Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Reflections on seven ways of creating power,2003,6,1,87-113,Haugaard The rise and decline of national habitus: Dutch cycling culture and the shaping of national similarity,2013,16,1,17-35,Kuipers Forms of brutality: Towards a historical sociology of violence,2013,16,3,273-291,Malešević Hannah Arendt violence and vitality,2013,16,3,357-376,Swift Mark of Cain: Shame desire and violence,2013,16,3,292-309,Ray Regimes of violence and the trias violentiae,2013,16,3,310-325,Schinkel The paradox of political violence,2013,16,3,342-356,Ayyash The visual fix: The seductive beauty of images of violence,2013,16,3,326-341,Kilby Sociologies of the South and the actor-network-theory: possible convergences for an ontoformative sociology,2016,19,4,485-502,Rosa