Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Hispanic fathers and risk for maltreatment in father-involved families of young children,2011,2,2,125-142,Taylor The effectiveness of policy interventions for school bullying: a systematic review,2017,8,1,45-69,Hall Scaling up a multifaceted violence prevention package: county-level impact of the North Carolina Youth Violence Prevention Center,2017,8,1,19-44,Guo Adolescent alcohol use: the effects of parental knowledge peer substance use and peer tolerance of use,2018,9,1,69-87,Hernandez Examining impacts of a peer-based mindfulness and yoga intervention to reduce interpersonal violence among young adults experiencing homelessness,2021,12,1,41-57,Rice Randomized controlled trial of solution-focused brief therapy for substance-use-disorder-affected parents involved in the child welfare system,2021,12,3,545-568,Brook Applying the disclosure decision-making model to suicide-related disclosure: a theory-informed multilevel social network analysis,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Fulginiti Integrating trauma-informed care and collective impact: perspectives of service providers working with cross-system youth,2021,12,1,59-81,Bowen Differences in school staff attitudes perceptions self-efficacy beliefs and intervention likelihood by form of student victimization,2021,12,1,83-107,Williford COVID-19 experiences and parental mental health,2021,12,2,283-302,Han The relationship between youth sport participation and aggressive and violent behaviors: a scoping review of the literature,2021,12,2,371-389,Newman Experiences of psychosis among transition-age youth attending an outpatient clinic in a low-resourced community,2021,12,2,409-419,Munson Bullying victimization and internalizing problems of foreign-born and U.S.-born Latino/Hispanic and Asian adolescents in the United States: the moderating role of parental monitoring,2021,12,3,445-464,Espelage Family conflicts coping skills depressive symptoms and gender among Korean American adolescents: mediating effects of self-esteem,2021,12,3,465-488,Shibusawa Psychometric properties of the CES-D among Black adolescents in public housing,2017,8,4,595-619,Lindsey Who goes to college? Social capital and other predictors of college enrollment for foster-care youth,2017,8,4,563-593,Courtney Depressive symptoms and suicidal ideation from adolescence to young adulthood in Chinese American and Filipino American youth,2017,8,4,621-643,Park Investigating the effects of commonly implemented school safety strategies on school social work practitioners in the United States,2017,8,4,511-538,Theriot Understanding the relationships among poverty child maltreatment and child protection involvement: perspectives of service users and practitioners,2022,13,1,117-141,Saar-Heiman A validity and measurement equivalence study of the ultra-short suicidal ideation scale with older adults,2014,5,4,439-459,Cummings Factor structure and validity of the K6 scale for adults with suicidal ideation,2015,7,1,43-63,Harrington Predicting changes in behavioral health professionals' clinical practice skills for recognizing and responding to suicide risk,2015,7,1,23-41,Osteen Suicide attempt status and quality of life disparity among individuals with schizophrenia: A longitudinal analysis,2016,7,2,269-288,Fulginiti Factors associated with discrimination in social-service settings among a sample of transgender and gender-nonconforming adults,2018,9,3,431-448,Klein Getting to the Root of the Problem: A Decision-Tree Analysis for Suicide Risk Among Young People Experiencing Homelessness,2022,13,2,327-352,Rice Validation of the Interpersonal Needs Questionnaire Among Korean Older Adults: Factor Structure and Convergent Validity,2022,13,2,305-325,Ko Trusted Adults as a Protective Factor for Bullying and Suicide Attempts Among Youth Across Differences in Race Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity,2023,14,2,313-336,Walls