Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Violence and community terms in conflict: an ecological approach to resilience,2002,11,4,265-278,Clauss-Ehlers A feminist analysis of flight of abused women plight of canadian shelters: another road to homelessness,2002,11,4,307-324,Sev'er Domestic violence in african-american and african-caribbean families,1994,3,1,23-38,Brice-Baker Sources of family violence,1994,3,3,213-228,Herron Introduction to the special issue on a multicultural view of domestic violence,1994,3,1,1-5,Herron Introduction to another special issue on a multicultural view of domestic violence: Part II,1994,3,3,207-212,Herron Marital violence: An integrated systems approach,1994,3,1,39-51,Mones Sociocultural and epidemiological issues in the assessment of domestic violence,1994,3,1,7-21,Wyatt Homeless Violence and the Informal Rules of Street Life,1996,5,4,369-380,Anderson Characteristics of Homeless Jail Inmates: Implications for Social Work,1992,1,2,145-155,Blakely Understanding Violence in the School: Moral and Psychological Factors,1998,7,2,137-157,Chisholm Barriers to healthcare for American Indians experiencing homelessness,2017,26,1,1-8,Walls Suicide among justice-involved veterans: a brief overview of extant research theoretical conceptualization and recommendations for future research,2021,30,1,41-49,Holliday Characteristics of the homeless mentally ill in case management: Differentiation using major diagnostic categories,1994,3,2,163-173,Worthington Couch-surfing and mental health outcomes among sexual minority adolescents,2024,33,1,186-197,Schrager