An arson defense tool,1994,27,1,15-18,Kooren Suicide using a bucksaw,1993,26,4,139-142,Avis Velocity measurements of projected bloodstains from a medium velocity impact source,1993,26,3,103-110,Sweet Prenatal paternity testing following sexual assault: A novel application of forensic DNA typing,1993,26,2,81-85,Waye The typical homicide that wasn't,1993,26,2,87-91,Davis Case report: Interpretation difficulties in a case involving fatal concentrations of both morphine and flurazepam,1993,26,1,37-42,Dinn Diflunisal overdose: A report of two cases,1993,26,1,33-35,Warren Water-related deaths in Brant County 1969-1992: A review of fifty-seven cases,1993,26,1,1-17,Wentworth Pentobarbital fatal poisoning: A report on two cases,1992,25,4,219-222,Kintz Multiple drug fatality involving fluvoxamine,1992,25,4,215-217,Holzbecher The crash on Cap Tourmente: Lockerbie presaged,1992,25,3,171-175,Murphy Cimetidine-induced fatality: Confirmation by HPLC-MS,1992,25,2,91-96,Lindsay Evaluation of blood-ethanol profiles after consumption of alcohol together with a large meal,1991,24,3,165-173,Neri The use of licit and illicit drugs by junior and senior high school students in rural communities: 1990,1991,24,3,125-130,Porter Determination of the temperature of the filament adjacent to the incandescent filament in a double beam headlight,1991,24,2,91-96,Murphy A study on the backward fragmentation of window glass and the transfer of glass fragments to individual's clothing,1991,24,2,79-89,Buckle The effect of asthma inhalers on the A.L.E.R.T. J3A Breathalyzer® 900A and Mark IV G.C. Intoximeter,1991,24,1,23-35,Westenbrink Case report: Two deaths due to asphyxiation in a manhole and analysis of the manhole gases,1991,24,1,1-4,Wigmore Considerations in the investigation of a sudden death--cause not readily apparent,1990,23,4,167-176,Shkrum A report on the incidence of drugs and driving in Canada,1990,23,2-3,75-79,Peel Evaporation rate of gasoline from shoes clothing wood and carpet materials and kerosene from shoes and clothing,1990,23,2-3,49-59,Beveridge Deaths due to diphenhydramine,1990,23,1,1-8,Shkrum The stability of ethanol in stored forensic blood samples,1989,22,4,335-339,Shajani Blood alcohol analysis: Comparison of whole blood analysis by gas chromatography with serum analysis by enzymatic method,1989,22,4,317-320,Shajani Death by inhalation of hydrogen cyanide,1989,22,1,97-99,Hutton A fatal case involving diltiazem,1988,21,3,135-137,Hutton Evaluation of the Alco-Sûr (Alco-Sensor) screening device,1988,21,3,106-113,Hodgson Identification of explosives' mixtures by tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS),1988,21,1-2,46-53,Yinon A surface feature specific to polished plate and polished wired plate glass,1987,20,4,155-156,Sild Diatom analysis lives on,1987,20,4,101-102,Antonenko Ethanol absorption after bolus ingestion of an alcoholic beverage: A medico-legal problem. Part II,1987,20,2,61-69,Dittmar Evaluation of three pocket-size breath alcohol analyzers,1987,20,1,19-27,Hodgson Diatom Analysis in the Determination of Death by Drowning,1987,20,1,1-11,Antonenko Recommended standards and procedures of the Alcohol Test Committee,1986,19,3,164-191,Lucas The effect of impact on the filaments of quartz halogen headlamps,1986,19,2,77-82,Beveridge The incidence of ethanol and acetone in the blood and urine of victims of sexual assault,1986,19,1,49-58,Ward Identification of two unusual pipe bomb fillers,1985,18,4,222-226,Fung Radio frequency interference (RFI): Effects on evidentiary breath testing using the Breathalyzer® models 900 and 900a,1985,18,4,211-221,Shajani Evaluation of vitreous humor and urine alcohol levels as indices of blood alcohol levels in 75 autopsy cases,1985,18,2,97-104,Neil Death by fright: A question of causation,1985,18,2,92-96,Ferris Physiologic estimation of ability to blow adequately on the A.L.E.R.T. and the Borkenstein Breathalyzer,1985,18,1,53-55,Roos Blood alcohol concentrations reached in human subjects after consumption of alcoholic beverages in a social setting,1985,18,1,38-48,Shajani Alcohol tolerance and its significance in driving,1985,18,1,1-23,DeLuca Elimination