Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Medical confidentiality and child abuse: Does new child protection law bring clear practical guidelines for medical professionals in Germany?,2010,22,1,33-47,Fangerau Is the institutionalization and legalization of assistance to suicide dangerous? A critical analysis of counterarguments,2007,19,3,200-214,Fenner The discussion about euthanasia and the description of palliative medicine in German newspapers,2009,21,4,289-305,May Is physician-assisted suicide justifiable when the patient is worried about being a burden to others?,2012,24,3,193-205,Bleek May the Kiel Doctors' Day prohibit the physician-assisted suicide? Yes!,2013,25,1,73-77,Wenker May the Kiel Doctors' Day prohibit the physician-assisted suicide? No!,2013,25,1,67-71,Wiesing Assisted suicide: The position of sciences: Berlin June 15 2015,2015,27,3,259-262,Henking Contra organized assisted suicide,2015,27,2,167-170,Hohendorf Is voluntarily stopping eating and drinking a form of suicide?,2015,27,4,315-324,Birnbacher Physician-assisted suicide and the common good: On the question concerning the ethical justification of a prohibition of physician-assisted suicide in a liberal society,2015,27,2,141-154,Kipke Pro organized assisted suicide,2015,27,2,163-166,Merkel New sanction of physician-assisted suicide in German criminal law?: Critical considerations from a legal and ethical perspective,2016,28,2,121-134,Vollmann The meaningful life and the life in dignity in medical ethics,2021,33,4,503-520,Muders The denial of meaning in life. Why assisted suicide concerns us all,2021,33,4,521-538,Kipke Nursing care and assisted suicide: Social responsibility and ethical implications - Food for thought for profession and society (August 15 2022). Consensus and joint opinion of the working groups "Nursing Care and Ethics I" and "Nursing Care and Ethics II" in the Academy of Ethics in Medicine (AEM),2022,34,4,709-714,Bock Why assisted suicide is not an entitlement,2022,34,2,161-176,Birnbacher