of ethanol in humans,1984,17,4,182-196,Holzbecher The effectiveness of laboratory methods in assisting vehicle fire investigations,1984,17,4,143-158,Hrynchuk A case report of suspected sulindac poisoning,1984,17,2,71-76,Archibald The analysis of ethyleneglycolmononitrate and monomethylamine nitrate from commercial blasting agents in post blast samples,1984,17,2,35-40,Krebs Death by crucifixion,1984,17,1,1-13,Zugibe A study of purge readings and the reproducibility and accuracy for repeated sampling of standard vapours with the Breathalyzer,1983,16,4,192-197,Shajani The effect of non-ethanolic volatiles on the measurement of blood ethanol concentrations with an A.L.E.R.T. roadside screening device,1982,15,3-4,133-145,Papple A computerized system for the identification of suspect vehicles involved in hit and run accidents,1982,15,3-4,105-115,Cameron Carbon monoxide and cyanide inhalation,1982,15,2,81-86,Rousseau Ethanol absorption after bolus ingestion of an alcoholic beverage: A medico-legal problem. Part I,1982,15,2,57-66,Dittmar Suicide by self-inflicted head injury with nail (stud) gun. A case report,1981,14,4,188-191,Fekete Cannabinoid content of Colombian cannabis,1981,14,2,41-45,Tucker Acetaminophen fatality--a case report,1981,14,1,32-33,Perry Breathalyzer® tests with the equilibrator and the effect of room temperature,1981,14,1,1-13,Wells Impairment by drugs--short communication,1980,13,4,22-24,Stevenson A report of a barbital suicide and a limited study of tissue extraction procedures relative to barbital,1980,13,4,17-20,Perry Analysis of LSD in urine using radioimmunoassay--excretion and storage effects,1980,13,3,23-28,Peel Solvent and aerosol abuse: An annotated bibliography of recent literature,1980,13,3,9-22,Hensman Propoxyphene-associated fatalities in Ontario: Incidence and forensic toxicological aspects,1979,12,4,173-180,Cimbura Cannabinoid content of a stand of cannabis grown clandestinely in Nova Scotia,1979,12,4,163-172,Tucker Strychnine overdose in man,1979,12,3,125-131,Drost Exploiting psychology in the name of the law: What benefits what dangers?,1979,12,3,121-124,Smith Cyanide levels in body fluids and organs of a suicide victim,1979,12,2,90,Archibald Alcohol and other factors in fatal motorcycle collisions: A preliminary analysis,1979,12,2,65-75,Warren Applications of meteorology to legal services in Ontario,1979,12,2,57-64,Lawford Characteristics of fatally injured impaired pedestrians,1979,12,1,31-40,Warren Research strategies in the study of fatalities,1978,11,4,275-281,Warren Indium encapsulation of breath samples for alcohol content--a review and report,1978,11,4,261-273,Comeau A data base on traffic fatalities,1978,11,3,215-220,Warren Ballistic pendulums,1978,11,2,182-184,Macwha Test bullet recovery,1978,11,2,181,Churchman The history of the science of firearms identification in Canada,1978,11,2,178-180,Kirby Forensic toxicology in Canada,1978,11,2,129-142,Cimbura Blood breath and urine--alcohol analysis in Canada,1978,11,2,75-82,Lucas A study of automobile fires,1978,11,1,15-21,Hyrnchuk The Breath Test Committee of the Canadian Society of Forensic Science,1977,10,4,135-138,Lucas Roadside screening for impaired drivers in canada,1977,10,4,117-122,Bowthorpe An evaluation of a coin-operated breath self-tester,1977,10,2,61-64,Picton An evaluation of the Alcohol Level Evaluation Roadside Tester (Alert) under laboratory and field conditions,1977,10,2,57-60,Picton Twenty years of breath testing in the Royal Canadian Mounted Police,1977,10,2,51-56,Hoday Vacuum distillation for the recovery of fire accelerants from charred debris,1977,10,2,41-50,Cameron Carbon monoxide and hemoglobin determinations in autopsy blood samples,1977,10,1,13-25,Kupferschmidt The charcoal cartridge--its use in the isolation of drugs from biological fluids,1977,10,1,1-5,Hindmarsh Comparison of the UV differential and the GLC methods for the quantitation of barbiturates in blood,1976,9,3,113-116,Cimbura The classification of automotive paint by diamond window infrared spectrophotometry part iii: Case histories,1976,9,3,103-111,Rodgers Acute arsine poisoning: Report of two cases in the Montreal region,1976,9,2,87-93,Pothel Report of a fatal case involving seven drugs,1976,9,2,86,Eisler A rapid analysis of accelerants in fire debris,1976,9,2,75-80,Yip The classification of automotive paint by diamond window infrared spectrophotometry part II: Automotive topcoats and undercoats,1976,9,2,49-68,Rodgers Alcohol and other drug testing in traffic deaths: A report on current practices in Canada,1976,9,1,27-41,Simpson The classification of automobile paint by diamond window infrared spectrophotometry Part i: Binders and pigments,1976,9,1,1-14,Rodgers A case of impaired driving and the role of cocaine: Analytical considerations and interpretation,2004,37,3,163-168,Dinn A case of suicide by ingestion of completely decomposed pesticide diazinon,2006,39,3,141-151,Kanamori A comparison of blood alcohol concentrations estimated from drinking histories of drivers charged with "over 80" and their Intoxilyzer® 5000C results,2004,37,4,187-195,Wigmore A comparison of drug concentrations in postmortem cardiac and peripheral blood in 320 cases,1995,28,2,113-121,Dalpe-Scott A comparison of equal alcohol doses of beer and whiskey on eleven human test subjects,2004,37,3,137-145,Cowan A confiscation case involving a novel barbiturate designer drug,2000,33,3,103-110,Suzuki A death involving an overdose of clozapine,1995,28,2,127-130,Jones A death involving propofol,2001,34,1,27-30,Treacy A fatal methamphetamine overdose at the site of a clandestine laboratory,1995,28,2,107-111,Caughlin A fatality involving 5-methoxy-N N-diisopropyltryptamine ("foxy") and cocaine,2008,41,3,165-170,Pon A Murder in Moncton,2001,34,4,205-208,Fraser A rare fatality attributed to an overdose of Cimetidine,2003,36,2,73-76,Jones A review of fire-related deaths in alberta,2010,43,4,171-180,Waterhouse A review of toxicological findings in fatal hydrogen fluoride exposures and a report of two cases,1995,28,4,271-276,Poklis A simulation of the effect of blood in the mouth on breath alcohol concentrations of drinking subjects,2002,35,1,9-16,Wigmore A statistical evaluation of calibration check intervals,2011,44,2,41-46,Rosland A study of contamination in fire debris containers,1999,32,2-3,75-83,Lang A suicide by firearm: Three shots ::: Un Suicide par arme À Feu en Trois Temps,2002,35,4,223-227,Escard A survey of Canadian gasolines (2004),2007,40,3,105-130,Sandercock A survey of primer residues produced by contemporary powder-actuated tool rounds and their relation to gunshot residue,2011,44,3,81-88,Gerard Ability of commercially available "date-rape" drug test kits to detect gamma-hydroxybutyrate in popular drinks,2007,40,3,131-141,Child Ability of subjects with impaired respiratory function to provide a satisfactory breath sample for the Alcotest® 7410 breath alcohol device,1998,31,4,269-274,Hurst Accuracy reliability and safety of Luminol in bloodstain investigation,2002,35,3,113-121,Castelló Alcohol and driving: The development of law enforcement countermeasures in Canada,2009,42,4,237-251,Lucasi An evaluation of the Intoxilyzer® 8000C evidential breath alcohol analyzer,2011,44,1,22-30,Martin An interesting example of barrel rupture: The importance of using a remote firing platform,2013,46,3,170-172,Salisbury An investigation of DNA recovery from firearms and cartridge cases,2006,39,4,217-228,Polley An unusual postmortem urine--blood alcohol ratio: Beware of urine dilution from catheter use,2006,39,1,25-27,Wigmore An unusual use for the herbicide glyphosate: A case report,1997,30,4,191-197,Sandercock Anileridine fatalities: An update,2000,33,2,61-64,Singer Anileridine: The Alberta experience,1996,29,2,77-86,Singer Application of a solid-phase microextraction technique for the detection of urinary methamphetamine and amphetamine by gas chromatography,1996,29,2,43-48,Kinoshita Aquatic misadventures: Water related deaths in the Hamilton-Wentworth region 1989-1994,1996,29,3,165-173,Chorneyko Are mouth alcohol defenses "valid" or "invalid"? The BAC Datamaster C™ "invalid sample" status message,2002,35,3,153-158,Dagenais Blood alcohol and breath alcohol comparisons using the Intox EC/IR II,2012,45,4,195-200,Korkosh Blood alcohol determination with automated solid phase microextraction (SPME): A comparison with static headspace sampling,1997,30,1,7-12,Penton Blood/breath correlations: Intoxilyzer® 5000C Alcotest® 7110 and Breathalyzer® 900A breath alcohol analyzers,1995,28,2,153-164,Hodgson Bloodstain pattern reconstruction--a hammer attack,2005,38,1,9-19,Elliot Capillary zone electrophoresis in a comprehensive screen for basic drugs in whole blood,1995,28,2,137-152,Malcolm Capillary zone electrophoresis in a comprehensive screen for drugs of forensic interest in whole blood: An update,1998,31,1,1-29,Malcolm Carboxyhemoglobin (COHb) saturations in sudden unexpected deaths of children under two years of age in Ontario,2002,35,2,91-95,Martin Characteristics of arrested drinking drivers with the highest Intoxilyzer® 5000C results in Toronto: Drinking and driving not only at night or on weekends,2004,37,1,1-8,Wigmore Cimetidine and the blood alcohol curve: A case study and review,1995,28,2,165-170,Westenbrink Comparison of ethanol concentrations in saliva and blood,2002,35,4,229-235,Gubala Death following moclobemide and venlafaxine overdose,2005,38,1,25-33,House Death resulting from high blood alcohol concentration and blunt trauma,2004,37,2,119-121,Johnston Deaths due to lightning strike. case report and discussion of a well documented fatality,1996,29,4,213-220,King Decreasing the mouth alcohol effect by increasing the salivary flow rate,2003,36,4,211-216,Wigmore Degradation of gasoline barbecue starter fluid and diesel fuel by microbial action in soil,2001,34,2,49-62,Hrynchuk Determination of serum alcohol: Blood alcohol ratios,1995,28,2,123-126,Bowthorpe Determination of the cooling rate for an incandescent headlight filament,1997,30,2,61-64,Murphy Determining an appropriate standard for duplicate breath test agreement,2006,39,1,15-24,Gullberg DNA evidence in the Christine Jessop homicide case,1998,31,1,55-62,Williamson Drugs and driving in the United Kingdom,1999,32,1,47-53,Rudram Duplicate breath alcohol testing: Should the statutory wait in Canada of "at least 15 minutes" between tests be changed?,2005,38,1,1-8,Wigmore Evaluation of a portable gas chromatograph for the detection of ignitable liquids,2005,38,4,191-203,Du Pasquier Evaluation of breath alcohol profiles following a period of social drinking,2000,33,3,137-144,Bowthorpe Evaluation of the Breathalyzer® 7410-CDN evidential breath alcohol analyzer,1998,31,4,263-267,Hodgson Evaluation of the Dräger Alcotest 7110 MKIII Dual C evidential breath alcohol analyzer,2001,34,3,95-101,Hodgson Evidential breath testing for alcohol: Parliament the science and the courts,2013,46,1,59-78,Yost Examination of a deployed airbag for DNA and cosmetics to answer the "driver question",2002,35,3,165-175,Burton Fatal intoxication with propoxur--a carbamate insecticide,1997,30,1,13-15,Jones Fatality due to sodium fluoride ingestion--suicide or accident?,2009,42,1,69-74,Kumar Forensic engineering,1997,30,1,21-26,Kooren Forensic science and the internet,1996,29,2,87-92,Tessarolo Formaldehyde poisoning: Two case reports,2007,40,2,35-38,Jones Freshwater-related death investigations in British Columbia in 1995-1996. A review of coroners cases,1999,32,2-3,97-106,Anderson Gunshot residue-similar particles produced by fireworks,1998,31,3,157-168,Sild Hangings in Alberta with special reference to outdoor hangings with decomposition,1999,32,2-3,85-96,Dowling In-depth headspage GC/MS analysis of alkyl nitrites,1999,32,4,141-153,Rossi Incidence of "invalid sample" screen messages on the Intoxilyzer® 5000C obtained from arrested drinking drivers in Toronto. is a 15 to 20 minute wait period warranted?,2006,39,3,101-114,Patrick Intoxilyzer® 5000C or Alcotest® 7410 GLC as headspace analyser for alcohol in beverages,2001,34,3,103-107,Krishnan Mothers who murder: A comparative study of filicide and neonaticide,1995,28,3,201-213,Logan Observations of GSR on the hands of employees at firearms manufacturing facilities,2011,44,3,105-109,Gerard Observations of gunshot residue associated with police officers their equipment and their vehicles,2012,45,2,57-63,Gerard Order declaring certain types of ammunition to be prohibited weapons (Prohibited Weapons Order no. 10): Some anticipated problems for Canadian firearms examiners,1995,28,1,59-100,Koffler Passive exposure and persistence of gunshot residue (GSR) on bystanders to a shooting: Comparison of shooter and bystander exposure to GSR,2011,44,3,89-96,Gerard Possible impairment by venlafaxine: A case report,1998,31,1,31-33,Malcolm Precision of breath alcohol testing in the field using the Intoxilyzer® 5000C and the paradox of truncation,2006,39,2,55-64,Patrick Pseudoabuse of children: A matter of sensitivity and specificity,1995,28,1,55-58,Davis Recommended standards and procedures of the Canadian Society of Forensic Science Alcohol Test Committee,1998,31,4,205-231,Lucas Recommended standards and procedures of the Canadian Society of Forensic Science Alcohol Test Committee,2003,36,3,101-127,Hodgson Recommended standards and procedures of the Canadian Society of Forensic Science Alcohol Test Committee,2013,46,1,1-23,Harding Recommended standards and procedures of the Canadian Society of Forensic Science Alcohol Test Committee,1995,28,1,1-25,Lucas Recovery of DNA from exhibits contaminated with chemical warfare agents: A preliminary study of the effect of decontamination agents and chemical warfare agents on DNA,2007,40,1,15-22,Sweet Remote sensing as a tool for the detection of clandestine mass graves,2006,39,1,1-13,Kalacska Royal Canadian Mounted Police Toxicology Services 75 years of service 1937-2012,2013,46,1,79-81,Fromm Sampling of highly volatile accelerants at the fire scene,2003,36,4,197-205,Hong Serum blood and breath alcohol results in a case of impaired driving causing bodily harm,2004,37,4,223-227,Elliot Severe meprobamate intoxication: In death as in life?,1996,29,2,73-76,Jones Six generations of breath alcohol testing instruments: Changes in the detection of breath alcohol since 1930. an historical overview,2009,42,4,276-283,Wigmore Solvent abuse--changes in attitudes and knowledge?,1997,30,1,17-20,Taylor Sourcing paint smears: A hate crime highlights the utility of the Paint Data Query (PDQ) Database,2012,45,2,79-88,Wright Sudden cardiac death due to toluene inhalation from lacquer thinner,2003,36,3,161-164,Hodgson Suicide in Metropolitan St. John's 1988-1994,1996,29,3,119-125,Avis Suicide involving multiple cranial gunshot wounds,1996,29,3,137-142,Shkrum The analysis of fire debris samples by GC/MS/MS,1997,30,4,185-189,Sutherland The course of the blood-alcohol curve after consumption of large amounts of alcohol under realistic conditions,2006,39,3,125-140,Jones The diatom test for drowning in Ontario,1996,29,4,205-211,Pollanen The directional analysis of bloodstain patterns theory and experimental validation,2001,34,4,173-189,Carter The effect of an elevated serum methanol concentration on the Intoxilyzer 5000C results of a drinking driver,2008,41,3,171-174,Wigmore The effect of non-ethanolic substances on the Alcolmeter S-L2,1995,28,2,131-135,Pennington The effect of water-soluble OC "pepper" spray on select infrared and electrochemical breath alcohol instruments,2009,42,4,266-275,Lutmer The effects of ammunition brand and firearm use on IBIS correlation scores,2005,38,2,69-83,Bernard The examination and assessment of female victims of acute sexual assault,1996,29,4,239-248,McNair The identification of heat strengthened glass in windshields,1997,30,4,181-184,Edmondstone The involvement of drugs in driving in Canada: an update to 1994,1996,29,2,93-98,Jeffery The long range deposition of gunshot residue and the mechanism of its transportation,2011,44,3,97-104,Gerard The mainstream media's influence on students' perceptions of the study of criminology,2008,41,2,73-81,Shirlaw The mouth alcohol effect after a "mouthful" of beer under social conditions,2000,33,4,193-198,Wigmore The performance of the approved screening device the Alcotest® 7410 GLC in the field: Low incidence of false positive results in the identification of drinking drivers,2003,36,3,165-171,Wigmore The persistence of seminal constituents on panties after laundering. significance to investigations of sexual assault,2003,36,1,1-10,Jobin The pharmacology of moclobemide and its fatal drug interactions in overdose,2000,33,3,111-117,Singer The possible contamination of fire scenes by the use of positive pressure ventilation fans,2000,33,2,55-60,Lang The Purell® defence: Can the use of alcohol-containing hand sanitizers cause an elevated breath or blood alcohol concentration?,2009,42,2,147-151,Wigmore The retention and transfer of spermatozoa in clothing by machine washing,1996,29,1,7-11,Kafarowski The role of the Alcohol Test Committee in evaluating evidentiary breath test instruments and screening devices: The process in approving equipment and monitoring equipment modifications,2009,42,1,63-67,Pon The significance of breath sampling frequency on the mouth alcohol effect,2002,35,4,185-193,Wigmore The validity of evidential breath alcohol testing,2008,41,2,83-96,Hodgson Transdermal alcohol measurement: A review of the literature,2006,39,2,65-71,Hawthorne Truncation of breath alcohol measurements and its effect on peak concentrations,2011,44,1,13-21,Smith Two caffeine-related fatalities,2004,37,2,111-118,House Use of computer assisted tomography for wound-weapon comparison of lethal skull fractures,1996,29,2,49-55,Blenkinsop Use of elisa for the detection of common drugs of abuse in forensic whole blood samples,1995,28,4,261-269,Perrigo Radio frequency interference messages during breath testing of suspected impaired drivers using the Intoxilyzer® 5000C: a 13-year retrospective analysis,2016,49,3,127-137,Woodall The potential for a forensic study of drug trafficking in Canada based on data collected on online crypto-markets,2016,49,4,161-175,Crispino Forensic ballistics analysis of an unusual/unrifled/homemade firearm in the absence of the action,2017,50,4,175-180,Ghadage Measurement of uncertainty for blood alcohol concentration by headspace gas chromatography,2017,50,3,114-124,Hwang The effect of non-alcoholic food and beverage consumption on preliminary breath alcohol testing by the Dräger Alcotest 6810 and Alco-Sensor FST,2017,50,3,131-145,Martin An assessment of oral fluid drug screening devices,2017,50,2,55-63,Beirness High-speed video analysis of crown formation dynamics of controlled weapon-head impacts on to three surface types,2017,50,2,64-73,Stotesbury Intoxilyzer® 8000C breath results obtained from a suspected impaired driver following reported occupational solvent exposure,2017,50,2,84-89,Woodall The response of the Intox EC/IR II to isopropanol and isopropanol/ethanol mixtures,2018,51,3-4,67-82,Chan Gunshot residue and airbags: Part I. Assessing the risk of deployed automotive airbags to produce particles similar to gunshot residue,2018,51,2,48-57,Laflèche A survey of fire debris casework in Canada 2011-2016,2018,51,1,26-37,Sandercock Gunshot residue and airbags: Part II. A case study,2019,52,1,26-32,Laflèche Case report: identification of elemental mercury,2019,52,3,122-128,Sandercock The combined effects of alcohol and common psychoactive drugs: field studies with an instrumented automobile,1975,8,2,57-64,Leblanc Modifications proposed to the Canadian Society of Forensic Science Alcohol Test Committee: October 2014 to October 2019,2020,53,1,41-42,Mendes Evidential breath testing for alcohol Parliament the science and the courts (Part 2),2020,53,2,83-94,Yost A review of human decomposition in marine environments,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Anderson Cadaver transport in large river systems: winter case study in the South Saskatchewan River,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Walker Case report; Rocuronium related fatality,1998,31,4,313-317,Warren Case report: Detection of neo-formation of ethanol in a postmortem blood sample using N-propanol and a urine sample,2000,33,3,145-149,Wiomore Examination of factors surrounding human decomposition in freshwater: A review of body recoveries and coroner cases in British Columbia,2004,37,1,9-17,Petrik Fatality due to sodium fluoride ingestion - Suicide or accident? (Canadian Society of Forensic Science Journal (2009) 42 1 (69-74)),2009,42,2,e159,Kumar The preservation and imaging of knotted exhibits,2023,56,3,143-160,Chisnall